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Burning Faith

The Church of Murder...

The Shades of Eventide had gone through anything placed on their paths.

The Virdynn had been fallen and exorcised.

They had the upper hand even against Redrums, amalgamations of dozens of Bloody Hands.

But then, the Church’s Priest took out its secret weapon... the flame of the Cinder that Walks, encased on her own eyes... and let the eye, little less than a glass-like receptable currently, break, releasing the flame... a flame that washed over anything and everything, raging against Creation, destroying anything on its path. It burned so powerfully, it seemed to only be light. It was so much, it was like a dome... expanding... expanding... taking all the Virdynn... vapourizing the cats. Vaporizing the blood. Vaporizing the wood. Vaporizing the walls.

And beyond.

And beyond....

Alexander: The flame was coming.

Shouts went into emptiness.

It was such a loud noise, it was no noise.

Such a loud sound, it was like silence.

They were at ground zero.

On the last moment...

The Prince rushed, in front of them. Shining like never before. His blood poursed on the ground, he felt ihis self flow away... but it did not matter. Maybe it would work. Maybe he would die.

But a scion of Whiteshield dies protecting.

Ainerach hit the ground, in front of him.
Light Marched Against the Flame.
The Knight around him, kneeling over them all. Wings protectively folding over them all.

And then it came.

Through the light.
Breaking through the Guardian Defense of Heaven.

Striking the cut Breatplate, scattering White Jade chips everywhere.

Burning the boy.

And then it came...

And there was only light.

And when they could see again, the Knight still knelt protectively around them, missing so many feathers... but the wings still steadily protected. Just as the boy knelt in front of them... his armor all but lost... chest bare.. but still alive. And unharmed. Holding Ainerach, its tip buried in the ground, as if in prayer...

Priest: All in front of him was smoke, as the Priest returned to the corporeal form.

It was burning air, but he did not mind.


"YOU ARE DEAD!!!!! You should never have destroyed my plans! SCREW YOU! SCREW YOU!"

In front of him, still immaterial, the Redrum is... relieved.

Iselsis: Cults. I fucking hate cults! Idiotic mortals and godblooded meddling in things way beyond their control or understanding! Might as well sell your soul to the yozi and skip the bother!

That was the first thought that crossed Ise's mind as the understanding dawns that the bright light hasn't killed her somehow, and she's still alive. Sure, she'd try to brace herself, but that'd been all she'd left to do. The above goes through her head as she starts trying to make sense of what he said.

"I fucking hate cults.", she remarks dryly.

And with that she gives in to the rather large urge to pound the priest into unconsciousness, and prepares to stalk towards him, gun in hand, apparantly to be used as a bludgeoning device for once!

Child of Wyld Days: This is only a dream. This is not happening, it is only a dream.

I am lying to myself. This is real. I cannot deny the flames of gods! My form is not of Fire! But what can I do? What can I...

And then, wide-eyed, Snow Monkey watched at the young Angel stood firm and stopped the incoming devestation, stopped the truth, stopped the end.

For a moment, there is relief. And then, after relief... there is jealousy. Intense, blazing, Cup-fueled and Sword-stoked jealousy at the glory of the Sunchildren. It has bloomed before, only to be stuffed down... but it was back, and it made for a most bitter taste on Days' mouth, like bile he couldn't wash away.

Thus, all that was left that could sate the frustration was the priest. And his oath. "You are going to bleed."

Narrator: Iselsis understands...

The Cinder that Walks, a Three-Eyed Hekatonkire, destroyed not so long ago.

Calobis... a Hekatonkire. Chavalier Killer. Once a Behemoth of great standing... Something akin to Arad to Hunter, but to grace and skill in the court. Also a court assassin, used in the Primordial War... and destroyed, then.

He became something after.
The social part of him was gone.
He was a killer now.
But a very... cavalier killer. One prone to swift murder.
To elaborate plans.

And, why he would be killed for blowing up the church? Was it destroying all the Virdynn?

