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Ah, the meat of the matter. The reason I created Warcraft in the first place. This is how it works, and it's surprisingly straightforwards.

Every Martial Arts tree is attached to an Ability. Any Ability may be attached to, except for Archery, Brawl, Melee, Thrown, and Warcraft. That's right: All Martial Arts require a high score in a non-combat Ability. Most Martial Arts will use Brawl, but any weapons use Melee, Archery, or Thrown, as appropriate. As a side effect of this, there are no basic styles anymore. If someone wants to be good barehanded and with a seven-section-staff, take Brawl and Melee like everyone else.

Now, within each Martial Arts form, the following rules apply:

1) All Martial Arts score prerequisites are replaced with the appropriate Ability.
2) All rolls required to activate a Form are made using Dexterity + (Ability).
3) Anything that adds your Martial Arts to a score adds the appropriate Ability.
4) Anything that boosts attack rolls boosts whatever Ability you are using to attack.
5) Attack rolls can be made with any Ability that the Form allows weapons for, as long as you use that weapon.

Finally, Sidereal Martial Arts use TWO Abilities instead of one. Both Abilities must be at the minimum level for any Charm learned, and any bonuses granted use the lower of the two scores. That's pretty much it. Straightforward, no?

Now, on to which Abilities attach to which Styles:


Crimson Pentacle Blade Stlye - Presence; Fire
Five-Dragon Style - Resistance; Earth
Jade Mountain Style - Endurance; Earth


Air Dragon Style - Lore (Twilight; Secrets; Air)
Celestial Monkey Style - Socialize (Eclipse; Serenity; Fire)
Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style - Performance (Zenith; Serenity; Wood)
Earth Dragon Style - Endurance (Zenith; Journeys; Earth)
Ebon Shadow Style - Stealth (Night; Secrets; Air)
Fire Dragon Style - Presence (Zenith; Battles; Fire)
Hungry Shade Style - Occult (Twilight; Secrets; Air)
Mantis Style - Bureaucracy (Eclipse; Endings; Water)
Righteous Devil Style - Crafts (Twilight; Serenity; Earth)
Snake Style - Investigation (Twilight; Secrets; Water)
Tiger Style - Athletics (Night; Endings; Earth)
Violet Bier of Sorrows Style - Awareness (Night; Endings; Earth)
Water Dragon Style - Sail (Eclipse; Journeys; Water)
Wood Dragon Style - Medicine (Twilight; Endings; Wood)


Charcoal March of Spiders Style - Endurance and Survival (Journeys)
Citrine Pox of Contagion Style - Awareness and Medicine (Endings)
Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style - Lore and Occult (Secrets)

Whew! There you have it! One complete work of massive houseruling.