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Survival and Healing 4

Initial Notes

Survival and Healing 4 are the Lunar Healing charms, arguably some of the best in Exalted.
Note: Evolution Charms will be marked with a dotted border, Charms with No prerequisites will be marked by Grey backgrounds.
Please note changes after tree.


Disease Purging Essence: Replaced by Plague Averting Essence.
Infection-Resisting Method: Replaced by Plague Averting Essence.

New Charms and Evolutions


Cost: 1 mote per Die
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Manipulation: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Pre-requisite Charms: None

Though Disease and Infections are hardly a problem for Exalts, the harsh conditions that Lunar Exalted can be exposed to gives way to a wide variety of poisons, disease and so on. Using their Essence to bolster their immune system and metabolism, whenever the Lunar makes a roll to resist or overcome disease or infection, they may convert a number of Stamina Dice into automatic successes. He may convert as many dice into successes as the Lunar has points of Stamina.

Additional Notes

I never really understood why there needed to be a charm to prevent Infection and Disease, and a Seperate Charm to purge them. So a mish-mash is born.