Or was it the rather specific, ritualistic, way that all of the church had been desecrated, as if to create a sigil?

Seventh Moon: "I already died once, fucker." His voice echoed through the blasted landscape, dry and cracked from the heat, too great for even Alexes sacrifice to stop completely. Hands arced through the heavy cloud, shoving it aside like a curtain as he stepped towards the priest. Blood oozed out of the corners of his eyes, dribbling down over a face caked with powdered stone and grime. Blood swelled from lips, seared brittle and tight, and dribbled out from under his finger nails where they had gouged into his palms and he struggled to stand against the blast. About the only place he wasn't bleeding was the cut on his chest, cauterized and then packed full of dust by the force of the blast.

He was blooded, dirty, and not the least bit happy. But most of all, he was very much alive.

"Lemme tell ya, it hurts a lot worse 'n this..." The gleam in his eye promised the priest he'd be finding that out for himself very soon.

Priest: He looks at them, arms raised high in the air in his.... celebration....

... and now looking at them, very much...

... blank.

"... that is not fair. That is not fair."
"I just wanted to kill you..."

Iselsis: "Try not to kill him too much, we need to get some answers from him first, as to why he's throwing in his lot with a Hekantonkire behemoth."

Seventh Moon: "Right," Moon snarled, body hunching warily inward. "We'll only kill him a little."

Child of Wyld Days: "Weren't you listening? You get to die this day, not us. And I still have a promise to keep." Days crouches, putting Owl and Serpent away... and baring his teeth.

Seventh Moon: Moon tried his best not to show it, but he was... tired. He felt drained. Empty. It was like he had just had the greatest sex known to Creation, only to have the lady hop out of bed the moment it was over, toss a handful of chipped coins at him, and walk out the door. It was a shit feeling and it hung on him heavier than all the dust that caked his body.

But fuck all if he was going ever show it!

Moon made his choice in the instant the priest squeaked his protest at their survival and almost everyone finished confirmed to themselves and the others they were still alive. The moment he got the chance, Moon charged in... !

... and scooped up the kneeling prince, throwing his battered form over one shoulder. Ainerach snicked as he jerked it free from the ground with his other hand and ignited sparks as he dragged it awkwardly across the stone behind him as he dashed with both away from the priest and the spirit, hunting for a place to stash them both.

He all but tripped over Fiona and without pausing let the great sword of Whiteshield tumble into the dirt behind him as he grabbed her up as well.

And almost stepped on yet another body a moment later. The old man he had saved. Who had saved him. His fingers could barely grasp the back of the man's belt, but he managed and held on tight, nearly dragging him across the ground as he hauled all three... but there were more. Every step seemed to throw another dirt-covered person into his path, all of those who had been unwitting vessels to the spirit cats, and he was already out of hands.


His neck craned upwards towards a hovering shadow. That Windian. Leonardo or whatever the fuck it had been. "You! Wing boy! Whatever the fuck ya name is! Get ya ass over here and lend a hand, these people are fucked up!"

Iselsis: Ise meanwhile shows she's still anything but a humanitarian. Though, she is pretty practical minded as she stalks up to the priest, moving one hand on the barrel of her repeater, the other just below the crossguard.

She rears back and then swings at him, aiming to knock him in the face with the portruding portion of the butt of her repeater.

She was pissed off alright.

Priest: It strikes the priest.... who falls down, hard! Slowly, he tries to get to his knees... "I... just wanted... to kill you.... please... please, just let me kill you..." He says... and then falls down again, too dizzy to think, or stand up, blacking out even in the middle of his frenzy...

Iselsis: "And bloody well stay down this time!"

Elizabeth Holysword: There is something indescribable about flight, for those born with wings. It's en enjoyable experience, yes, the sense of freedom is liberating, the wind rippling through your wings perhaps a little intoxicating at times, true-- but these are things anyone can reason, they are things others can understand, if not truely comprehend without experiencing it themselves. But for those born with the sky in their genes, to fly is like comming home, returning to a place you didn't really realize you missed...

