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A Days' Work

The Red Lantern District.
What is left of it, at any rate.

Flames were ceasing to burn, as Opal walks through the district of sighs. She could still taste the dirty pleasure in the air, as she followed the flows of raw essence... and came to the place Niremar fell. So much Essence on this place... where Dragon Lines already met. They swayed strangely throughout this district, and the fall of the demon.. the burstling emotions... the fears... the fire... something great had happened in a place that was already becoming something else, naturally.

Here, in a clearing full of dirty water and the smoking debris of no more than five houses, she felt the energy pulsing... and reacting, reacting so strangely, to the staff she carries, and the Yasal Crystal within. It pulsates... it pleads, somehow.

It was not a Demesne yet, no... but with the resonance with the crystal... and a simple pull... it would be.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She looks down at the staff she held so gently in her hand, and gave it a half-smile. "You like it here, don't you?" She brought the staff close, where she knew the stone to be, and whispered to it like she would a lover, for it would strengthen it. "If you are a good girl, I will put you in a place that will never lack for ought for the sounds you desire. Would you like that?"

She stroked the staff gently as she pulled it away, and gently patted the large rubies she had recieved from Iron Tears. She had little care for such places as she would be making. Places of debauch. Places were the urges of the flesh banish all reason... but, it was better than an uncapped font of energy setting the city a-blaze.

She walked into the building, and with a careful eye began to go over the flows of the place. The explosion and the massive release of Essence had called a pool, and the large fires had definately caused it to resonate strongly with that element. Even here, where the fire had not spread, she could feel the heat of it.

But first, the architecture should be reinforced. She calls on the Essence of Stone, of Firmament, of Earth. She closed her eyes, and felt it welling within. She had not tried this charm in the longest time.

Opal quietly puts on the small glasses she uses when doing complex thinking. She felt it gave her a refined, dignified air... Moon probably thought they looked geeky. She banished the thought, and let her eyes follow the myrad paths the Essence took in such a place. She removed the crystal from her weapon, which she placed within the folds of her robe.

"Ecstacy," holding the Yasal crystal in the weapon up to examine. "You can feel it, can't you? Tell me where it is strongest, where it feels the most... right to you."

It was ironic that the weapon she used to so strike the demon with hostle intent was the thing that preserved her after the Dark Angel so smote her.

She used the staff as a divining rod, and with her own sight which could percieve the riotous displays of Essence, began to step in the appropriate places. With a gesture here, she raised a wall. With a glower there, she tore another down. She needed to force it all together. Ram all the fiery Essence into one central point, until it was about to burst.

  • Essence pours out. She calls out to it, to the Essence of fear, of lust, of fire, of night. All of the Red-Lantern, of Niremar, of the Boil, of the Fires! Essence pours forth, touching Opal delicately, changing all around her into images of flames, mirages, taking out the ceiling in a swarm of crimson butterflies which moan like lovers but are afraid of their own shadow....

Child of Wyld Days: Of course, it's probably odd that the moaning continues... and becomes surprisingly more audible and real. All around Opal, the sounds of the rawest of passions echo throughout the now-focused area of power, like the grandest of orgies. Passion, hunger, desire, LUST.-- a reddish haze of rawest emotion flows about to mingle with, match to, amplify the sounds around the Jadeborn.

But the waking visiion, if it is even that, does not end there.

A hand rises from the ground. Human, oil-black and shining... then another. And another. Soon, hundreds of hands arise, followed by fully-formed, nude bodies made seemingly from black crude... all of the forms twisting and writhing in a dance dedicated to the most ancient form of personal entertainment. Some of these moaning figures reach for the immaculate shaper of worlds, longingly, almost as if inviting her to dance along with them...

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She clenched her fist, and glowered darkly. She was tempted for exactly one second. Exactly. She had devoted her life to such efforts, and someone had preverted them with this... temptation? Opal felt her blood boil, and had to reign in the urge to strike out at the vision.

