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Thunder Towers

A common sight along the western edge of the Haslanti League, the thunder towers were constructed in the days of Bagrash Kol, by a sorcerer in the employ of the master of the North. That sorcerer, a Dragon-Blood by the name of Kazalak Ghen, sought to pacify the Wind Masters of the North in order to aid in the growth of Kol's empire, and supervised the construction of over a dozen minor Manses to help local villagers understand their spiritual brethern. Although Kol's nation soon fell, the Manses survived him, and each has become the centre of a small cult to various air elementals in the region.

Each thunder tower has slight variations, but the basic style remains the same. Four-story towers, barely wide enough for a single room in each level, they jut up over the trees of the surrounding forests. The towers themselves are elegant, constructed of white marble with silver filigree. Inside, delicate friezes adorn every wall, constructed of silver, blue jade and studded with sapphires. Each one depicts a scene in which a god of the sky is shown victorious over their enemies. Tall windows fill every level, making the towers beautiful and well-lit but useless for defensive purposes. The hearthstone chamber is located on the top floor, at the centre of an altar dedicated to the sky and surrounded by minor inscriptions to the Celestial Incarnae.

Most thunder towers are now under the direct control of the elementals who once visited them, and their knowledge is given to the priests of the elementals' cults. The elementals keep the Hearthstones themselves, using them to gain status among their fellows.

Game Mechanics

Manse Level 1
Drawbacks: Maintenance 1 (The upper spires of the tower must be periodically cleaned and realigned, or else the lightning crackling around them will begin to cause damage.)


  • Well-Flavoured Aspect [Air] (1): Air elementals and air-aspected Dragon-Bloods gain a +1 die bonus to all of their activities within the tower.
  • Archive (2): The tower's scriptures depict extensive information on how to properly approach and placate storm gods and air elementals. Those studying within the tower can train in the Occult specialty (Air Spirits).

Thunder towers produce Godspeaking Trillions (Oedanol's Codex pg 85).