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Revision as of 10:05, 3 July 2006 by ArabianNinja (talk)
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Melee Combat 1

Initial Notes

The Melee combat trees are wide in application.
Note: Evolution Charms will be marked with a dotted border, Charms with No prerequisites will be marked by Grey backgrounds.
Please note changes after tree.


Surprising Gibbon Attack: Replaced by Surprising Gibbon Reach
Weapon Clutching Method: Replaced by Surprising Gibbon Reach

New Charms & Evolutions


Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Manipulation: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Pre-requisite Charms: Monkey Paw Advantage

Through the lengthening of their limbs, the use of this Charm allows the Lunar to gain a greater reach in combat, whether to close the space between the Lunar and an attacking Party, or to assail those using longer weapons while mounted. Using this Charm the Lunar may make an attack up to Essence x 2 Yards in distance. Equally, they may use this charm reflexively to retrieve fallen weapons up to the same distance.

Additional Notes

Most of the charms were fine, and evolutions were obviously placed.
Suprising Gibbon attack wasnt wholly fantastic, with a Max range of 10 yards at Essence 10, it felt very lacking, so Essence x2 Range and allowing it to reclaim lost weapons made for a better charm, this caused Weapon Clutching method to be obsolete, but that was acceptable.
