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Back to FrivYetiFrivYeti/DragonsS8IC/Dragons

FrivYeti: The party has successfully defeated the Fair Folk, along with providing a bit of support to the battle on the other side of the safe zone.
FrivYeti: Darting Lynx's soldiers, with the help of Baram's demons and Tiger's arrows, have held their own, and seeing that Nezini is 'safely' surrounded by humans, Kizen's troops have withdrawn.
FrivYeti: Most of Nezini's oakmen are dead, but the ten survivors have formed up around her willow-carriage, clearly not sure how to react to you.
willcoon: Skein looks sidelong at Tiger, and raises an eyebrow.
hoverpope: Baran is mostly busy catching his breath and wiping copious amounts of sweat from his brow.
willcoon: "What do you think, Tiger? Do we want to approach..." he makes sure Lynx isn't nearby. "Or do we want to let our fearless leader handle it?"
FrivYeti: Darting Lynx is still occupied with directing archers to launch volleys at retreating hobgoblins, and convincing men not to charge in pursuit.
Moonsword134: Valeria leans on her staff next to the other two. Diplomacy isn't her strong suit unless someone needs a big stick waved around. She speaks too softly.
Wakoid2: Errant Tiger keeps an arrow in hand, but more in case of the possibility of Kizen's forces returning. "She seems a bit occupied at the moment. It wouldn't hurt to get a word in first."
Wakoid2: "Just to see how Nezini is faring, of course."
DonovanTz: ::Hailey checks the field for salvagable javelins and then she and Amarranth will form up near Tiger::
willcoon: Skein composedly approaches Nezini's carriage, not looking as though he expects the plantmen to do anything other than step aside and allow him passage.
hoverpope: Baran saunters back over to the rest of the team, wondering what's going on.
FrivYeti: The oakmen look confused for a moment, and then step aside at an unseen signal. Nezini's cultured voice rings out from within the willowcarriage. "Good afternoon to you, Captain. You have such... fortuitous timing."
willcoon: "Honorable Lady Nezini, a pleasure to meet you again, though the circumstances are somewhat wanting. I trust, apart from the battle, that you are well?"
FrivYeti: "I have been better, but I have also been worse." The willow leaves slide aside, giving room for Nezini to step out, and she smiles gently. "Thank you for your concern."
FrivYeti: She looks around the area. "What brings you back to this region, and in such numbers?"
Moonsword134: Valeria shrugs as Nezini's gaze sweeps over her.
willcoon: Skein inclines his head politely. "As you may have been able to perceive based on the extent of our armaments ... we are serving as a diplomatic mission to Creation."
DonovanTz: ::Hailey steps quietly away from TIger and heads in Lynx's direction::
FrivYeti: Nezini nods thoughtfully. "How cunning. Seeking out allies, yes? Quite wise of you."
FrivYeti: Darting Lynx, apparantly confident that the enemyis not returning immediately, is now walking over towards the group.
Moonsword134: Valeria raises an eyebrow and then steps forward to get the fey's attention.
willcoon: "You are too kind, Lady Nezini. I hope the noisome Kizen has not been plaguing you overmuch? That this is not indicative of a continuing pattern of activity?"
willcoon: Skein looks between the others and Lynx.
FrivYeti: Nezini shakes her head sadly. "I fear very much that it is. I was not so cunning as you." She looks over at Valeria.
Moonsword134: Valeria smiles wryly at Nezini's comment. "I was about to point out much the same, milady."
Wakoid2: Tiger lowers his bow and arrow. "What is the cause of his dispute with you?" he asked. As Lynx approached, he turned and saluted her. "Enemy routed, Winglord."
willcoon: He takes a deep breath, and hopes for the best from Lynx, though he is wary. "You flatter us, Lady Nezini. Do you know what fuels his aggression?"
FrivYeti: Nezini sighs. "In my isolation, I believed that no outside court could intrude on my affairs. As such, I was quite brash with Kizen when he approached me for an alliance."
FrivYeti: "I underestimated how much his resources have grown, while mine have shrunk."
FrivYeti: Darting Lynx nods to Errant Tiger. "Very well done." She turns to Nezini with a stern nod. "Madam. You must be the famed Nezini of whom I've heard so much."
willcoon: Skein has to suppress a smile at that.
Moonsword134: Valeria doesn't bother, although her smile is a small one.
DonovanTz: ::Hailey and Amarranth return to the group. Hailey stands at attention with Amaranth at her feet.::
Moonsword134: She moves back from the fey to give Lynx more room and stands beside Hailey.
Moonsword134: The ebon-skinned Terrestrial reaches down and gives Amaranth an affectionate scratch on the head.
DonovanTz: ::The irrepresible Amaranth leans heavily into it::
FrivYeti: Nezini raises an eyebrow slightly, looking Darting Lynx over. "I am. And you are?"
FrivYeti: "Winglord Darting Lynx, of the Fourth Dragon of Scarlet Haven." Darting Lynx glances around. "What circumstances led to your war with Kizen?"
