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The Lord and Lady of the Cantrev

Lord Lan Zhao (65): An ancient, weathered man, Lan is also one of the wealthiest of the Cantrev Lords. In part, this is because the son of a bitch is one of the coldest and most calculating men to ever hold a Cantrev on the Violet Coast. However, it is also in part because of his unusally close relationship to the Courts of Seasons. In his youth, Lan served as the emissary of the Courts of Resplendent Water, and his land is kept in a perpetual spring time like air. The Darkling Dragon sulks at this arrangement, and the Mistress of Knives hungers, but the coast of Zhao is only of the calmest, and his peasants some of the most productive in the Hundred Kingdoms.

Lady Su Zhao (49): Dead from plague, five years ago. she would be 54.

The Direct Bloodline of the Lord and Lady

Sir Wen Zhao (36): Eldest son of the Zhao family, Wen is the virtual image of his father at the height of his physical prime. Wen personally leads the house's defense forces, and often rides patrols and eads investigations, adminsitering the Lord's Justice. He rarely relaxes, preferring by far to keep busy and be ready- he expects Lan to die soon, and therefore to ascend the throne himself. Expected would be more accurate- Lan's long life is beginning to irk him.

Madam Takla Zhao (/TinalionCantrevLordsRon) (22): Wen's wife and one of the only survivor of Chol's return to his Cantrev of her family, Takla was once as passionate and powerful a figure as Wen himself, typically accompanying him on his hunts of both man and beast. Since Chol's retaking of her old home, and the slaughter of much of her family, however, she has mellowed greatly- indeed, truth be told, she is terrified that the Bandit King will sweep all the way to Zhao's realm, solely to end her bloodline.

Madam Mingma Zhao (3): Thus far, Wen and Takla's only child, Mingma is a fairly content little girl. Full of energy and a zest for life, she often seems to get out of sight and into scrapes. Both Wen and Takla adore their daughter, and would tear any threat to her apart with their barehands. Sharp Glance is, however, less enamored with his half-sister.

Sir Mao Zhao (34): Second son of the Zhao family, Mao was a wild hellion, a madcap lunatic that indulged every whim, relying on his father's name and wealth to get him out of scrapes. Lan finally grew sick of the wastrel's rebellious ways and disowned him, demanding he leave the Cantrev. In disgrace, he entered into the service of a mercenary company, which he has grown to command- the Black Swords are a disciplined company of what would politely be refered to as 'hired killers'. Mao resents his elder brother's success, seeing himself as long wronged by his thick father, and he thirsts to take his rightful place.

Madam Ching Bo (/TinalionCantrevLordsBo) (31): Married to Sir Hong Bo.

Sir Jiang Zhao (30): Last child of the Zhao family, Jiang is a simple man at heart. He is mostly divorced from the life of the Hundred Courts, and resents when they intrude upon his simple life of contemplation. He lives as a simple fisherman in Tinal, with little love of any of his family, although he's kept in semi-regular contact with Lan.

Other Family Members

Sir Fu-Kang Zhao (64): Lan's brother, nearly as old as the Cantrev Lord himself, Fu-Kang is a darker and more bent figure. He walks stiffly, owing to an old war wound, and the clacking of his staff up and down the halls of the manor house is a common sound. Now, he mostly putters about in his garden and writes poetry. Not even very good poetry. He is also one of Lan's closet friends and confidants.

Madam Qua-ne Zhao (/TinalionCantrevLordsFaunel) (54): A foul tempered woman, Fu-Kang's wife, Qua-ne is Nai's aunt. She always resented her husband's lack of ambition and power, and in her younger days schemed to place him on the Cantrev's throne. Now she spends most of her time away, inflicting herself on her nephew Faunel, or in Tinal proper, much to Fu-Kang's relief.

Sharp Glance (17): One of Wen's bastard children, Sharp Glance lives in the house by Lan's good graces and Su's pleading. As a bastard and a half-blood, he has no offical power within the Hundred Kingdoms, and as such, is just a common citizen. However, such bastards are commonly used as courtiers and delegates to administor the Lord's Word and Justice. Sharp Glance serves in this job with remarkable effiency- so much so that some whisper him to be more than mortal, and the real reason Lan keeps the bastard about is not for sentiment, but control- or fear of his mother.

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