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Training Charms

Forging (Dragon)'s Talon

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
Minimums: (Ability) 5, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Training, Obvious
Duration: One Week
Prerequisite Charms: Terrestrial (Ability) Reinforcement

The Dragon-Blooded once served as the lieutenants of Creation, and theirs was the job of assigning mortals to specific tasks. Though the Dynasts now rule creation, they still assign mortals, and there are times when no one is available who can undertake certain jobs. At those times, the Dragon-Blooded simply make such people.

This is a cluster of five Charms, one for each element. Forging Mela's Talon requires Lore, Forging Pasiap's Talon requires War, Forging Hesiesh's Talon requires Presence, Forging Danaa'ds Talon requires Bureaucracy, and Forging Sextes Jylis's Talon requires Performance. The character gains the ability to train social or military units in Specialties of all Abilities of the chosen Charm's element.

There are a number of restrictions to this Charm. First, the character cannot train a unit whose Magnitude is greater than her Essence. Secondly, the character's (Ability + Specialty being trained) must be greater than the unit's (Ability + Specialty being trained); the character does not, however, need to actually possess the Specialty in question. Third, the character cannot train units whose members already possess three Specialties. Finally, the character must spend at least one hour each day, for the full week of the Charm's duration, training the unit. When this time is done, the unit will automatically learn the chosen Specialty, following the normal rules for Training Charms. Characters may activate this Charm repeatedly to train multiple units, provided that they can find the time.