DarkheartOne/Ledaal Irran

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Legendary. Potent. My blood's been called many things, as the fury of the Dragons rests very close to the surface, and quickly shows itself. Many see this as a boon, but I wish that they'd given me the body to match. Perhaps I have my parents to blame for that.

Mother, Ledaal Incadac, was ambitious. Already to strong blood, she nonetheless wanted to generate a heir that would perhaps bring her glory sometime in the future. She'd just recently done away with her last husband, who'd not provided her with any Exalted heirs, and seemed to be quite at the end of her rope patience-wise. By the time that it was known that she was in a relationship with a first cousin, Ledaal Artadi, I was already on the way. He was a strong-blooded Chosen, and the two had swallowed down their general unease concerning a union this close, all in the name of power.

So I was born, and it was said that I was born at night during a meteor shower. Such an omen made most forget about the 'how', and to focus on the 'what'; me.

In short order, however, it became obvious that I might not be long for the world. I was a child who bled easily and freely, who was constantly ill even considering how active she was, and had to take many of her classes from a Dragon-Blooded, so as not to risk infecting any mortal tutors. My parents were dismayed at this fact, but they weren't quite ready to do away with me yet. They were going to wait for my ninth birthday to roll around.

... of course, I never saw any of this. As far as I knew then, they both loved and adored me, showering me with attention. I wasn't aware of their actual desires like I am now, and I thank the Dragons I didn't.

Nonetheless, the deadline soon approached, and it seemed that illness was going to kill me off for them. I was in terrible shape, but even then I pushed myself to learn. Perhaps too hard, but I at least knew that my parents expected me to be something special. Hell, I imagine I was trying to not die, even when I was, oh so slowly. Every night, I prayed to the Dragons to let me Exalt for my mother and father... and for myself.


It was simple, really. I'd lasped into a coma.

All that I know is that I was unconscious for three days before my parents had gotten around to pondering whether or not to let me die then and there. Just as they were getting around to that discussion, my wetnurse called them to my room. They had a faint idea of what was happening when they saw how her clothes were riddled with slashes.

Inside... it was a mess. I had Exalted when while unconscious, and my anima was in full swing, tearing into the walls, the floor, many of my belongings... my bed was in ruins and my sheets were mere shreds. Finally, the slashing winds died down and I opened my eyes. I saw my skin, now a strong sky blue, and I knew that my prayers had been answered.

The Dragons' Chosen

I was rushed into Primary, seeing as it was assumed that I wouldn't live to even see that day. Needless to say, I quickly attracted a crowd of tagalongs, since I was one of those rare few who entered the school as an Exalt. This fact helped me move along at a brisk pace, even if I was still a bit on the frail side. I also became aware of the jealous eyes upon me... one of the strongest pair belonged to my sworn sister, Cynis Glica. I knew then she wanted to be me... I even heard about how she Exalted after seeing me pass by. A shame, really.

Secondary was next, and I entered the Spiral Academy alongside Glica. We did become friends, even if the tension was still there. That came to a quick end, and we soon graduated. She returned to her House, and I quickly went about diving into the Thousand Scales, getting a feel for the gears that ran the Dynast machine. Of course, there was time to meet my old schoolmates and form a circle with them... just barely enough time.

Here and Now

Now, I work. Even with countless marriage proposals on my plate, I really haven't paid them much attention. My focus is on trying to do something grand with what tiny sliver of the Realm I can work with. The time will come where I'll settle down a bit, but not right now. There's a greater goal to achieve; success, one rung at a time.


Irran tries to be a nice person, and understands that the ruling class are ultimately nothing without a people to rule. Still, she often finds herself acting in mildly condescending and belitting patterns around those of lesser status and breeding. This is mostly out of habit, and at times she can swallow down this reflex if she catches herself in time. Generally, however, she's a pleasant girl to be around, if a bit hurried and somewhat too proper for her own good at times.


Irran is thin and lithe, with pale blonde hair that falls to her backside, pale blue eyes and deep aquamarine skin. Her features are markedly attractive, and a constant wind seems to blow around her, smelling faintly of fresh mountain air. She wears refined, somewhat dowdy outfits in white and blue when not in a combat situation, and wears a white surcoat with her personal mon (four inward-curving slashes forming a stylized pinwheel) over her armor elsewhere.


Name: Ledaal Irran
Aspect: Air
Nature: Leader
House: Irran


Strength ●●, Dexterity ●●●, Stamina ●●
Charisma ●●●●, Manipulation ●●●, Appearance ●●●
Perception ●●●, Intelligence ●●●, Wits ●●●

Favored and Aspect Abilities

Linguistics ●● (High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak)
Lore ●●●
Occult ●●●
Thrown ●●●●●

Bureaucracy ●●●●
Presence ●●●●
Socialize ●●●●

Non-Favored Abilities

Awareness ●●
Endurance ●
Martial Arts ●
Resistance ●
Archery ●
Performance ●●
Ride ●●
Athletics ●
Dodge ●●
Melee ●●


Artifact ●●●●
Backing (The Thousand Scales) ●●
Breeding ●●●●●●
Manse ●●●
Resources ●●●

Merits and Flaws

-Sworn Brotherhood (-2 BP)

Irran is part of a Sworn Sisterhood that at one point was a perfect Terrestrial Circle, only to be broken when the Wood-Aspect of the group was slain during a Wyld Hunt. The remaining four cling to their bond, even as fate and their own lives pull them away more and more often as the years pass.