If only I had unraveled that bitch the first time I saw her. Opal turned away from the vision, having to cool her anger, though it came slowly.

"That. Was. Not. Funny," she called, to the thing she knew would probably spring out.

Child of Wyld Days: She helps herself to a laugh, hoisted out of a particularly large pile of sexing oil-fantasies and held aloft like some sort of a queen. She herself is pristine and (perhaps thankfully for Opal) completely clothed, although the smile on her face is somewhere between highly amused and a bit eager to make fantasy reality.

"Oh, pooh on your sensibilities! You go on and form this wonderful well of love, and I'm supposed to resist the urge to have a bit of fun while I sit here and recharge my inner stores? Not damned likely, static one."

She is lowered, dusting imaginary specks from her pants, and saunters over towards the craftswoman extraordinaire, relaxed as usual. "So... I wasn't aware you could do this! If that were the case, I should've requested you form a demesne a long time ago! The raw essence is absolutely delightful!"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "I did not do it for your pleasure," she gave Days the look one would give a disobedient dog, one oft kicked and unloved. She was doing it for Kanti's sake. She had loved this being once, for whatever reason. Perhaps, just perhaps, seeing her restored would bring a smile to her face. A genuine one, for once.

"Make... /that/ go away," she said with utter calmness, pointing at the oil figures.

Child of Wyld Days: ".. I could do that!" She grins, leaning forward with fists on her hips and a slight amount of perhaps-intentional motion beneath those wrappings around her chest. "It would be as simple as wishing the fantasy away, and this will be a boring old font of fucking once again. I really, honestly could do that for you, Exceedingly Uptight Opal."

A chesire grin works its way onto her lips. "What is that simple request worth to you?"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "I shall let you design the statues I place within this room, being as you are more... attuned to that particular drive than myself. What do you desire more? A fleeting vision, or something people will come to this place and lust after for eternity?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Ah, I actually expected a snappy comeback... but an actual offer? That... that I can work with!" She snaps her fingers, and things revert back to the way they were without a moment's delay. "If I would have anyone lusting after anything eternally, it would me myself, but I prefer to work towards that goal. Cheating sours the sweetness of it all, you must understand..."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She merely sighs at Days' display, having a look of boredom upon her face. "I'm trying to focus Essence colored with lust through this place. Frankly, I could do it without you. And frankly, what I know of your kind tells me the emotions that will be generated by this construct would be very nourishing. It would be in your best interest to help me direct this so that the Essence of this Demanse overflows with it."

Child of Wyld Days: "Help... direct?" She pauses... and for a moment she tries to draw from Heaven just what the hell Opal means. "... bah! Stupid... geomantic... rrrrgh!" She stomps on the ground in mild frustration. "The one thing I cannot understand... meh. FINE! I'll help you, if only to show you I'm useful for more than just killing things." She stomps over to Opal, looking determined, as well as a bit embarrased. "Just tell me what to do."

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Opal lifts a hand. A stone block rises in the far side of the room.

"Do you know what clay is, Days?" She inquired, politely. "Mortal children play with it to create shapes. I can make things of utter and complete beauty, but they must not be the regal perfection I would create. Though they shall transend loveliness, I need your... fertile imagination to place them in a way to invoke... well, lust. To make the mind think of all acts Cardnel."

She reaches into her back, and pulls out rubies. Large. Valuable. Hideously valuable. "These need to be placed in a circle. Normally, I would merely place them on the ground and have done with it. However, it lacks an asthetic quality that, frankly, will ruin what I'm trying to accomplish."

