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Session 1

The old Sidereal told them that there was something odd happening with the Tapestry of Fate. Patterns had changed, and the causes were invisible to him. Taking out a large map of the South, he spread it across the massive dining table and weighed it down with heavy sticks on the ends.

"This is about where the problem is. Keep an eye out for anything that doesn't belong, then come back and tell me all about it." He jabbed his finger at the area known as Calan's Tears, which was several days south. And so the motley crew departed- a Solar, a Dragon-Blood, and an Abyssal.

The Abyssal known only as Oblivion Bandit cut through the underbrush with his soulsteel daiklave, wearing a funeral cloak and adorned with skull-shaped ivory shoulder pads. It was sweltering this time of year, in the month of Ascending Fire. Behind him trudged Gyoukou and Byron. Dimly, the trio realized that they could hear the sounds of battle, and clambered through the undergrowth and low bushes towards the sound.

They saw a giant of a man adorned with orichalcum fighting off what appeared to be First Age automata. Then the giant swung a great golden sword and cleaved one of the creatures in twain, and they realized they were men. There was a great golden head sticking out of the ground, mouth wide open, and there were more of the oddly clad men armed with strange weapons that fired arrow-like things. Not knowing anything better to do, the three joined the fray with the intent of helping the giant out, though they were not sure why they felt they should help the giant instead of the men.

The battle went on for a few moments, with volleys of the strange arrows fired from the rear. The giant was unfortunate enough that the arrows hit something vital, and the trio saw what looked like raw Essence leaking from the midsection of the giant. Angered by this sleight to his person, the giant ripped arm from the nearest man and killed him. Clearly outmatched, the men retreated into the mouth.

The head spoke, addressing the giant. "It is inevitable that you will return to us, Golden Exalt, for it is Autochthon's will." The giant sneered and spat at the words, and was struck by beams of Essence from the massive head, throwing him backwards into the trees and rendering him unconsious. The Circle decided that such a giant would be somethign to bring to the Sidereal, and carried him until he woke.

The giant introduced himself as being an Exalted of Autochthon and called the Golden Exalt of Yugash by his peers. He related to them the world of Autochthonia and the Locust Crusade as he knows it. The Golden Exalt travels with them, seeing potential allies in his quest to convince Autochthonia to establish peaceful relations with Creation.