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What This Means For Abyssal Exalted

Abyssal Exalted are made using the Yozis' first-generation Essence-modification techniques, which rely on direct alteration of the Exaltation itself. For some reason, the Malfeans have had more success with this approach than did the Yozis; most of the Demon Princes' attempts at shoehorning Primordial power into existing Exaltations ended with both the Exaltation, and its luckless vessel, self-destructing in spectacular fashion. Perhaps their death has lessened them just enough that mortal bodies can contain fragments of their power; perhaps their dead, alien intellects found some way to refine the process which the Yozis overlooked. Whatever the case, Abyssals still exhibit several of the drawbacks which caused the Yozis to abandon that approach: progressively severe bodily alterations, the inability to freely regain Essence through respiration, and crippling Resonance with the nature of their masters.
