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Solar Brawling

Fists of Iron Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 2, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Brawling Excellency

Solar infuses her hands with the strength of her Essence and strikes like the unconquered sun.
This charm grants your unarmed attacks lethal damage for one attack,lets you parry lethal damage,
(thus being able to activate Brawling Excellency), and gives attack 8-again property.

Golden Essence Block
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 3, Essence 1
Type: reflexive
Keywords: combo-ok
Duration: one turn
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique

The Lawgivers arms becoming unquenchable in solar light. When activated the solar can block a
lethal or ranged attack. There defense is restored if it had been lost, or reduced. And they can
add Brawling to defense calculations, meaning they may choose the lower of their two best traits, of
brawling, dexterity, and wits.

Sledgehammer Fist Punch
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique

The Solar's anima flares and she strikes like judgement of heaven. This Charm doubles the
dicepool in a brawl attack against an inanimate object. This can be comboed with an excellency.

Dragon Coil Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 3, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: until next turn
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique

The clinch of the Lawgivers does not fail. The solar's crushing grip can squeeze the life
from even the strongest. The solar may add their essence score the grapple rolls and damage
inflicted is considered lethal, not bashing, this counts as equipment bonus.

Solar Hero Excellence
Cost: -
Mins: Brawl 4, Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: permanent
Prerequisites: Sledgehammer fist Punch, Dragon Coil Technique

The solar becomes a paragon of strength and skill, radiant as a legendary hero. He can
enhance his Fist of Iron Technique so that he can spend 2 motes and a turn activating it
and it will give him lethal damage and parrying lethal damage abilities for rest of scene
and he can activate his 8-again property for one turn of attacks by spending one mote,
which does not count as his charm for the turn.

Heaven Thunder Hammer
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form

The fury of the lawgivers scatters their enemies. Using this charm to enhance an attack
and gaining just one success results in the target being thrown back as many feet as
were in the dice pool to attack. ST decides results but they are similar to falling.

Crashing Wave Throw
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: Heaven Thunder Hammer

An effective application of strength can cast aside small nusances. Using this charm the
Solar can end a grapple, that they control,by throwing the victim away. This lets you
ignore the limits of size versus strength and renders the target aerodynamic for throwing.
The solar may choose whether to use brawling or athletics for range and accuracy of throw.

Ox-Stunning Blow
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 4, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, crippling
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form

The essence driven fists of Solars can stun even giants and monsters. When this charm is
invoked the attacker forgoes their normal die pool and must roll two times strength. When
they attack it is subject to defense and celerity like effects but ignores armor. Damage dealt
is stunning damage, like bashing except it causes dice penalties similar to wound penalties
for every health level.

Hammer on Iron Technique
Cost: 1m, 1wp
Mins: Brawl 4, Essence 1
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, extra action
Duration: until next turn
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form

Lawgivers bring unrelenting punishment to their enemies. This charm provides the solar with
a number of extra actions that can only be used to make brawl attacks, equal to his essence.

Shockwave Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Brawl 5, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, counter-attack
Duration: until next turn
Prerequisites: Fists of Iron Technique

Burning with essence and inhuman strength this charm supplements a single attack. The attack
ignores defense values. If the attack succeeds you also gain control of opponent in a grapple
and immediately throw opponent as per crashing wave throw, except opponent is not aerodynamic
If the victim is targeted on another enemy, than they don't have defense either against the body
hurling at them and take bashing damage from successes on throwing attack, which affect the "bullet"
as well. Note: this charm does not function in a existing grapple, and must be a response to an attack.

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