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The Half Moon

Cast half in shadow and half in light, the Half Moon is the time under which some secrets are hidden while others are revealed - the time at the edge of the cycle, between the subtle and the forward. The Half Moon Caste, therefore, makes up the eyes and ears of Lunar society - they are scouts, constable, and strategists. Where the Full Moon could lead a force into battle, and the No Moon could unravel the secrets of mystical forces, the Half Moon leads others to secrets and unravels the battle-plans of others. They are somewhat above the others, looking down - it is no small wonder that most pull their totems from an avian bent - and their keen eyes and careful plans uncover all things.

In the First Age, the Half Moons worked closely with the Night and Twilight Castes. The Nights, they directed - they uncovered the conspiracies, gathered the evidence, and made sure of their rightness. They were the careful, watchful, secret police. For the Twilights, they moved among the mystically-bound, the gods and spirits and demons, those tied with magic, and found the weak links, those that strove to escape their captivity - many a chastised demon holds a grudge against the Half Moon Caste.

In their assurance of their own abilities, the Solars turned their backs on the warnings of the Half Moons, and suffered for it. When the Sidereals plotted, many a watchful eye returned to its mate with a warning, and was laughed off - who would dare challenge the Solars? The Night Caste moved without counsel, slaying those who were not guilty. A handful of Twilights ignored warnings and, in their uncautious meddlings, lost control of their mastered servants. All this was observed and chronicled by the Half Moons - they felt it their duty, and some of their records have survived, are used to teach the truths of history to newly-Exalted Lunars.

The Half Moons have adjusted to their situation with surprising ease - observing the fringes of the Wyld offers as much challenge and reward as observing the enemies of the Solars, and organizing and equipping small troops of barbarians offers a way to pass time. As the Societies of the Lunars gear up for war, the services of the Half Moons come with more demand - no group wishes to be caught incapable of discerning their enemy's plots and ploys.

Totem Selections: Most Half Moons have Deceiver or Mysteries Totems. Deceiver totems are animals of camouflage and trickery, imitators and actors. Mysteries totems are often watchful and patient animals - especially hunters. Cunning totems tend to be sly and still beasts. Strength totems are almost invariably pack and ambush hunters. Alpha totems, the rarest for this caste, generally draw from similar stock as the Strength totems, but the more ferocious of the pack-beasts.

Anima Banner: Half Moons have animas of odd variations - they appear at first as rigid geometric patterns that swirl in reaction to events around them, but as more Essence is expended, these hazy white-blue animas grow fainter around the edges, almost mistlike, creating an obscuring brilliance that masks the intentions of the Lunar.

Anima Effects: By expending 10 motes of Essence, the Half Moon may heighten his awareness of his surroundings - this does not allow for minute observation but extends over a mile, giving a rough estimate of the conditions of large masses of people (10+ individuals or so) in the area but ignoring individuals. It would therefore tell the Half Moon that his troops were being pushed back on the left flank and that the villagers they were protecting were still in the temple, and it would inform him of the enemy cavalry moving to take advantage of a gap in the front lines, but would be useless against the assassin sneaking into his tent.

Caste Abilities: The Half Moons are suited for the martial role of an overseer and an investigator, and as such have abilities that allow them to move through rough places, alongside armed forces, or delve into the secrets of others. Their caste Abilities are Archery, Awareness, Endurance, Investigation, and Survival.

Associations: The element of metal, the color green, half moons, spyglasses, and hawks.

Sobriquets: Does anyone really read these?

Concepts: Military strategist, the master of Gateway, the spy, the observer at the edge of society, the watcher in the Wyld.

I believe that's checkmate, Mr. Kejak.

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