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No History

Memory... what is memory? Why should we be so attached to it? The pattern of life turning into death has been a constant since... the beginning. Eventually, it will all end. I will play my part, as I have been since my name was first taken... not by my Lord and Master, but by the edge of the blade that broke the mind and scattered those memories like ash in the wind.

That is my only memory of the time before I came into my own. Blood, violence, suffering, turmoil. I was a slayer, a sellsword. Only starting, but I had already made my mark... a huge man with a hefty blade made many marks, most of their blood red.

That one day... betrayal. I was to be a decoy, sent to die so that other, softer people may live. I'd accepted the job and its hefty bounty, thinking I would be done with shedding blood for years afterwards. In a way, I was right. Nonetheless, I put up an immense fight for my life, as any sane man would. It wasn't enough, and soon I was slipping away. They had left me there to die, and soon I lay amongst the countless bodies of men I'd sent to the mouth of the End of All.


There was... a chill, a bone-slashing cold. I felt it as I stared up into the moonlight, and I was certain that I'd soon become yet another piece of meat. Then... I heard him. Soft, gentle, soothing, in the back of my still mind. He posed the single most important question I'd ever been asked in my existance. There were only two choices... to simply slip away, or to surrender my name and serve... to slay again.

With what little mindpower I could muster, I thought of those who'd laid me low, and those who'd paid me to go to my seeming death. It was clear that I was already dead and gone... but I would not let them escape the same fate.

Thus, my name was eaten again, this time eternally. I heard my Master laugh, and then... I was lifted up on high. I did not know then, but the bodies of those I'd slain rose one last time, empty husks bearing me towards my first stop on the great path to becoming an agent of destruction. I could not move, could not speak, could barely think. I was too focused on the strange calm that had settled inside me... it was almost peaceful.


Terrifying. Difficult. Long, grueling, and... strangely fulfilling. I learned more in the depths of the Labyrinth than I imagine I'd ever learned in life. Once done, I surrendered myself to my Master's benefactors, and they saw me worthy of my desire. Thus, my name was truly devoured, and I was given to my Master to spend time in preparing for the final part of my initiation into eternity.

It was then that, perhaps with slight amusement, my Master called my what I am known as now, the Twice-Eaten Name of the One Who Seeks the Crimson River. This time, however, I would throw away that old name forever, like an old bit of clothing...

Returning to 'Work'

My mission was, in a way, the same that it was in life. To find strife, to find war, and to spread the gospel of death in the only way I knew how; by the blade. And oh, what a blade my Master had granted unto me. Massive, yet light as a feather as soon as I made it one with my Essence.

It has served me well so far. I sought out those who had seen to my demise, and painted the walls of their abode with my blood, along with their families. The remnant of those barbarians I'd been sent to slay soon followed. I readily admit that I took great pleasure in watching them scatter... the circle had been complete. Now it was time to make a new one.

The Girl

From then on, I made my 'services' available to those who sought a true and final means of executing their foes. You may think I turned around and brought the blade to them as well, but that would be bad business, and not helpful for my mission. Besides, someone would demand revenge, and I would readily make myself available to do so in a more honorable manner. That aspect of mortal life always amused me... they seemed so afraid of the end, but readily sought it for others. I was simply there to speed the process.

I remember the job that led me to my... charge? Obligation? I still cannot explain why I spared her. The job was to seek out a slaveholder with a taste for young women and 'cleanse' the area. There was no real resistance, simply a few guards who fell quickly. The girls themselves were quite young, none older than fifteen. The bruises and whip-welts were obvious, and one was apparently with child.

In my past life, I would have hesitated, perhaps even turned around. Here, the orders were clear, and these poor girls deserved far better than this sham of a life. So I was quick about it; outright decapitations.

There was one girl left, in the back. I drew back my blade, ready to finish her as well. Instead of the screams of fright and quivering that I expected, she simply stared into my eyes with an expression I cannot, even to this day, figure out. Whatever it was... I halted mid-swing, and stared back. She finally spoke, and I remember the conversation perfectly.

"Am I going to die?"

"Everything is going to die, girl."

"... are you going to kill everything, then?"

I remember nodding. "It is my duty to try."

"Take me with you."

For the longest time, we stared. Finally, I pulled a knife from my boot and handed it to her. "You will only follow me if you give your life to me. Slit your throat."

She was quick in attempting to do so, and I stopped her hand before she could do any real damage. The girl glanced at me with confusion as I took the knife away, not understanding the test I'd given her at first.

"If and when I die, or when I tell you to, you will finish what you started. Until then, you are mine." As I spoke, I looked down at my hand, where a bit of her blood lay. To seal the deal, I suppose, I licked it away. She merely nodded.

I paid a small price for this, but perhaps it was worth it. She has her uses...


Twice-Eaten Name isn't in any way, shape or form unbalanced mentally. Simply a quiet and observant individual, he takes muted pleasure in bringing destruction but knows that his own has simply been delayed. That knowledge keeps him grounded emotionally, and the recent addition of the Girl had helped some as well. He is nonetheless quite honest about what he is, and why he chose that path, to hell with what others think. He's more likely to express his opinions with his blade, though...


Twice-Eaten Name is... huge. Standing seven feet tall and weighing nearly four hundred pounds, he's a monstrously pale beast of a man, his smooth skin and completely blood-red eyes giving him a sinister, dangerous aura. His hair is long and oddly silky, raven waves that reach down to mid-back. He wears a gray hooded cloak with a silver skull-medallion clasp, and has yellowing, rune-covered grave wrappings all along his body underneath his surprisingly plain armor, only part of his face visible. On the end of his cloak are numerous jangling charms, inscribed with various terms for the word 'death' in numerous languages.


Name: Twice-Eaten Name of the One Who Seeks The Crimson River
Caste: Dusk
Nature: Bravo
Deathlord: The Bishop


Strength ●●●●●, Dexterity ●●, Stamina ●●●●●
Charisma ●●, Manipulation ●●●●, Appearance ●
Perception ●●●, Intelligence ●●, Wits ●●●●

Favored and Caste Abilities

Brawl ●●
Melee ●●●●●

Endurance ●●●●
Resistance ●●●●
Presence ●●
Survival ●●
Awareness ●●

Non-Favored Abilities

Athletics ●●●
Linguistics ● (Low Realm, Riverspeak)
Lore ●●●
Medicine ●


Allies ●
Artifact ●●●●●
Liege ●●●
Resources ●●
Underworld Manse ●●●

Merits and Flaws

Large Size - +1 -0 HL (-4BP)
Signature Style - Whirlwind of Murder (-2BP)

Unusual Appearance - solid blood-red eyes (1 BP)
Amnesia - pre-Exaltation (2 BP)
Disturbing - -2 to Social (3 BP)
Known Anathema - (2 BP)

Virtues and Other Stats

Compassion ●●
Conviction ●●●
Temperance ●
Valor ●●●

[Willpower] ●●●●●●●●
[Essence] ●●●
[Personal] 17 [Peripheral] 38

[Health Levels]
-0 ■ ■ / -1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ / -2 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ / -4 ■ / In ■


[Anima Effects] Ten motes to appear frightening for a scene.


Charms And Such

-Furious Blade
--Savage Shade Style
--Slashing Ghost Talon
---Soul-Searing Blow

-Ox-Body Technique x4 (5 -1, 6 -2 HL)
-Pain-Eating Focus

-Crypt Bolt

Expanded Backgrounds