FrivYeti: Nezini considers Darting Lynx for a few moments. "Winglord, should you not see to your troops first?"
FrivYeti: Lynx blinks, as though she hadn't even considered it. "Of course. Carry on, Captain." She turns on one heel and goes to check on the scouts.
willcoon: Skein looks between them, then smiles. "Thank you, Lady Nezini."
DonovanTz: ::Hailey reaches down and pats Amaranth on the head::
hoverpope: "I don't suppose you would like to teach me that particular trick, Lady Nezini?"
FrivYeti: Nezini chuckles softly. "I would be happy to, sir, but I fear that you are not capable of developing it. It requires a certain understanding of the nature of the Wyld that no mortal can match."
Moonsword134: "Nor, I suspect, that our superiors... or my _father_... would be pleased if you developed," Valeria adds in a harsh whisper to Baran.
hoverpope: " Comedy, my dear Valeria." He whispers back. "Nothing calms people down like it."
Moonsword134: "Obviously, you've never seen my father in one of his more intense moods," Valeria mutters sarcastically.
FrivYeti: Nezini chuckles softly at the interplay, then returns her attention to the group as a whole. "I fear that you may find this passage less traversable in the future."
Moonsword134: Valeria's head jerks sharply to pay more attention to the fey.
FrivYeti: " It is only a matter of time before Kizen begins to wear away at the edges of the pass.
willcoon: "Indeed? Has it begun to close once more?"
willcoon: "... Kizen."
willcoon: "This does present certain difficulties. For how long do you think the passage will remain open?"
hoverpope: "Lady Nezini, do you have any suggestions as to how we might keep the passage open?"
FrivYeti: Nezini considers thoughtfully for a few long moments. "Find yourselves a number of armies."
FrivYeti: "That may be sufficient." She shakes her head. "For myself, I intend to leave this place and travel into Creation."
hoverpope: "Do you have a destination in mind, some haven you seek?"
Wakoid2: "I take it those that you spoke of the last time we passed through are approaching?" Tiger asked.
FrivYeti: Nezini nods. "Can you not feel it? The Wyld is called to them, draws to them. They cannot succeed at their dream - it is an impossibility. But the regions near the Wall will feel their wrath at their failure."
FrivYeti: "I do not know when they will come. But with my domain taken by Kizen, I have no reason to stay and risk their anger."
willcoon: "We thank you for this knowledge. It appears that we, too, must react to changing times."
FrivYeti: "Indeed. Thank you very much for your assistance. It was likely my salvation." Nezini regards you seriously. "If there is anything you require in return, I do not know when we will next meet."
willcoon: Skein looks to the others. "Our immediate concern is mobilizing the Haven and getting them through the passage."
hoverpope: "Should we not first establish a foothold for our people in the world?
hoverpope: Certainly, carrying our diplomatic mission onwards while sending word back would allow the people to mobilize while allowing us to not surprise those we meet there so greatly.
hoverpope: Arriving with no preparations in hostile territory would scarcely be better."
Moonsword134: "I find myself agreeing with Baran for once," Valeria says in her usual soft whisper.
Wakoid2: "We'll need to alert Haven at the very least. Considering that Kizen will likely take it upon himself, either in diverting their attention from him or out of
Wakoid2: maliciousness, to show them where it is, they'll likely be attacked soon."
hoverpope: "Certainly that is the case. I could return back to the city and spread the word, if need be."
FrivYeti: Nezini nods thoughtfully. "I can leave some of my surviving soldiers to keep watch for Kizen's forces. Good luck to you, mortals. I paid little attention to your kind in the past. I think that was an error."
willcoon: "Thank you, Lady Nezini. And luck to you as well."
Moonsword134: Valeria nods politely.
Wakoid2: Errant Tiger bowed, a bit stiffly perhaps, but with genuine gratitude for her help and words.
FrivYeti: Nezini steps back into the chariot, which begins walking southwards towards the mountains. Eight of the oakmen join her, while two slip off back towards the woods - presumably to send word to her other troops.
DonovanTz: ::Hailey inclines her head slightly, just enough to be polite::
FrivYeti: The characters are briefly by themselves; Lynx is still talking to her men, and the soldiers are regrouping and conversing amongst themselves.
willcoon: Skein takes stock of the battlefield, nods to Tiger, then walks just near enough to Lynx to catch what she's saying to her men.
Wakoid2: "Our timetable just became a lot shorter than we thought we'd have..." Tiger says, putting away his bow.
FrivYeti: Currently, she is discussing the formation of future patrols with Captain Kyll, who is in favour of sending troops back and forth across the Wyld border to hit Fair Folk targets.
DonovanTz: In case it wasn't obvious, she used magic on the winglord ::Hailey speaks softly::
hoverpope: "I believe we had noted such, yes."
Moonsword134: Valeria nods.
willcoon: "Indeed, Tiger. We must move swiftly. Hopefully, we will be able to recruit the Arbiters to our aid..."