Child of Wyld Days: "Of course I know what clay is! Don't think me that unaware of Creation. I'll have you know that I've quite wise of what happens here." She then... grins at the fertile imagination part. "And it's good to see that you realize that sometims having your thoughts below the belt can have its perks. Still..." The rubies come out, and she eyes them for a moment; not with awe, for she has seen far more dazzling things, and could probably make one, given time. "This is where I ask you just what exactly you have planned, as this is all completely foreign to me." She takes a moment to stretch, sinews popping and muscles rippling with pent-up strength... because as far as she knows, she's going to be asked to push things around.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "If you desire to know the specifics of what I had intended, they are thus. These gemstones must be placed in a ring around the center of the Demanse. While I could merely place them on the floor and leave them thus, it lacks a certain asthetic style." She frowns a bit, before looking back at Days. "The sculptures should illicit thoughts of lust and cardnal activities upon all that look upon them, and while I can create figures of surpassing and haunting beauty, I need someone with a great amount of desire coming from..." And Opal does something odd. She reaches down, grasps a hold of Days' pelvis, and yanks up sharply, "...there to give the proper poses and manner of dress to them. Quite simply, I'm not horny enough for the job." She releases the pelvis, and awaits Days' response. Which she is sure will be interesting.

Child of Wyld Days: She listens. She nods. She mmm-hrms. She... makes a most unusual sound, somewhere between a 'gwah?' and a 'hrkk?!' at that grab. It takes her quite a few moments to actually process what's going on, and then... she laughs. Oh, does she laugh.

"Perhaps I've had you a bit misjudged after all, Opal. Sure, you're still a stuffy little something, but there's some bad, naughty lady in you somewhere." She folds those arms of hers, nodding. "Fine. You want libido? I've got more than enough." She does give Opal an odd look, though... although her Cup doesn't seem to mind, gleefully warming at the possibility of maybe, juuuust maybe making a new 'friend' out of this statuesque beauty.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "I am merely picky about my sexual partners," she said with a detached voice. "Now. You tell me what to do, and I shall mold for you, and attempt not to hold it against you."

Talking orders from a Raksha...

She gestured, and the stone block began to take one humanoid features.

Child of Wyld Days: She takes a deep breath... and moves into proper position to give her orders to the craftswoman. Which... is to say, that she is standing behind Opal, leaning over a bit so that she may gently whisper her suggestions and commands into her ear. Perhaps she's simply trying to help evoke a small sense of arousal in the Jadeborn, so as to help sharpen her own shaping where the Child's words do not prove to be enough. Perhaps she is merely enjoying the nearness of the woman. It is hard to tell, but the Child is most definitely doing her damnedest to exude calm, relaxation, perhaps a bit of joy. Her Cup radiates, shines brightly, and the Sword takes a backseat, letting the beast of desire overcome the beast of blood.

Snow Monkey, notably, does not touch Opal... although she badly, badly wants to...

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: She doesn't know whether to smile or frown... but, she felt the vague need to be encouraging, so she patted Days on the cheek and began to set the rubies in place.

One in an outstreched hand....
One between the heaving breasts of a stony lover....
Another between the legs of one spread and willing...
Another on the arched back of a perfectly formed man...

Opal takes the last, the little piece of Yasal Crystal, and create a statue of utter erotic perfection. She places the staff in the womans hands, and causes the statue to close around it. The crystal possitioned
so, at both the correct height, and as if the statue was about to deliever a spanking to a rather naughty young lady who was upon her knees to the left.

The things I make, sometimes... she thought to herself, sighing. She spread her legs and took a firm stance, and felt the Essence of the Manse around her.

Gems aligned.
Essence harmonized, she began to bind them together.

Child of Wyld Days: And thus this beautiful little pocket of home becomes a beautiful little pocket of Creation. Pfeh, a shame... at least it'll be a pleasure den. The Child remained where she was, watching the Manse form around her with a sense of awe that was actually genuine; a thing she could not understand, but could readily appreciate... along with the woman closeby, as inaccessable as she was. A total, complete shame... such a form should be put properly on display, but instead... so withdrawn.

I'll loosen her up one day.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: The rubies began to glow from a light that did not come from the mastery of their cut. A light born of Essence. Brighter it became, until, at last, the light sought out another of its kind, as the rest did.