Right now, Elizabeth Holysword has no home. She flies over land that is hers by right, but the devastation she has seen over the past few days puts lie to that fact. Her cities smoking ruins and the dead walk her land. Her parents are dead and her siblings scattered, corrupted, injured... dead? She flies north on a chance heard rumor that her brother Alex is in Windia, but she daren't hold hope on the words of the dead.

Suddenly, she smells sulphur and her avian eyes snap open just in time to be blinded by a light like none she has ever seen-- A second sun nestled deep in the filth of the city of Spire. It's all she can do to stay aloft in the wake of the explosion, but as it washes over her feathered form, she feels it... the warmth, the light of a chosen of the sun, and she remembers...

"Your brother exalted of the sun... took Ainerach and burnt the dead..."

Before she thinks it, she is in a dive, she spots several forms instantly and her heart skips a beat as she know-- just knows-- which one is Alex. Before the next beat, wind sheers across her skin and feathers dissapear into drops of moonlight, leaving beautiful white skin, molten silver hair, and eyes like shattered rubies. Hard as it is, she tears here eyes away from her brother and to the burning dead he faces, and anger fills her. Shoulders twist, one hands grips her second wing like a vice, and---


She can fly just fine with only five wings.

She isn't even trying to stay aloft, gravity does all the work.

She caresses the wing with one hand, a beautiful silken white ivory spattered with blood-- her gentle touch makes it ivory in more than just color, it distends, elongates and hardens into an elegant sword glistening in moonlight, feathers and pinions arcing like the teeth of a behemoth. Thus it is that she lands atop the burning dead, bringing Sky's Rapture down in a single stoke of pure moonlight

Leonas Du Mistlav: The boy was a real hero.


The Holysword had saved them.
And the other? The... dog? He let go of his anger.

He let go of his anger to save even more lives.

And what could the Sorcerer do then? What could he do, but to pick the rest of those that - mercyfully - laid on the Circle, on the exact same area the Prince had protected with his anima? What could he do but to put one over each shoulder, even if he was not a strong man in the least? To try to carry them away, with the Lunar?

No choice.
None but to follow their heroic example!

And just as he was getting away...

... she appeared.

Redrum: The Redrum looks up.... even as it begun to become substantial, it turns insubstantial again, all fire and bones trying to protect it from the incoming.... wing? Angel? From... what?

Redrum: .... from something he could not stop.

Something that rent him in half.

Something that exploded the spirit of massacre.

Opening a court of blood.
Opening a court of flame.

Opening a court for Elizabeth Holysword, as she touches down in the exploding remains of the spirit.

Iselsis: Repeater flips around in her hand as she instinctively points it at the new comer.

... "The hell are you?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Why... I'll be!" Instead of aiming to kill, Snow Monkey wastes little time in homing in on the newcomer and... sweeping her up in a big, friendly hug. "... my, you're as delectable as I remember! Whatever have you been up to?! Be quick, though, I have some gonads I promised to orally relocate."

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth blinks, and shoves past Iselsis and Days, dropping Sky's Rapture in the process, "YOU!" she yells, pointing at Moon, "Furry boy! I demand you give me my brother this instant"

Child of Wyld Days: Snow Monkey is... shoved off, landing on his ass. "... well, that was a happy reunion."

Iselsis: And she puts it away again with a hmpf.

"Save it for the interrogation Days. I want to know what the blazes is going on here."

"And who the hell is that?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Well, cheerful woman, why not ask her yourself? Once she calms down, of course." Days smirks, kippuping to his feet again and dusting his behind off.

Kanti: Kanti looks around her, at the ruins of the church and the hurt people, those that had been possessed ... and Alex...she'd done her best to stop the bleeding but he was still needing to be carried...and then the redrum had exploded in a hail of blood and gore and she was there .... and demanding Alex back and her hands were bloody and she was making demands of Moon...

Will she take him away?
Will he let her?
What will happen to me?

Kanti watches the new arrival with fear and pain in her dark eyes, unsure what to do...

