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Vaorun of the Light

Hail Vaorun, Slayer of Juggernaut and Hero of the Gods! It was said by many Savants of the First Age that there were few foes left to challenge the Slayer of Behemoths, and perhaps they were right, but time and again Vaorun of the Light rode out upon his Golden Maned Mount, Sharraki, to face down the enemies of the Gods and the Realm both. It was he who led the Great Hunt against the Greatest Hunter ever born and drove him to the utter edges of creation and beyond, it was he who held back the Hordes of the Faerie with her very presence and myth, it was he who slew the Slayer of Nations and gouged out the eye of the Primordial God that had crafted him. In all of the Old Realm, there was no Hero more celebrated and no warrior more renowned than Vaorun the Light. He had no position in the Deliberative or the Realm, standing on his own as Lightguard, Protector and Mailed Fist of the Unconquered Sun.

He was brought low, during the Usurpation, by that very reputation. Guest of Honor for the Calibration Feast that marked the Usurpation, all the foul magics and poisons of the Sidereal were focused upon him and brought him low. Even so, when the Treachery became apparent his eyes glowed with pure golden light and he picked himself up with great effort -- pain etching his features, even as the horrible screaming death unleashed itself and laced itself through his body. Gold fought with black, as the death-wards of Saturn worked against him. Already weakened from the poison, he fell and expired on the ground, knowing only failure.

Note: Vaorun's Godspark is incarnated in the form of Lilaryn.

Associates of Vaorun

Mauri, the Fox-Tale
Beautiful and deadly, the Fox-tailed Huntress known as Mauri was not nearly as renowned as her husband. Few tales existed for the deeds she performed for the Old Realm, and she had not been Exalted or even alive during the Primordial War. Child of the Waning Moon, she performed those tasks she was assigned with a quiet humility and seldom spoke of them to others. For long years after her Exaltation, she served the River Province well by bringing death and terror to it's enemies, until she met the one who would be her husband. She had been foolish, or merely unlucky, the price of which was certain to be death -- for even in the First Age, the fate of one caught beyond the borders of Creation in the Realm of the Faerie was grim indeed. Nor had she hope of rescue, for none knew of her mission -- or so she thought! One can imagine her surprise when her own great hero, whom she had idolized as a little girl, roared through the Unshaped Fae like the Unconquered Sun itself. The two worked together on occasions afterwards, with increasing frequency. She repaid his initial favor on many occasions, saving his life as he had saved hers but there were no debts between them. Slowly they fell in love -- exchanging rings of Orichalcum and Moonsilver, and pledging themselves of one another.

The Usurpation brought an end to this great love affair, one that shook the Fox-Tale almost to the core. The horrible reality of it all burned into her and what she had allowed to happen seemed too horrible for her to imagine. Yet, never did she forget her beloved and it was in her heart that she carried the memory of the Lightguard into the Second Age.