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Here we have the people who live on Storm Isle, the safe haven for the crew. The island itself is stormy all year round, usually with light rains and surrounded by mists. Yet for all its dreary atmosphere, the people are a cheerful lot. They're really too far out from the main trading routes to be noticed by others and they're also content with their life as it is. Money doesn't have much value here. People just do things for each other when required and as long as you have some skill which you can offer to help the island, you're accepted. Also, the gender divide isn't very sharp either. It's true that men and women have different strengths, and so they tend to fulfill certain roles on the island, but there's no stigma if they choose to follow a different route. Again, as long as you can pull your weight, they don't really mind at all.

The island itself is big enough to support a lush forest although most of the people live near the shores, only occassionally venturing into the forest for their needs. They mainly harvest the bounty of the ocean and lead happy and carefree lives. In terms of settled areas, they live on the Northern-Eastern part of the island, spread out on its shores. They have a population of about two hundred, and many crew members on the Squall have family here. In fact, the ship and its crew are regarded a bit as celebrities on Storm Isle, a bit like the wandering heroes who go forth to grand adventures children hear in stories.

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Notable People of Storm Isle

Ophelia is the girl that Orillian brought onto the island from his travels. She's a quiet girl that doesn't say very much, although she does do her fair share among the people of the island who have accepted her as one of them. She's very attached to Orillian though, and is always there to greet him when he returns from his travels, eager to listen to his tales.

Shore and his wife Bubbles own the local tavern. It is a popular place for the people of Storm Isle to gather, share drinks and gossip. Shore himself is a loud man who enjoys sharing drinks with patrons, especially his own personal brew. Bubbles always has an ear for good gossip and deftly picks up the latest news on the island. Foam, their youngest, helps around the tavern, while their eldest, Sand, has gone on to his own profession. Dandelion, their second son, used to help crew the Hurricane, but fell in battle against the Chimerae Lunar. Now, Moss has also followed in his brother's footstep and signed on to do what his brother used to.

Cloud Burst, Gentle Rain and Shade Hail are a trio of old men who used to be fishermen. Now, they spend most of their time sitting on the shore looking out to sea, exchanging stories about what they did when they were young. Children enjoy listening to them because their stories tend to be exaggerated ones, full of strange and unusual details that delight their young imaginations. Adults come to them when they have problems, because these three are arguably the best source of knowledge about the sea that Storm Isle has.

Shark Tooth and Lone Pearl are considered leaders of Storm Isle. Shark Tooth commands respect from the men due to his exceptional sailing and fishing skills. Lone Pearl has the respect from the women due to her excellent ability to work with her hands. People go to either of them for advice about various matters. Unfortunately, the two of them don't respect each other very much. They often have shouting matches about various points of contention. It sometimes result in the whole island becoming involved. However, the islanders tolerate it, simply because the two of them don't bring the island in over trivial matters. They may argue about many things, but when they call for the islanders to be involved, it is always over a serious issue and each of them will present valid arguments. Other times, the islanders joke that the two are having a "lovers' tiff", something that both parties vehemently deny, usually with very strong words.

Jaisda is the local wisewoman. She is strong in herblore and occult knowledge. People go to her for healing, as well as rituals to appease spirits. She's very friendly and kids like visiting her because she makes wonderful sweets. Winsome Smile also happens to be her daughter, although most people don't ask too closely as to who the father was.

Hale is Ivory Whisper's wife. Dolphin and Cloud are their two kids. Hale understandably worries about her husband, but their children absolutely adore the fact that their father is a pirate. It gives them standing among the other kids. They always look forward to him coming home to share more stories.

Starfall is Sixth Star's older sister, while Dust of Stars is their younger brother. Their parents had an obssession with the night skies and stars in general, although they've been dead for a while now. Starfall usually works with the nets for the fishermen while Dust of Stars is still trying to pick up a trade. Given he's only ten years old, he hasn't decided what he wants to do with his life yet.

Clef, Hazel, Pooky, Ginger, Char, Almond, Squir, Coconut, Togi, Wiggy, Gen and Eve are a group of children on Storm Isle. They run together and pretty much act like one big family and have loads of fun and games. It's not that they're exclusive. They're perfectly willing to play with other children and include them in all the games. They just tend to clump together. People aren't sure who their parents are and they don't know either. Instead, they're sort of regarded as Storm Isle children and are looked after by pretty much the entire island. They're not troublemakers either and are always willing to land a hand where they can, so these children are pretty well treated.

Pepper and Cinnamon are unique in that they mainly harvest the bounty of the forest, as opposed to the ocean. Their knowledge of plants is second only to Jaisda. They work as cooks, preparing meals for the whole island with their herbs and spices. Their restaurant is very popular and they're usually the ones to prepare the feasts for any celebrations. Flo, Petal and Mint are their three lovely daughters. They're all of age to marry and are the most eligible ladies on the island with various youths vying for their attention. They don't seem inclined to settle down yet though it is clear that Mint is following their parents in terms of profession.

Risco and Riha are a brother and sister pair. Their parents have died and they haven't married out so they live together in a small hut. They're skilled at harvesting from the ocean floor and are excellent swimmers. They usually go out in a small boat and return with oysters and lobsters and suchlike rather than fish. They also have a huge collection of pearls, seashells and coral thanks to their aptitude. It's a tradition on the island that a serious proposal is made by making a necklace with your own skill and presenting it to the one you wish to marry. Due to this tradition, Risco and Riha are rather popular among unmarried youths as they trade for the pearls and shells to use for their future beloved's necklace.

Noch is the father of seven children. His first wife died of illness and his second wife had a terrible accident. Now he just focuses on his children. He's too old to go out to sea, so he helps around the island, doing repair work and lending his muscles to whatever work might be required. Burning Snake, his eldest, helps aboard the ship. Lait is his second, and has since married and started a family of his own. Ren, the third child, still stays at home to look after her younger siblings (who are children of Noch's second wife). Ulos is his fourth child and works as an assistant to Berane aboard the ship. Murin and Marin are twins. They're also practical jokesters and play tricks on everyone. Thankfully, the tricks aren't malicious ones. The youngest is only six and has the name of Aki. He's a cute little boy and rather endearing with his wide, innocent eyes.

Cherry is a somewhat elderly woman who looks after the kids while their parents are busy with their chores. She holds their attention with stories, jokes and toys. Her fingers are still nimble for her advanced age and she makes various toys for the children with her own hands. On their birthday, a child can look forward to a very special toy indeed. She has two children. Daina has started her own family. Ques, the more flighty child, has gone on to help Megumi and crew, as he believes that is where his future lies.