Wakoid2: "Whether we wish to ally with them is one thing that has yet to be determined. Even if we did, they aren't exactly in a position to lend us much aid at the moment."
FrivYeti: As the characters discuss, Lynx's head snaps up suddenly, and her eyes narrow. She looks in the direction that the carriage departed towards.
willcoon: "They claimed to be able to hold the passage open, at least to some extent."
FrivYeti: She strides over to the group. "Where did she go?"
Wakoid2: "Hold it open, maybe," Tiger agreed. "However, against several Fae armies, rather than any natural decay? I also meant finding a place for our people to go to once they made it to Creation."
willcoon: "That is a matter worth our consideration."
willcoon: "Ah, Lynx, the Fey is dealt with."
Wakoid2: "She departed, Winglord. She said her territory has been taken over by Kizen, and she would be leaving... with additional reasons for beyond her
Wakoid2: conflict with him. Apparently, there are going to be several Fae lords coming to the area in the near future... and taking their displeasure at the passage's exisance on anything they can find..."
FrivYeti: Lynx's eyes narrow. "Does she say that."
hoverpope: "She does, sir."
FrivYeti: "And do you know why, precisely, she did not feel the need to say so directly to me?"
Moonsword134: Valeria shifts uneasily, out of sight of Lynx.
Wakoid2: "I wouldn't know Ma'am. However, it does match her previous statements from my original mission."
hoverpope: "I would expect, sir, that she is afraid of you. You are considerably more powerful than us, and it would only make sense for her to split us up in case we were going to attack."
Moonsword134: Valeria moves behind Lynx quietly, her grip shifting as she prepares to slam Lynx to the ground with her staff if the commander attempts something... rash... towards their erstwhile ally.
FrivYeti: Lynx stares after the carriage, thoughtfully. "Yes, it does. So why is it that she just happens to be pursued by Kizen as we enter this area? I don't buy it, Captain."
FrivYeti: "It's entirely too convienient."
Moonsword134: Valeria, noting that Lynx has calmed down, steps right behind her and whispers softly, "Because she had just been attacked, ma'am."
FrivYeti: Lynx doesn't turn to look at Valeria. "Attacked just as we depart. Did she make any suggestions?"
Wakoid2: "True. But not necessarily a lie on her part. Considering that there are several, more powerful Fae going to be arriving in the near future, they may have come into conflict trying to solify their respective holdings."
FrivYeti: Lynx shakes her head after a moment. "Even if she was attacked, it seems possible that Kizen did so just so that we could rescue her. If we believe there is an overwhelming force enroute..."
FrivYeti: "We would be more likely to leave Scarlet Haven, leaving our people without their fortifications in case of an attack."
Moonsword134: "The same Kizen who sacrificed that many of his troops? A costly deception, I expect," Valeria notes quietly.
FrivYeti: "They are Fair Folk, Valeria. They do not care about lives." Lynx, apparantly coming to a decision, shifts her position. "I will send three scouts back to Scarlet Haven with this information."
FrivYeti: "We continue the mission as originally instructed."
Wakoid2: "Or we might dig ourselves in, fortifying our position. While both scenarios of the attack on Nezini are possible, which would be the most disasterous to us if it were true?"
FrivYeti: Lynx waves an arm. "We will leave that to the colonels to consider, Captain. It is beyond the reach of our current assignment."
hoverpope: "Sir, while it is true that they do not care for lives, they have been known to sometimes exhibit concern for resources."
hoverpope: "Your analysis, however, is quite correct. My only concern is that if this is not a ruse, it would very much be in the interests of any fae in the area to intercept our scouts returning home."
FrivYeti: Lynx nods after a moment. "Not a bad point, Master Baran." She considers, looking around. "Master Baran, would you be so kind as to accompany the scouts back to Scarlet Haven?"
hoverpope: "Yes sir! I would be honoured to be given such a vital task."
FrivYeti: "You would best be able to fill in any missing information as to their natures, given your training - other than Madame Valeria, who we can ill spare."
Moonsword134: Valeria takes a self-mocking little bow.
hoverpope: "Then sir, I should report back immediately." Baran salutes over-stiffly, and jogs off to get the scouts and his demons ready to go home.
willcoon: Skein looks on thoughtfully.
FrivYeti: "Very good." Lynx nods, and raises her voice. "Everyone prepare to move out!"
FrivYeti: She goes to converse with her lieutenants again, leaving the group alone.
willcoon: "...That went well."
hoverpope: The coruscant outline of a great and beautiful wasp flickers into existince faintly near the group, and with clicking voice speaks. "Master Baran will keep you all personally informed of any urgent information that arises."
hoverpope: " Be cautious and consider the possiblity that Darting Lynx is correct. Good luck, and let him know if you need anything."
hoverpope: The wasp flickers out of existence again a fraction of a heartbeat later.
Wakoid2: "It could have gone worse," Tiger said. "We need to get back into positions now anyway."
willcoon: "A wasp..?"
willcoon: "Well, that's handy."