This is a layout stolen from TrialBySchmendrick to facilitate an On-line Match in ImmortalKombat.
Trial started: Tuesday, May 5, 2010 2:44PM PDT
Trial completed: {date}
Eroding Mountain of the Faithful - Jade Caste - Air Dragon Style
Golden Serpent - Dawn Caste - Snake Style
1. Full Essence 3 builds allowed.
2. Full Artifacts allowed.
Blank Tick Template
Flavor text describing the events, stunts, etc.
- Mechanics of one fighter
- Mechanics of another fighter. If a fighter makes an attack, use the attack steps. Second Edition, for example, would be:
- Attack specifics, including charm use.
- Additional details, like countercharms
- Or other responses to the attack made during this step
- Defense declaration
- Attack roll
- Attack reroll
- External penalties
- Defense reroll
- Base damage
- Soak
- Counterattacks
- Result
Arena + Setup
Starting Distance 44 Yards. I was thinking a swamp near the Font of Mourning.
- Swamp to me says there are things like logs and rocks for solid ground, with mostly a waist-deep muck that smells really terrible everywhere. There are trees like weeping willows, some living and some dead, and there are lots of bugs and maybe creatures like alligators/crocodiles.
Serpent will face his opponent standing on a flat, mossy rock. He is clad in a standard chain shirt and leather chaps over his trousers and wielding a pair of hooked swords with hilt ornamentation displaying hooded cobras whose fangs form the finger-guards. He eyes the mechanical man before him and says, "Perhaps when I'm done with you, my sorcerer-engineers can put you back together as a soldier for my army."
Tick -1
Golden Serpent activates Leaping Cobra's Eye for 1wp, spending 3m on Striking Cobra Technique and 3m on Monkey Leap Technique. His anima surges forward with the image of a cobra whose fangs seek Mountain's throat, but he leaps upwards into the treetops. Join Battle (10 dice + 5 successes): 9, 8, 9, 5, 8, 10, 9, 5, 5, 6 (7 + 5 = 12 successes). Serpent has 4/5 willpower, 29/35 peripheral essence, 14/14 personal essence, 7/7 health levels.
Tick 0
Tick 1
Tick 2
Tick 3
Tick 4
Tick 5
Tick 6
Tick 7
Tick 8
Tick 9
Tick 10
Tick 11
A section for what was learned
Home player
Away player
Initial Negotiations
Where and what is the font of mourning? I only have my core book and storyteller's companion with me. A swamp sounds fine though. - IanPrice
Player Chat
I'll leave environmental description at the start to you, I'm kind of terrible with setting scenes... my players always complain. -Sabis
- Done and done, let's have a nice fun battle. :) - IanPrice
Observer Comments
A space for onlookers to discuss stuff (and players to respond).