Child of Wyld Days: Monkey, once he's back on his feet and looking as respectable as the moment will allow (the large gash along his neck isn't exactly helping in that regard!), pads over towards Elizabeth, looking on more with curiousity than anything. "Most unexpected timing..."

Seventh Moon: It was over, finally. Funny that for something that had barely taken seconds, it had felt like days. Moon was to use to things being fast and hard, not the sort of sloughing slugfest this had turned into. He hadn't really stopped to apprecite sudden presence of a new figure into the church, Lunar at that, just yet. He was still too busy catching his breath.

That was, at least, until the other Lunar spoke.

Moon regarded her silently with tired, angry eyes. He didn't know her, not by scent or sight. She had helped them, which was nice. She had mouthed off, which was not. He messured the odds of trying to tackle her in his current state for a moment, then opted to pass just for now.

Didn't mean he was going to do what the bitch said though.

"Go find ya own fuckin' prince." He grunted back. "Found this one on the ground fair and square."

Iselsis: "I could shoot her for ya if you want, Moon. Still got rounds in the chamber, you know."

Child of Wyld Days: "Really! Violence isn't the answer to all problems! Just most of them. Sex handles the rest."

Monkey... then proceeds to ponder that, and the look in his eyes changes from thoughtful to playful. Oh, does he grin, and what a fiendish grin it is!

Iselsis: "You already tried that and fell on your ass, raksha, remember?", she shoots back.

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth fumes and takes a step towards moon, then another. She's this close-- she won't let anyone or anything stand in her way "The ground? What is this, a scavenger hunt? It's Alex is my brother and this is my fucking ground!"

Child of Wyld Days: Days merely rolls his eyes at Iselsis, shrugging. "That was merely a friendly hug. Hmph, you really are untouched... a pity, really." He goes back to watching the new Lunar woman state her claim, while waiting for the eventual retort from Moon---even if Elizabeth's claim holds weight, a Lunar worth his salt won't take a comment like that likely... or at least that's how Snow Monkey thinks it should be.

Leonas Du Mistlav: The savant blinks. So she is... was... is... the princcess? The one that was supposed to be...

"Hmmm." He says, turning to the bodies on his arms, "The plot thickens."

Seventh Moon: Brother?

Moon's eyes narrowed, though he did not back away as Elizabeth stormed towards him. He knew fuck all about Whiteshield royalty or the rest of Alex's family, beyond that most of them were dead. For all he knew she was telling the truth. But then again...

"Last Lunar lady I met who popped in outta no where acted nice, then tried ta fuckin' cut me." He told Elizbeth as he stooped and carefully deposited Fiona and the old man on the ground beside him, freeing an arm. "You ain't even goin' ta the trouble'a actin' nice, so ya can go ta hell if ya think that I'm gonna hand the kid over to ya one your word 'bout jack shit, lady."

He turned and looked pointedly at Days. "Ya seem ta know her monkey, who the fuck is she?"

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth steps up her pace, "I don't act nice with servants of the dead, whatever they look like."

"No, you just spend months with them, learn from them, and maybe love them a little."

"I am Elizabeth Holysword, now rightful queen of this goddamn country and I won't ask again"

Child of Wyld Days: "AHEM!"

Monkey bows deeply, sweeping one arm out in a dramatic manner. "This would be none other than, yes, Elizabeth Holysword, although it's only now that I realize that she is who she is... silly mortals and their families... oh! You! Beth, dear!" Days rights himself, chuckling. "You might remember when I was taller and had huge tits."

Iselsis: She snorts.

Then she giggles.

Then she giggles profusely.

Then starts laughing so hard tears well up in her eyes.

"That... *snerk* that is the queen of Whiteshield?"

Seventh Moon: "... they were huge..." Moon agrees, mournfully flicking his eyes to the decidedly flat and manly chest of the Snow Monkey.


His gaze snapped back to Elizebeth and he flashed his teeth at her in an unfriendly grin. "'Servants of the Dead?' Well ya highness, for someone whose suppose ta be rulin' this place, ya sure as shit don't know much 'bout it, do ya? Catch."

