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Meeting the Procurer

Alisair Gebhard's home is oddly humid. Its windows are draped in dark, expensive-looking fabrics, and wilting pots of herbs sit on every sill. His office is coated in sickly, yellowing dust.

Osprey has doffed his Resplendent Destiny as a cursed mercenary; there is no reason that this man will need to remember them after they have gotten what they need from him.

Alisair coughs and, sniffles. "Afternoon, gentlemen. What can I do for you three today?" He has a snivelling, wheedling tone.

"You do not sound well, Master Gebhard," observed Osprey.

"Touch of a cold, I'd say," replies Arkadi.

Osprey eyes the hollow reed, and scattering of white dust, on the man's desk. "Indeed."

Malic smiles at the man. "We'd like to speak with you about some of your more interesting offers. We've heard fascinating things about them from our friends."

"Don't sniff worry about it. I ate something that didn't agree with me a little while ago...the product is fine, though.

Arkadi is keeping carefully silent...he desperately wants to throttle this guy.

"It is said that some of the women in your employ have skills which one might go so far as to describe as otherworldly," says Osprey.

"That's a generous way to put it, old boy. cough I take it you're interested?"

Osprey looks to his companions. "We are men of exotic tastes. My friend, here," he nods at Arkadi, "felt certain you would be able to help us find what we desire." Osprey 's face and voice remain impassive.

"I see."

"We are willing to pay generously," Arkadi volunteers.

"No need to discuss payment just now, gentlemen. Perhaps you could be a little more...specific...about your interests, so we can serve you as ewll as possible?"

Arkadi looks left, looks right and indicates for Alisair to come in closer; the man scoots his chair forward. "I have been told that the dead have had many eternities with which to practice that what they're good at..."


Arkadi arches an eyebrow. "Well then...surely a man with your...connections can...arrange something?"

"Certainly. Of could be a little difficult. sniff"

Arkadi is understanding. "Of course."

"Price is not an object," says Osprey.

"I do person."

Malic looks plainly bored, waiting for the man to get to the bloody point.

"Oh?" asks Arkadi.

"Yes. I can introduce you to him if you'd like."

"I would like that very much..."

"Is sniff tomorrow convenient?"

"Most certainly."

"Good. I'll see you then."

Arkadi nods.

The Ghost's Request

The next morning, Alisair has someone in his office with him. The curtains are drawn extra-tight. "Good morning."

.Arkadi nods. "'Mornin'."

Malic barely nods to the fat man, instead focusing his attention on the new person.

Osprey also peers at the newcomer, trying to make out his shadowy form. "This is the man you say can help us find what we want?"

The ghost is a sharp-featured young man in green funeral clothing. His hands are slightly transparent, and as he moves about the room he avoids the light like a flame before a draft, but otherwise appears not unusual.

"I assume this is your friend?" inquires Arkadi.

"I am." Alisair remains quiet, thankfully.

Osprey notices a family resemblance between the two, although the living one's body has been softened and bloated by sloth and excess.

"Let's go in another room, shall we? I find my brother's office...uncomfortable."

Malic nods. "Perfectly acceptable. And understandable."

Osprey follows the ghost to the other room. "Master Gebhard tells us that you have connections in the land of the dead."

The other room is lit by an odd jade lamp. It's full of comfortable couches.

"He isn't mistaken. You seem to be men of savory tastes. I imagine that you're not actually interested in the sercives that my brother offers."

"You're a good bit more perceptive then your brother is," says Malic.

"What gave it away?" asks Arkadi.

"His habits and flesh cloud his eyes.
"The smell, if you must know."

"In other words, we don't?" says Arkadi.

Osprey sizes up the ghost, more carefully this time. "From your continued presence, I take it that you are not unwilling to trade in information, as well as the services of ghostly concubines."

"That's right. I make efforts to stay informed of events for precisely this reason."

"The power of your master grows; many do not see it, for his ways are subtle, but we have not failed to notice the gathering of his dark influence," says Osprey. "We, and those we represent, wish to know more of Eye and Seven Despairs, that we may treat with him. We wish to know which of his servants are his most trusted; whom should we make overtures toward?"

The ghost nods.

"Of course, we do not expect to receive this information as charity."

"Someone who is very dear to me works in my brother's employ."

Osprey nods. Arkadi arches an eyebrow "I'm listening."

"I would like for you to kill her."

Arkadi is surprised. "Wha..."

Osprey folds his arms. "We are not assassins. But perhaps you would like to explain further."

Malic idly thumbs his swordblade, considering that. He doubts he will like whatever this task is..but it may need doing regardless.

"I am the only ghost that my brother employs directly. He prefers not to deal with our kind when he can avoid it. He finds our presence...uncomfortable."

"And this leads to him keeping you from this woman?" Osprey surmises.

"My friend was sold into servitude some time ago," replies the ghost, "and as you can imagine, she is not happy in her employment."

"We have heard of the peculiar tastes he has recently begun catering to, yes."

"She is a very...popular young lady, and so my brother is reluctant to sell her to me."

Osprey considers.

"Resultantly, disaster of a kind is her only escape. I cannot bring myself to bring her to my side with my own hand. So I ask your assistance."

"Do you absolutely desire her death?" asks Osprey. "Or would simply freeing her from your brother's thrall be enough? Surely you would prefer her alive, rather than a pale shadow who only serves to remind you of how she once was, and will never be again."

The ghost quirks a brow.

"This thing is not beyond our reach." Osprey's words are certain.

"The crossing is somewhat of a discomfort that I'd prefer to avoid, were I able. But he will trace her vanishing back to me, dull as he has become. What have you in mind?"

Malic nods. "I can arrange for her to become suddenly avalible for resale. It isn't a problem."

The ghost is dubious. "That seems a rather...mysterious promise."

"Your information is rather mysterious at this point," retorts Malic.

"We have access to resources which ordinary men might not," Osprey assures the ghost. "The interests we represent are very powerful."

"Fair enough. How quickly can you bring this about?"

"At any time," replies Malic. "Where is the young lady?"

"Tell us where you will be waiting, and she will be there tomorrow midnight," says Osprey.

"The young lady is at the house downtown. You know which I mean. Ask to see Spring Snow."

Malic nods. "We'll see you at midnight tomorrow, then. Where?"

"I will wait for you beside the temple in the town square."

Osprey nods. "We will be there, as will she."

"All right. I look forward to seeing you again, stranger."

"Stranger indeed," Malic says wryly.
