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Revision as of 07:25, 23 April 2008 by Darloth (talk) (Sleep well!)
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(If I ever have the scarlet empress reappear fresh from the depths of malfeas, this will probably infect everyone nearby. Or maybe not, it's also very abyssal.)

This terrible disease is quite unique in that never does it cause its victims any physical pain. It is often lethal, and usually breaks hearts and destroys the morale of any community it strikes, but it is quiet and gentle to its victims.

There are no outward signs of being infected with Scarlet Requiem, instead, the only known symptom sets in after the victim goes to sleep. All of their pores loosen and begin slowly bleeding, staining the bed and dripping down onto the floor. Most will never feel it happen, and will simply pass from sleep to death through blood loss, the first anyone knows about it being when a loved one finds the victim's corpse in the morning. By then of course it is too late, for Scarlet Requiem has an incubation period of 5-10 days, and is transmitted mainly through contamination of water sources by bodily fluids. Direct contact with bodily fluids (such as the copious amount of blood produced when the disease manifests) is also a likely vector of infection. The blood produced by this refuses to coagulate normally, and will continue to flow, so that a village struck by an epidemic of the disease often flows red with blood, which tends to get into nearby streams and spread the disease further. Even so, the fact that everyone died in their sleep creates a poignancy to the scene which grants this disease many admirers amongst abyssals, suitibly minded infernals and demons, and even some of the fair folk.


To follow. Heck, I'm not even sure what circle this is! Been ages since I touched the disease rules.