Moon suddenly tightened his grip on the back of Alex's belt and swung the inert prince off his shoulder, grunting as he heaved and popped the Solar up into the air. Alex arced upwards for a split second, then plummeted back down, his ever growing shadow spreading like a black spotlight over Elizabeth.

He felt sort of bad for Alex, but the kid was breathing right enough and wasn't in as bad a shape as Moon had first thought, mostly just half-naked. The trip might wake him up.

Iselsis: "Wooooh-boy!", Ise says as she's still cracking up profusely, "And they say my family's messed up!"

She laughs some more.

"Well we're all just saved now, instead of a golden prince who's just a kid we have a snarky lady with blood on her hands who strikes much of a resemblance to Aine claiming she rules the place!"

"*snerk* Heehee, oh yes, this is going to end real well."

Child of Wyld Days: "I find your lack of optimism... amusing." The Child snickers, already looking a touch antsy and ready to move on. "But I suppose one has to do the best with what one has. After all, here we are with a demon-blood, a pair of Moontouched, and one of the horniest young men I've had the pleasure of... meeting." Days smirks. "Indeed, the best we have at the time, so we must make do."

"Ah, and Kanti, of course, but she's in a league all by her scarred little self."

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth catches her injured brother and hugs him tight, suspicious but glad she she didn't have to fight her way to him... Now, not having to fight her way out of here? That was the question. "You deny your association with the Deathlord known as the Lover and her agents?"

Iselsis: She simmers down to a snerk and glances at Days, a smile lingering on her lips.

"Don't you see? It's like if I were trying to save Windia, and my sister was trying to rule it! It's a recipe for disaster. I mean, already she's ticked off most everyone here, that's not the best of starts with the heroes who are defending 'your' country.", adding a rather sarcastic edge to that 'your' word.

"Oh! Oh! See, like that!", she giggles.

Child of Wyld Days: "Mortals are so strange sometimes."

Seventh Moon: He considered Elizabeth's question for a moment, then shrugged. "No. They been helpin' us beat the shit outta the Bishop. You ain't been doin' anything like fuckin' helpin', so ya probably don't know that he's the shit head thats been killin' ya people."

Child of Wyld Days: "Oh!" Monkey idly smiles at Elizabeth. "I serve no Deathlord, God, or petty master save my own desires. I imagine that might not make you truly content, but it's the best I can offer given the situation."

Iselsis: "Well my sister serves the Lover but then again also intends to defy her and her being my sister is entirely coincidental since I serve Windia."

"But I do find you amusing, and I haven't had a good laugh in ages, so do continue!"

Alexander: Blurred.

Everything so blurred...

Slowly... slowly... forming into the form of... of... smoke... silver...

And into the vague image of... wings... many wings... and...

... his sister?

"... am I dead? Is this the wheel...?"

Kanti: "...Alexander...!" Kanti exclaims as she hears his vague whispering from the arms of his ... sister ... a lunar that Moon apparently didn't like.

"...My Prince ... are you alright?" Her voice a mix of fear and concern.

Child of Wyld Days: "Samsara has not spun for you again, Sunchild. Be thankful." Monkey sits down and... preens at his hair, almost as if looking for insects.

Alexander: "Kanti... you died too...?"

Iselsis: "I think that means you're not dead."

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth looks down at Alex, "Shhh, Alex, it's allright, I'm here now..." she turns to the rest "... laugh, all you want, but if you think the aid of deathknights will save this country from the Lover, the Bishop, or the Mask... It's too late to save for any of you!"

Iselsis: "Hey, lady, I don't think I saw you in the revolution of the Boil. Or at the battle for Spire, for that matter. But I'm sure you would've done fine by your own saving your country, if you know, you'd been around and all that."

