Scytheus/Pleasant Slaughter Of All Creation

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One of [[[Scytheus/Pleasant_Slaughter_Of_All_Creation/The]] Five Majestic Stances of All Creation|TheFiveMajesticStancesOfAllCretion]]. A grand daiklave made from soulsteel and crafted by Autochton Himself. It pinned the third wing of [[[Scytheus/Pleasant_Slaughter_Of_All_Creation/That]] Is Which Is Not|TheAeternalAbomination]]. When its black steel is closely inspected, one sees the faces of babies screaming in agony and fear. They only do so if Pleasant Slaughter of All Creation is removed from its place of vigil. The souls of the innocent cry out in fear that [[[Scytheus/Pleasant_Slaughter_Of_All_Creation/That]] Is Which Is Not|TheSeditiousBlasphemy]] may begin to stir. When separated, the Stance seeks nothing but to be reunited with its original resting place. Autocthon, in concert with the gods and other Primordials, have placed blessings upon it so that eventually fate will always lead it back there. Unfortunately, in the interim, Pleasant Slaughter (as any of the other artifacts from [[[Scytheus/Pleasant_Slaughter_Of_All_Creation/The]] Vault of the Martyrs|TheVaultOfTheMartyrs]]), will beacon out to [[[Scytheus/Pleasant_Slaughter_Of_All_Creation/The]] Blasphemous Kinder|TheBlasphemousKinder]].

Pleasant Slaughter of All Creation - Lvl 5 Artifact

