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In the days of the First Age, the region that would later come to be known as Blueglass Springs was the headquarters of one of the powerful and dangerous Solar Anathema, a woman by the name of Rainbow Shirri, of the Twilight Caste. Shirri was a military sorcerer, and commanded the region from the bridge of her Titan-class warship, a flying city armed with excessive amounts of weapons and one of the five that oversaw the protection of the First Age. Shirri frequently anchored the ship near her towering glass city, one that she had been constructing with her own artifice and sorcery to rival Chiaroscuro to the North, casting its shadows across the savannah of the South. The city of Glittering Triumph, as she humbly termed it, was populated almost exclusively by her own specially-bred and modified mortal race, a people with skin like porcelain and quiet, whispering voices.

Although Shirri was not reckoned cruel by the standards of her fellows, she was an easily-distracted and highly focused Solar, prone to possessiveness towards the creations and peoples that she had built or altered, and with a strong tendency towards over-focus on her latest projects. She paid little attention to her Terrestrial servants, and although she did not attend the Calibration Feast in Meru during the Usurpation, the Dragon-Blooded stormed her citadel and attempted to wrest control of the Titan from her loyalists.

The battle went badly for all involved, but ultimately could be considered a win for the Dragon-Blooded. Rather than allow her creations to be taken up in the hands of the uprising Terrestrial Exalted, Shirri successfully triggered the Titan's weapons into overdrive, setting off an explosion that rocketed for miles across the plains. Glittering Triumph was melted instantly, its spires and towers running down the paths of the mountain on which it sat. When Exalted reinforcements arrived, they found nothing but a shattered ruin that had wiped the immediate area's Dragon Lines out of existance. The glass from the city had formed rivers and pools down the sides of the mountain, forming a lake of glass in the valley on one side, then hardened once again into a nearly impenetrable substance. There were no survivors, either from the Titan or the city below.

For some time after the Usurpation, the region was uninhabited. However, Glittering Triumph's ruins lay in the middle of the southern savannah, and were considered to be a tactically sound position to hold. The mountain overlooked a large, flat area, giving a serious observational advantage to whomever held it.