-Born to Rule (-2 BP) and Legendary Breeding (-3 BP)

Irran, through careful (albeit partially incestuous) breeding and strict training, is pure leader material amongst Dynasts, and it shows. Even her Exaltation at an unusually early age is a sign of the Dragons' strong mark on her spirit. Her breeding has its drawbacks, however...

-Slow Healing (4 BP), Weak Immune System (3 BP), and Climate-Sensitive (Low Temperatures, 2 BP)

... and those drawbacks revolve around her health. She recovers quite slowly from injury, and can suffer the symptoms of some diseases. She's also a bit thin-blooded, and does poorly in cold climates. Nothing so far has worked to do away with these weaknesses.

Virtues and Other Stats

Compassion ●●
Conviction ●●●
Temperance ●●
Valor ●●

[Willpower] ●●●●●●●
[Essence] ●●
[Personal] /15 [Peripheral] 19/31
[Committed] 12
[Soak] 19B / 15L

[Health Levels]
-0 ■ / -1 ■ ■ ■ / -2 ■ ■ ■ / -4 ■ / In ■

[Anima Effects]
5 motes for tripled jumping distance and to negate damage from falls


Most Terrifying Armor of the Air Dragon (Artifact ●●●●)
15B/13L soak, Mobility 0, Fatigue 1, 5-mote Commitment and Salt Gem of the Spirit's Eye to power
Set with Windhands Gemstone (full reflexive Dex+Dodge pool to avoid ranged attacks)

[Special Effects]
+2 to rolls to avoid disease and poisons
Darkvision, +2 to awareness checks in daylight
Effective +2 to Strength
+2 difficulty to Awareness checks to detect chara beyond 10 ft (one mote/scene)
+2 difficulty to astronomy/divination detection (3 motes/day)
Equipped with Elemental Lens (see Lore Charms)
Limited flight (3 motes/scene)

[Lightning Corona Attacks]
--Melee: Speed +2, Acc +1, Dam +5L, Def +1, Rate 4 (2 motes/turn)
--Ranged: Acc +0, Dam +10L, Rate one, Range 200 (3 motes)

'Howling Hurricane Slashgear' Blue-jade artifact Chakram (Artifact ●●)
Accuracy +4, +5L Damage, Rate Of Fire 3, Range 30, 5-mote Commitment and Stone of the Spider's Eye to power
Innate 'Loyal Weapon' Charm effect (1 mote/use)

Purifying Collar of Mela (Artifact ●)
Negates Social penalties involving cleanliness, 2B/1L soak, 3 motes/+2 to Resistance vs poisons, 1-mote Commitment

Dragonfly's Ranging Eye (Artifact ●)
Additional point of perception Essence x 20 yards, line-of-sight; 1 mote to attune
Perception rolls while using at +1 difficulty

Charms And Such

-Ox-Body Technique

-Elemental Bolt Attack (Note: 4L/mote)
--Elemental Burst Technique (Note: 3L/mote or 1 yd range/mote)

-Seeking Throw Technique

-Flickering Candle Medidation

-Loquacious Courtier Method
--Seizing-the-Tongue Technique

-Phantom-Fire Warrior Horde

Expanded Backgrounds

Artifact ●●●●

Irran's heritage has done well in getting her some particularly powerful artifacts... namely her fully-functional Wind Dragon armor, and a strange chakram-like weapon made from blue jade known as the Howling Hurricane Slashgear; it's shape is not unlike a large metal gear, its teeth incredibly sharp and serrated. She's grown quite fond of both, as they serve her well and make up for her physical shortcomings. She also has a Purifying Collar for social purposes (can't look filthy in front of important people!) and the Dragonfly's Ranging Eye for scouting purposes.

Backing (The Thousand Scales) ●●

Irran has quickly insinuated herself into the ranks of the Scales, and has started to dip her hands into many different pools. She's gained support pretty quickly, and is poised to use this to form a strong connection network.

Breeding ●●●●●●

Through (for lack of a better term) incest between Exalts, Irran's acquired an exceptionally strong pedigree, and is quick to use this to her advantage when interacting with fellow Dynasts.

Manse ●●●

She mostly worked her way into getting the hearthstones she did to power her cherished artifacts, but she does have one other that's socketed into her armor for combat purposes, a Windhands Gemstone. The Salt Gem of the Spirit's Eye and Stone of the Spider's Eye will probably remain power sources.

Resources ●●●

Careful planning and saving has granted Irran a sizeable income that she uses to life comfortably, if not lavishly. She nonetheless is trying to expand this, in hopes of having a bit more to leverage against others; a strong-blooded Dynast can't seem to be poor, after all.

Upgrade Layout

'Will The Circle Be Unbroken?': Irran and the Gang of Four

If the circle collapses and Irran has anything to do with it, it'll be because of her not being there to cause it. Her life is more and more entrenched in the day-to-day backstabbing and infighting that plagues the Dynasty. She honestly is trying to make something better out of her House and the Realm in general, but she realizes that backroom politics is a neccessary evil, and this will keep her away from the Gang often... or even put her at odds with the others, given the right circumstances. Also, if she discovers Glica's intent to try and piggyback on her own standing and breeding, trouble might ensue.
