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Lunar Unarmed Combat Charms by CrownedSun

Unarmed Combat I (Basic Combat)

Foot-Confusing Buffet (Revised)

 Cost:  2 motes OR 1 mote per -1 initiative
 Duration:  Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Dexterity: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Sinuous Striking Grace

The importance of going first in combat is vital, yet a Lunar Exalt might find himself unarmed facing someone with a mighty Daiklave or against someone who is just faster and more agile than him. This charm allows him to mitigate both of these factors, to his advantage. The effect of this charm depend on rather or not your opponent is armed; against an armed opponent, the cost of the charm is 2 motes. It negates the subject's speed modifier, allowing you to fight him as if he was unarmed. If the target is also unarmed, you can use this charm to give him an initiative penality of -1 per mote spent on activation. You cannot spend more motes when activating this charm against an unarmed opponent than your Essence rating. This charm must be used before initiative is rolled.

Unarmed Combat II (Natural Weaponry)

Claws of the Silver Moon (Revised)

 Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Stamina: 2
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charm: Deadly Claw Blow

The lunar drastically shifts his natural weaponry, turning his hands into wicked claws or his teeth into horrible jaws. A lunar in animal or Deadly Beastman Form gains even more impressive natural weapon, as his claws become diamond hard and razor sharp. The effects of this charm last for the rest of the turn, though the magic of the charm only lasts an instant.
If the Lunar already has natural weapons, he gains 3 points with which to augment any two weapons possessed by his form. If the form only has one weapon he does not gain any additional points. One point can raise damage by +1L, accuracy or defense by +1, or speed by +3. No more than two points can be spent to raise any one category when the charm is used in this way. If the Lunar had no natural weaponry prior to activating this charm, however, he gains two pools of 7 points with which to build two natural attacks of some kind.
The weapon stats given on Page 138 are the most common choice for Lunars, but not the only options. You should select which layout(s) you will use ahead of time; learning a new layout generally requires a few days of practice.

Predator's Natural Synergy

 Cost:  2 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Extra Action
 Minimum Dexterity: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charm: Claws of the Silver Moon

The Lunar subtly shifts his muscles and reflexes and lets animal instincts guide his manuevers, utilizing his natural weaponry for the utmost effectiveness. When used, this charm allows the character to make an additional attack in combat -- but only if the first attack hits. This additional attack must use a different natural weapon of the character; a punch, and a kick perhaps, or a claw and a fang. The character uses this charm when he first makes his attack for the turn, and only gains the second attack if the first attack successfully hits. If the first attack misses, or is successfully defended against, the motes spent on this charm are wasted.

Throat Tearing Manuever

 Cost:  6 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Dexterity: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charm: Predator's Natural Synergy

The Lunar, emboldened by the feeling of blood on his claws or the taste of it running down his throat, falls into another frenized attack to finish his prey off in one bloody manuever. After a successful attack that inflicts damage, the character can reroll the inflicted damage as another damage result. There is no attack roll for this secondary damage; it is considered unblockable and undodgable, though perfect defenses can negate it as normal. This charm can be used more than once in a turn, but only on attacks resulting from actual dice actions or extra action charms.

Scimitar Claw Technique</b> (Lunar fatsplat, Page 138)

 <b>Prereqs: Claws of the Silver Moon

This charm gives you two pools of 13 points with which to construct natural weapons that last for the rest of the scene. If you wish, you can subtract up to your essence from one of the pools and add the same number to the other. I.e., 11/15 instead of 13/13. The option given in the book is still the default. You should select which layout(s) you will use ahead of time; learning a new layout generally requires a few days of practice.

Unarmed Combat III (Changing Moon Combat)

Shifting Charms
Shifting Phantom Strike

 Cost:  2 motes per +1 difficulty
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Manipulation: 2
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charm: Body Weapon Technique

The Lunar strikes like the Wyld itself, shifting and changing his form as he attacks -- one moment a human fist moves to pummel the opponent, the next a bear overpowers the subject and batters through his parry, the next a wolfs jaws duck under a clumsy counter, and then finally the fist meats flesh with a overpowering thud! The lunar, once again human in form, stands seemingly unchanged. The Lunar using this charm changes his shape multiple times during the use of this subject, a maximum number of times equal to his permanent Essence. Each shift while using this charm causes the difficulty of dodging or parrying an attack to increase by one.
This is a shifting charm. Only one shifting charm can be used in a turn, even in a combo with other charms. The character cannot otherwise change his shape during a turn in which he uses a shifting charm.

Unarmed Combat IV (Clinches)

Unarmed Combat V (Full Body Combat)

Unnamed Trample Charm

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Strength: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charm: Angry Rhino Charge

The Lunar slams into a foe, his attack driving his enemy into the dirt and leaving him confused and stunned due to the raw animal fury of the attack. Using the Unnamed Trample Charm with a successful Brawl or Martial Arts attack allows the Lunar's player to automatically inflict knockdown on a foe (requiring an action for the character to regain his footing). In addition, the foe attacked has to make a roll to resist being stunned regardless of the amount of damage inflicted upon him (see page 234-5); increase the difficulty of this roll by the character's Strength.

Unarmed Combat VI ( No Moon Combat )