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Kulin Harrud

Description: Kulin is of very slender build, and stands straight and tall. Since his dull, ashen skin tends to draw the attention of everyone around him, Kulin wears a simple cloak, buttoned from his neck to his knees, and when outside, a hood to cover his smooth head.

Roleplaying Notes:

Caste: Twilight
Nature: Survivor

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Abilities: Archery, Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Bureaucracy, Craft, Dodge, Endurance, Investigation, Larceny, Linguistics, Lore, Martial Arts, Medicine, Melee, Occult, Performance, Presence, Resistance, Ride, Sail, Socialize, Stealth, Survival, Thrown
Note: * = Caste or Favored skill.
Virtues: Compassion, Conviction, Temperance, Valor
Willpower: , Essence: , Essence Pool:
Virute Flaw: Righteous Domination (Roll Conviction when the character's advice is ignored.)
Limit: O O O O O O O O O O

Flaws: Unnatural Appearance (Ashen Skin) -2


Base Initiative: 5
Clinch: Speed -6, Acc +0, Damage +0B piercing, Defense +0, Rate 1
Fists: Speed +0, Acc +1, Damage +0B, Defense +2, Rate 5
Kick: Speed -3, Acc +1, Damage +3B, Defense -3, Rate 3
Dodge: 5, Soak: XB/XL/0A, Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4 Incapacitated

Experience Points: 0
Unspent XP: 0

Character Description and Background

Kulin’s mother was a nomad, traveling through and around the Glitter-Flame desert with a caravan of no more than one hundred people; or so he remembered. If he thought hard enough, he could remember - her hair was as black as the perilous night, and her skin was as yellow as the sand. Or perhaps it was all in his mind.

Kulin was left by a well in a small town north of the desert. He often tried to rationalize his mother’s decision. He was, of course, one more mouth to feed, or she might have known he would find a better life here. No matter what story he came up with, the pain never subsided.

Most of his memory was a blank from the time of being abandoned to living in an orphanage in an oasis town. Eight years of nothingness.

The nothingness ended the night Kulin’s orphanage was engulfed in a mysterious blaze. Kulin couldn’t hear for the roaring of the flames and the screaming of the children. Flames licked his yellow skin and singed his golden hair. Feeling his way through the inferno, the voices around him began to die out. He was alone. Rafters and beams fell around him, walls crumbled. The fire raged, but Kulin no longer noticed. He shambled forward, his eyes blurry with the tears of being abandoned again. The floor collapsed underneath Kulin and he fell into the inferno of the lower level. The grinning, charred remains of the orphanage master broke his fall. Kulin was at the center of a bonfire. With the rest of his strength, he stood and screamed with all the pain and anguish he had been saving for those eight long years.

Kulin screamed until he collapsed. The scream flew from his mouth like an icy northern wind, swirled around his gray charred body, and with the force of a ton of gunpowder, shattered the flaming orphanage.

Kulin’s body was sprawled in the cool blue light of the moon. Not even a trace of smoke remained of the fire that almost took his life.

This is the night Kulin believes he was chosen by the gods.

After the fire, Kulin appearance was changed dramatically. For the heat and flame, Kulin escaped without a scar, but his yellow desert skin was a dull gray, forever stained by the ash of the abandoned children. His golden hair was taken from him, as was the hair on his arms and legs.

Kulin would wake screaming in the night. He could feel the weight of the dead children on his chest. Eventually, Kulin realized that his memories gave him strength. He had survived.

By the age of 16, Kulin had taken to the shops and streets of Tiraktou, learning simple carpentry and making a fair wage with wagon and furniture repair. It was a simple life, but one that Kulin did not mind.

Kulin kept to himself, still wary of those that could abandon him once more.

It wasn’t until Kulin met Ginsho that things finally changed. On a hot and blustery day, a small caravan passed through, in need of some simple repairs. Ginsho was simply passing through. He was quiet like Kulin, which Kulin immediately liked… but there was something else about him.


After observing his ashen skin, and hearing of the orphanage and Kulin’s past, Ginsho offered to teach him, to shape (what he said) was a growing energy inside of Kulin.

The journey to the east was long and difficult. Kulin fell ill only one week into the travels. His body wasted away, and the sickness spread through his mind, infecting his dreams, and changing his thoughts.

Ginsho did all he could to comfort Kulin. He taught Kulin how to make a salve to ease his sleep, and how to concoct a powder for his pain. Even through sickness, Kulin absorbed all of the knowledge he could. He felt that there was power in his knowledge.

Coming down the Summer Mountain Range, Kulin’s weak legs missed a step. He fell over a cliff’s edge and landed far below with a sickening crack.

Ginsho, not able to reach Kulin, lowered down food and water. He never for a second thought Kulin was dead. Ginsho waited for three days and three nights before finally leaving Kulin at the bottom of the ravine.

The sickness had saved Kulin. His weak body left him with no urge to fight the fall, and his rag-doll body struck the earth without breaking a bone. In the death-like sleep at the bottom of the ravine, the sickness faded and his soul became stronger. The brisk wind of the night finally stirred Kulin awake.

Kulin finally managed to find his way out of the ravine, and made his trip towards Greyfalls alone. He realized the sickness had changed him. His mind was clear of worry, regret and remorse. The sickness had devoured his fears.

Ginsho brought Kulin into his family. The Cult of the Illuminated treated Kulin with a respect he had never known. Years passed, and Kulin became a pupil, never leaving Ginsho’s side. Kulin’s abilities were growing, and Ginsho approved.

While Kulin’s body was always weak, his mind remained focused and sharp.

Ginsho and Kulin did not always see eye to eye, but what they lacked in shared views, they made up for in pure respect.

Kulin is of very slender build, and stands straight and tall. Since his dull, ashen skin tends to draw the attention of everyone around him, Kulin wears a simple cloak, buttoned from his neck to his knees, and when outside, a hood to cover his smooth head.

Kulin carries his long bow, giving to him by Ginsho. His accuracy is improving.

Kulin has a Manse near Greyfalls, which produced the Quartz of Life’s Eye. Kulin wears the slender transparent stone as a monocle. When peered through, the quartz allows Kulin to see the life aura of those around him. Those with long lives ahead of them glow as a brilliant white, while those with only a short time to live shimmer as a black void. When asked, Kulin will usually not reveal the outcome of his stone. He feels as though it is a sacred secret that he shares only with death.

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