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Back toCrownedSun/AyillaraMeetsHerPast/Flashbacks

the Setup

::A massive stone juts out, almost like a platform on which an orator can address the audience of shrubs and trees before him. It's flat, upward slanted just a bit, resting on a bare rock hill and covered in a bit of snow. Almost as if to provide a backdrop for such a speaker, a large flowering bush roots in the ground just beyond the stone -- white snow atop green leaves and crystal flowers.::\\ ::The forest here is wild and pure, the snow falling steadily to the ground, but most getting caught in the canopy above -- leaving some of the black earth visible, and more green in some of the shrubs that grow.::\\ ::Yet, even with the beauty of this place -- there was something unwholesome in the air. Ayillara did not like this place, the last time she had been here, and the other Lunars shared her unease. There was a growing rage, a madness, in the air here. A blood-rage that seemed in the air, bringing everyone a bit closer to anger and shed blood.::\\

the Character Action

* Ayillara inhales deeply, sorting through the scents with her less-than-useful human nose, as she walks towards the rock. She allows her fingers to drift over one of the crystal flowers for a moment, before walking up the rock and glancing around, looking down on the others, studying their faces.

the Flashback

::The first step onto the stone platform brings forth a rush of memory, and with the second Ayillara finds her mind drifting to the past long forgotten. With a scream, a fox-monster not unlike herself pressed up onto the platform in rage and anger. "I WILL NOT SUBMIT!", it screamed, and the scream echoed in Ayillara's memory...::\\ ::"Do you hear me!? Once, I ran. ONCE! I shall not run again, and I will not give in to //*you*//." The fox-beast screamed, mad, through the silent forest as the snow drifted down around her. Massive claws flashed, and it looked around as if expecting some demon to emerge from the wind-blown snow.::\\ ::"We killed you! You are DEAD! I do not fear the dead, I do not even fear the living..." The fox-monster, nine feet tall and muscled, with fur of a deep red and black ices like mirrors into it's dark soul. In it's hand, a gleaming silver Daiklave gleamed. " why should I fear you? WE KILLED YOU BEFORE, AND I SHALL KILL YOU AGAIN!"::\\ ::There was silence, and the Fox-God stood there upon the platform, mad-eyes wide, breathing in long gasping breaths as it shouted itself nearly hoarse. "Did you hear me? I shall kill you," it repeated, it's voice smaller, as if making up it's mind. "I SAID I WILL KILL YOU, BEAST, AND SEND YOU TO YOUR FINAL REST!"::\\ ::There was a pause...::\\ ::"AGAIN!"::\\ ::"I am not afraid of you," it said, rather to the forest or itself, then it jumped down from the platform and stalked off in a huff. It knew what it had to do. It would find the Heart of the Forest. It would slay the devil that lurked there. It would free this place, and all the Gods that were trapped here...::\\ ::It would not claim her, as it had claimed them. She would sooner die first; she would sooner KILL first...::