Child of Wyld Days: "Well, ultimately, darkness is as darkness does. Perhaps the knights will free themselves and be of great use... or perhaps they will fall further than either of them could hope to recover from. Or maybe that already have fallen, and none of us realize it yet! Perhaps we are already doomed! Of course, that would bring the joy and glory of struggling against the inevitable... then again, it would be struggling against the inevitable." Days shrugs. "Being Fair gives you the right to see the story unfolding in various exciting ways, I must admit!"

Elizabeth Holysword: "If you think to shame me for doing my nation's duty in Great Forks, you're ill informed."

"...and entirely too close to the mark"

"The marriage... fell through... I came as soon as I heard what happened. If you're so dedicated to my country, where are my brothers? Why has my little sister sworn a deathknight's oaths to the lord you claim is 'liberating' my country? Why should I believe any of your lies?

Alexander: Iselsis was there. Iselsis was there. Well, that shows, pretty clearly, that is not Heaven, and he is not having his moment of bliss at the Wheel before he is sent to a higher incarnation. But Iselsis is there, and not in a million years he would dream of Iselsis at the end of his life. "... oh, alright, alive. Sorry, I just.. blacked out for a moment. On the explosion. Kanti, did everyone survive..? Did I manage to save everyone...?"

He gets away from her armslooking around...

... and then it hits him.

He looks back at her.
And blinks.
And blinks...

And that warm feeling begins to rush through him. She was different. She was the same. So changed. Same as always. The hair, the eyes, the wings, the... the... it was... it was her. It was her, it was her... so many dreams. So many hopes. How would his sister be? What was she doing? What would she be like? All the secret desire that she would be with them, and, and, and... and all he could do was to finish turning around and hold her to him, with all his might, shining bright as the sun! "Liz! "

And all his might is very, very different than she had last seen... as even so young, and short, and slim, he still manages to pick her off her feet, as if she weighed nothing, and spin her around!

He was also much slower than usual. If that was the result of waking up after blacking out from exortion, was left for Liz to guess.

Iselsis: And Ise, being the manic depressive she is, goes from amused to rather angry now.

"Why should you believe any of my lies? Because I was ordered by my windian superiors to come here and assess the level of corruption here. And terminate the deathknights if they were to prove not benificial to the general cause."

"Guess what. They're still alive. And why should you believe my lies? Because while you were gone I nearly freakin' died for your goddamned country, you uppity wretch! All of us did! And I ain't likin' the tone your striking with any of us, considering all that."

"Your brother is in charge of this country now and we're his circle of exalts, with a fancy name and everything, if you have a problem with that. Well, tough break."

Child of Wyld Days: "Now, now, don't speak for me, Firebrand. I think she's putting on quite a brave face!" Monkey, still preening, hoots now and then, almost as if not taking the conversation too seriously. "Of course, if she wants into the dance, I wouldn't mind... another lovely dancer is always welcome!"

Iselsis: "If she wants in on the dance she can damn well ask nicely.", she shoots back, eyes still fixed on the bloody handed lady.

Child of Wyld Days: "Now, now, look at things this way. Your life's going to hell, you've just found your mangles brother, and a bunch of mysterious---but obviously powerful!---people have him. What would you do?"

Elizabeth Holysword: "Alex! You're awake!" Suddenly, she realizes she's still the Blood Angel... and she shifts from aggressive protectiveness to... what? Embarassment? No, not exactly that... Fast as can be, the image of the avian queen dissolves into pert cuteness, just barely taller than Alex himself and eyes of crushed gemstone are replaced with the pure amethyst of the Holysword bloodline "Al! Are you okay? Not fealing any, I dunno, necrotic tendencies? Do you want me to take you away from these... people?"

Iselsis: "Yeah, hide your creepyness. Wouldn't want anyone thinking you're just as bad as the rest of us freaks would we?", she snorts and flops down next to Days.

Child of Wyld Days: "Shush, now. I'm no freak. I'm raksha! That's a class far beyond odd..." And, without missing a beat, Monkey begins to idly pick dust, dirt and such out of Ise's hair, while humming some inane ditty.

