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Town of Cerulean Lake

Cerulean Lake is a small farming village south of Marukan on a tributary of the Grey River. Their main staple is rice, although they also produce vegetables and chickens. Generally the Realm would not have bothered making this village a tributary, except for two things. The first being the nearby lake that the village takes it's name from has large freshwater oysters that produce large pearls which are valued both for their beauty and for their use in artifact construction.

The other point of interest is that the village is built upon the ruins of a Shogunate Military base which was abandoned during the Contagion. Many of the buildings still stand, but just as many are falling apart. Not everyone lives in the Shogunate buildings. Many live near their farms or in modern structures erected in and around the older buildings. Between the base and the lake lies theBrilliantRain/CeruleanLake/HouseOfAdamantIce.