Nakhichevan is almost due north of [[[JesseLowe/Nakhichevan/WhitePines]] | White Pines]], on the road to Halta. It's a Guild controlled town, with close ties to the Noubarian clan. It's ruled by a small group of merchants (plutocracy) who are pretty much in the Guild's pocket. The de facto leader is Emasdouhi Noubarian, a woman with a cunning business sense and a knack for politics. She is the Guild factor and her husband is the mayor of Nakhichevan.
Persuasion-wise: Emasdouhi is persuaded of the tournament and the signalling system, and only needs another 4 successes before she is swayed to the alliance cause.
Thanks to the Guild connection, Nakhichevan is surprisingly cosmopolitan -- in a fairly shallow way. On the road from White Pines to Halta, and
Nakhichevan relies on