Iselsis: Ise just grumps, but actually doesn't hit Days or anything!

"You're a lie. Makes what you say a lie, which means I'm still right."

Child of Wyld Days: "Nononono, I'm a lie that's so incredibly hilariously unbelievable that you have no choice but to accept me! After all, lies don't pick pebbles out of people's hair, do they?"

Alexander: "... I... I am fine now. I think! And... no, nothing necrotic! And those people are part of my Circle! The Shades of Eventide!" He points to them, like a carnival announcer... and it felt strangely... anticlimatic. "... alright, I know they are... not that noble... at all... but, but, but we have better! Valencia! She likes me! The Pale and Dark Angels! Another two Solars! Really!"

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth looks sad and shakes her head, "...oh Alex... we haven't said two sentences to each other and you're lying to me? I didn't want to believe they'd gotten to you, but..."

Iselsis: "Lady, don't make me shoot you. Because I'd rather not commit regicide just yet."

Alexander: "You are NOT shooting my sister!"

Iselsis: "She keeps implying we're deadite scum!"

"I'm an honored and decorated windian black ops for crying out loud, it's insulting!"

Alexander: "You are a half-demon leather-girl who came here to kill your sister, she... he... whatever, is a fair folk! You know, it is not like you inspire all that confidence! But I know you can be trusted, just, you know... it is normal to doubt that..."

Child of Wyld Days: "Girl, you know me from a while back, and last I checked I didn't serve the dead things. I can check again if you'd like." Days pauses, rocking his head from side to side for about.... five seconds. "Nope, still working for myself."

Elizabeth Holysword: "Shh, calm down Alex, if the lil secret agent girl wants to shoot me, she can shoot me all she wants. She's just confused. She admitted herself what I already knew about the Lover's Angels, and they're not Solars... Not anymore"

Iselsis: "They're good people.", she stares at Elizabeth

... "Well, maybe not good people. But they're okay..."

"They're all we've got to stop the deaders from overrunning the north anyhow!"

Kanti: "Alexander ... my prince ... what is happening?" Kanti asks in a slightly plaintive tone, confused and worried by all the shouting and the accusations and the implications that her prince is corrupt.

Alexander: "Oh... sorry, Kanti..." He walks closer towards Kanti, holding her waist, covering her with sunlight. "Liz... meet Kanti no Freville, my servant and bodyguard. Kanti... meet Elizabeth Holysword, my older sister... and apparently, Celestial Exalted now!"

Child of Wyld Days: "Mmm-hmm. My help's taking its sweet damn time in getting here, so I'm not going to count on them until I know they're coming. And... well, no, you shouldn't trust me at all! Don't I keep telling you silly mortals that? Respect, sure! Depend on, of course! Trust... ah-ah. Don't game with your soul like that.

Days can't help but smile, lying back fully on the ground. "Unless you like to play with very high stakes."

Elizabeth Holysword: "They swore oaths, you fool! As much as I-I... As much as I'd like to think I can get Carina back... I have no illusions about the reality of the matter."

Alexander: Alexander says it in the most proud of tones... one that shows that Kanti has to serve and honor his sister, as he does, to be glad when she is around, for him. One that shows how happy he is, even if confused by all that is... different... with his sister.

Iselsis: She rolls her eyes "Oh please, do you think this has anything to do with a sense of sentimentality towards my sister? If she redeems herself? Fine. If she eats the wrong people and I have to shoot her to death? Fine! This is about an invasion of the dead the likes Creation has never even seen before, and we need all the help we can get."

"And I'm not afraid to say it, I will conspire with the Lover's agents if it's what helps me keep Windia safe. Then after I've dealt with the rather more immediate threat, I'll worry about the Lover herself who isn't aiming an invasion of the north."

"If you object though, you're free to rush into whiteshield by your lonesome and get yourself killed, I don't care."

Child of Wyld Days: "... you know something? I really like fruit."

Days states as such as if it were the most meaningful thing anyone could say given the situation.

Elizabeth Holysword: "Fruit...?"

