CrownedSun/Path Of Mercury

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Path of Mercury

Cost: 30 motes

This spell allows the sorcerer casting it to summon one of the silver paths of Yu-Shan into Creation for a few short hours, utilizing the paths magics to greatly speed travel for even large groups over any kind of terrain. The path takes the form of a shimmering silver road, wide-enough across for an army to comfortably march in tight ranks. The path generally tries to stay straight and level, and will curve around large obstacles unless doing so would require a large detour, in which case it tends to soar over the obstacle or burrow through it. Lesser obstacles are consumed by the silver road, and disappear until the spell ends; any other modifications (tunnels, for instance) also disappear at that time. Any group travelling the path travels at a speed of (the caster's Essence x100) miles per hour.

The path remains until the sun next crosses the horizon, and the caster is well-advised be conservative in how far he wishes to travel. If any have not yet reached your destination or otherwise departed the path, then those still on the path will find themselves drowning in silver in one of the many silver canals of Yu-Shan. Such uninvited guests seldom drown before they are rescued by one of the gods of the canal and turned over to the cities guardians, but tend to be treated most unkindly -- especially if they have no buisness in the city. Sidereals who enter the city in this way can expect to be fined for a Severity 2 offense, or higher depending on the circumstances. Most other types of Exalts suffer a Severity 3 offense, while mortals are typically just never seen again by man nor god.