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THIC Custom Content Disclaimer: These charms probably won't work well with your system until you are using the full (unfinished) custom ruleset for THIC. Keep in mind when reading these that all Exalts start at Essence 2, there are no longer combos or caps on charm usages per turn. This makes fountains of Essence common when dealing with hot-headed Exalts (who often subsequently die thereafter). These are also still in heavy play-testing for balance issues. This is as much to give myself a backup of work as it is to share with everyone else.

Solar Thrown Charms

Inescapable Solar Sentence
Minimum Thrown: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: None
Description: The Solar channels their Essence and their weapon takes on a golden glow that only they can see. So long as the weapon strikes, even if it does no damage, it will mark the target as a foe of the Unconquered Sun. The mark will be perceptible to those with Essence 2 or over at all times. This mark will remain until the Solar chooses to remove it or until the target dies.

Eager Executioner's Strike
Minimum Thrown: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: Inescapable Solar Sentence
Description: The Solar's weapons now eagerly seek the target they have marked, seeking their end above all else. For 5 motes, the Solar's attack cannot miss a target that has already been marked. The attack is rolled as normal but any successes are counted as extra successes. Any dodge or parry attempt the opponent makes is only to reduce the Solar's extra successes.

Relentless Hand of Law
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 8m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Eager Executioner's Strike
Description: The Solar and their weapon are united in their desire to halt the escape of their target and bring them to justice. The Solar hurls their weapon and it pursues the target marked with Inescapable Solar Sentence. No matter how swift the target, as long as the Solar could see them when the weapon was launched, it will pursue them. Through magic, the target may eventually out pace the weapon too greatly at which point it returns to the Solar's hand through Elsewhere.

Endless Enmity Pursuit
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 10m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Relentless Hand of Law
Description: There is no escaping the wrath of a Lawgiver who has already marked you. Their weapons thirst for justice and will pursue you to the ends of Creation. The Solar may use this attack to target only a foe that they have already marked with Inescapable Solar Sentence. However, there is no limit to the distance between themselves and the target. The weapon, once thrown, will cut through Elsewhere in order to close in on the target. The target must roll a Perception+Awareness roll to be aware of the attack as it bursts from Elsewhere to strike them. After striking their foe, the weapon(s) will immediately return to their owner once more through Elsewhere.

Triple Distance Attack Method
Minimum Thrown: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: None
Description: The Lawgiver's eyes shine with the might of the Unconquered Sun and they will their weapon to strike the opponent. For 3 motes, the attack distance for a thrown weapon is tripled. This stacks on normal range increments meaning that the Exalt may, if they wish to take a -2, fire at approximately 9 times their normal distance.

Radiant Reflection Assault
Minimum Thrown: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 3m to activate, 2 motes per weapon thrown, 3 motes per extra target hit
Prerequisites: Triple Distance Attack Method
Description: The weapons of the Exalted seek to serve their masters in the most efficient way possible. With 5 motes, this charm allows the Solar to target up to Essence+1 foes within Essence x 10 feet of each other. The Lawgiver's weapon will strike the first opponent and immediately ricochet to strike the next opponent as well at full dice pool. (I.e. if Hoenir, an Essence 2 Solar, wished to assault three foes that were each within 20 feet of each other with his throwing shield, he would spend 11 motes. 3 to activate + 2 for the single shield + 6 for the two extra targets)

Perfected Marksman's Aim
Minimum Thrown: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: Triple Distance Attack Method
Description: The Solar knows just where to hit and when to throw. It as if they will all of Creation into silence as they strike. Any attack supplemented by this charm counts extra successes as double for damage resolution.

Superior Solar Sight
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 7m, 1 willpower per turn
Prerequisites: Perfect Marksman's Aim
Description: The Lawgiver channels their Essence and enters a trance-like state where all movements are slowed. In this state, the finest details are accented, allowing the Solar to see exactly where the ideal attack may be placed. For the rest of the scene, the Solar may add their Perception to any dodge or parry attempts (this DOES count towards attaining RecoilEwindaleMoss/THICSolarThrown/Counterstrike levels), as well as adding their Essence in post-soak damage to the targets of any thrown attacks.

Fiery Solar Chakram
Minimum Thrown: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: Triple Distance Attack Method
Description: Even when they have been stripped of their gear, the Solar is never truly weaponless. With this charm, the Solar summons a blazing chakram of solar Essence with which to assault the enemy. The chakram has an Accuracy of +1, a Damage of 4L, and deals Aggravated damage to the undead.

Sun's Wrathful Rays
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 5m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Fiery Solar Chakram
Description: The Solar further enhances their ability to conjure weapons out of sunlight. They may now summon up to half their Essence in weapons, each one able to be thrown with a full dice pool.

Army of Righteous Fury
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 10m, 1 willpower
Prerequisites: Sun's Wrathful Rays, Superior Solar Sight
Description: With their Essence wrapped tightly around them, The Lawgiver attacks their target as normal. As they make their throw, each weapon they throw becomes infused with the same tightly packed Essence as they are. At the peak of the throw, the Essence erupts from the weapons, making a number of copies equal to the Exalted's Essence level. Each of these weapons strike with the same accuracy as the original throw. This charm may explicitly be used when splitting a dice pool to attack, affecting every throw made.

The Breaking Dawn
Minimum Thrown: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 3m
Prerequisites: None
Description: The Lawgiver often finds himself in a position where they face a foe with great armor. Rather than strike the foe, many choose to strike their armor first. For 3 motes, the Solar may imbue his weapons with great power, allowing them to deal double raw damage to any armor set that isn't considered unbreakable.

Shattering Solar Storm
Minimum Thrown: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Cost: 5m
Prerequisites: The Breaking Dawn
Description: As the Lawgiver increases in ability and power, they innately begin to take greater and greater advantage of their foes weak points. Shattering Solar Storm allows the Solar to batter the armor of an opponent severely, adding their Essence in unsoakable damage when attacking. Note that this is ONLY effective when attacking armor.

Unstoppable Radiant Barrage
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 5m 1 willpower + 2m per target
Prerequisites: Shattering Solar Storm
Description: Those who would bear the light of The Unconquered Sun will often find themselves completely outnumbered. Such is the fate of those who would attempt to bring illumination. To counter this, the Solars who specialized in throwing weapons developed the Unstoppable Radiant Barrage. This charm allows the Solar to make a full thrown attack every target within range. (i.e. Butler is surrounded by The Shivering Dead and needs to clear out some space in a hurry. He activates Unstoppable Radiant Barrage for 5m 1 willpower, and then spends another 20 motes of Essence, 2 for each of the ten undead within range. In a blur, his throwing knives drop down his sleeves and, because this is a full dice thrown attack, he may throw a full speed rating of knives at each target (normally 3). Butler rolls ten attack rolls, and makes in succession, thirty attacks. That's 3 per target over 10 targets. The undead fall like sheaves of grain.)

The Light That Never Yields
Minimum Thrown: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple Action
Cost: 10m, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Prerequisites: Unstoppable Radiant Barrage
Description: When the fury of The Lawgivers becomes unleashed, there is nothing that can halt it. At a great cost to themselves, the remainder of the Solar's thrown attacks for the rest of the scene will ignore a target's armor and strike them fully. The only soak that will help that is that of their stamina or the armor of their own flesh.