"Did someone say fruit?"

"DAYS! It's been ages! I didn't see you there!"

Iselsis: ... "Alex, is there something about your sister we should know? She doesn't seem to have all her eggs in one basket..."

Child of Wyld Days: "Fruit tastes great. It's healthy, and it's refreshing. But sometimes you have to deal with the less tasty fruit to get to the really good ones at the top of the tree... of course, once that's done, you can cut down the sickly little icky-fruit tree, make a ladder out of it and enjoy the tasty ones. And it took you damn long enough to realize I was here, girl." Days waves his tail, grinning just a llittle.

Alexander: "... you know Days?"

Elizabeth Holysword: "Sure! It was between when I... and then... err... when we.. ah... yes, I know him!... her... whatever..."

Iselsis: "Oh, right, you knew girl Days."

Alexander: The prince blinks, eyes wide, turning to Days... "Days, you were in the Great Forks?"

Child of Wyld Days: "You can use her if you prefer. My wyld form's female. Anyway... Alex, darling? I'm everywhere. Creation is fun to explore, after all, and Great Forks is a great place to go without having to worry too much about someone stuffing an iron shiv in my back."

Iselsis: "Anyway, can we get back to the subject of it being okay for me to shoot you? Because this is all very fascinating but I'm feeling rather edgy at the moment and need something to take the edge off again."

She smiles thinly.

Child of Wyld Days: "Hells, girl. If you're looking to hurt someone... I dunno. Break my arm or something. If you can, anyway."

Elizabeth Holysword: "What? What are you-- oh-- oh sure.. if it'll make you feel better..." A second passes, two, and she realizes she's still holding Alex. "Uh, lemme put him down..."

Iselsis: She raises an eyebrow. "You're kidding right? I think you're overestimating yourself a little here."

Child of Wyld Days: "Eh, I heal." He prods at his neck, and actively hisses. "Stupid pain..."

Elizabeth Holysword: "Eh? I'm immortal-- isn't everyone?"

Iselsis: "Only slightly. I got the cheap version of exaltation."

She sighs "Damnit, it's just not fun if people will just let me shoot them..."

Alexander: He was confused. Really, really, really confused. This was absurd. His sister was back. But she was threatening to shoot his sister! She just... couldn't... that was just... this was confusing. His sister is a Lunar. With so many wings. Blood on her hands. Knowing Days. Coming to save. So different. So strange. So protective. So nice. So good... why is it that there are such few good people who worry about fair folk and the dead? So... "No shooting! "

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth bites back a smile. She'd killed Exalted before, she wasn't that naive. She just didn't like this girl...

Alexander: "Liz, you are not immortal. You are very powerful, maybe, but there is no such thing as immortality..."

Iselsis: "Ask the Redrum. He knows all about it.", she nudges her head at the one near the wall she'd shot and helped kill.

"Which is very peculiar, why is there a cult devoted to a hekatonkire, a relatively recent one, here in Spire, and more importantly why does that priest", she thumbs at the motionless godblooded body behind her,"who I knocked out want us dead in it's name?"

Child of Wyld Days: "Because shit's going down that we're just not becoming aware of, and we need to rectify that as soon as possible?" Days... doesn't kippup so much as he's suddenly standing---did he even move? "But for right now, I need to take a bit to patch this stupid Air-body up."

Elizabeth Holysword: Elizabeth starts a short retort for Alex, but stops before she says anything... She couldn't exactly say much about her references in the matter. "I know more about dead than you, lil brother... lets keep it that way..."

Alexander: "... the Redrums! Are they dead? What about the Priest?" He asks, looking around... and finding Ainerach on the ground, dusting the dirt off... seeing those that had been possessed by the Virdynn are fine. Thankfully...

Child of Wyld Days: "You all better not kill him. I still have a promise to keep and a penis to masticate."

Iselsis: "I knocked him out cold, don't worry, he won't be waking up for a while now."

"We need to question him as to what's going on. And then, maybe, we can feed him to Days or Aine."