Opal stood in a web of light, concentrating on maintaining the pattern of her Essence, on how to incorperate Ecstacy into the grand weave she created. The gems began to chime like children tapping bells of silver, softly at first, but became louder, and louder; discordant and various pitches creating a near deafing cacophony as they moved closer and closer together in pitch, until finally, they align.

A pulse of Essence sweeps the room, tangable as the breeze and just as hard, though slightly more visable. The chiming ceases. There, spread in the perfect semicircle of a sculpted orgy, the rubies glow softly, bathing the room in a faintly rouge light.

Child of Wyld Days: There is a moment... and, looking around, awe becomes tangible fear. This act, this binding, this forming and perfecting--while it is beautiful, her very Heart shrinks at the rasp of Creation's ordered, flawless mesh, and soon enough the Child herself goes from lusty to slightly nervous, eyes darting about. She is well aware that the finished product will be more than safe... but at this point, at this moment, everything that Opal is doing makes her skin crawl and flashes of a truly ignoble end---collapsing into nothingness--dance around in her brain. The most she can do is grit her teeth and bear it, waiting for it all to just end...

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: The Demanse bound, there remained only one thing left to do. She closed her eyes, and exhaled softly, feeling the now oh so erotic undercurrent of the Manse's essence flow about her. She flooded her being with Essence, and in so doing, instantly formed an attunement with the Manse, assuring that no one could merely walk along and claim it. Once she felt it harmonize with her, she looked around with tired eyes and nodded that it was good.

She looked over at Days, considering the monkey woman for a brief moment. She looked scared. She frowned a bit at this, and thought it understandable, from that creatures point of view.

Child of Wyld Days: Snow Monkey glances back... and as soon as she registers the frown, she quickly shakes away her look of agitation and laughs, perhaps a bit weakly. "I have to admit... all this throwing around of essence is rather breathtaking! You have you issues, but you're quite the miracleworker, Sublime Opal." Slowly, that swagger of hers sets back in, tail swaying back and forth quickly. "Was it as good for you as it was for me, Jade woman?"

Mngh... make that feeling go away.... there... it's receding. Gh... that must be what it feels like when... no, I shouldn't think about that!

"It's a shame I'm not the smoking type, or I'd share a pipe with you." She breaks into a snicker, heaping that on top of everything else burying that nagging feeling in the back of her mind.

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: Bravado. Interesting...

"Feel free to stay and enjoy the ambience. I'm sure Ecstacy will color the flavour of the Essence here most interestingly. Was there anything else you require, Raksha?"

Knowing this group, they'll probably knock it down before Kanti even gets a chance to see it. she thought, glumly.

Child of Wyld Days: "Ah... nothing, really. I figure I've had my fun with you. A pity it didn't get too direct, but I'm patient. I have all the time in Creation." Thumbing at her nose, she thumps her tail against the new manse floor once, twice. "But it's too structured for me now... I can feel it, but I can't take it in. That, my friend, is the price I pay for trespassing on Gaia's skin." Her tail thumps, a third time. "I imagine your kind, long ago, were the same. Maybe we're not as different as we seem, static Opal. If so... then I'm sure you'll come around to seeing things my way." She hehs, then turns, a fluid bundle of curve and muscle and cloth walking towards the exit at a lazy pace. "... are you going to stay, though?"

Exceedingly Sublime Opal: "I'm attuned to the Manse, and need to recover my energies. This seems the most expedient way to do that." She narrowed her eyes a little bit, it was hard to tell if Days was being merely flippent, or just insulting at times. Probably both.

Child of Wyld Days: Snow Monkey simply hoots softly in reply, offering the jade woman a jaunty little salute as she saunters on out of the Manse proper, hips working and tail swaying to whatever song plays in the minds of the Fair. That song's probably fighting for dominance with that thought still gnawing at the back of the Child's mind.

... beh. I need to go someplace a bit less... Opal.