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The First Session

The game opened up with two groups of people. In one camp were Sydney and Taran, two-thirds of a Lunar pack. Young Sydney was learning the ropes of barbarian society, and Taran and Emerald (the pack's third member) were helping him out. To that end, they were travelling through the north. Emerald had gone out hunting, and was somewhat late in returning; Taran decided that having Sydney track her would be a good test of his skills.

Meanwhile, Pendarus Alberon was grumbling about his duty. Why would the Buereau of Destiny send a Sidereal NOT affiliated with Journeys or War to the ass-end of nowhere, trying to track down the traces of a blood ape who happened to appear in the region? True, he'd wanted to get out of the east, but still. Coming across the place where the mysterious blood ape, which appeared without any signs in the Tapestry of a summoning, was killed, he began to track it backwards towards where it came from.

As the three Celestials worked their way through the woods, fog rolled in, obscuring their trails; carefully passing through it, they eventually encountered one another; Sydney disguised as a sparrow on Taran's shoulder, and her friend, the snow tiger, watching the group carefully as Alberon's young strix, Archemedes, did the same. A brief discussion was interrupted by the sound of boots approaching - all three hid, and were stunned to see a pair of Fair Folk - a small one, deep blue with armour forged of ice, and a massive one, with a rocky hide and bored expression. A brief argument between the two ensued - the smaller, Haguri, wanted to capture more toys that he thought he had heard, and the larger just wanted to go back to the tower. Haguri nearly skewered Sydney with a frozen dart crafted from his fingers, never realizing that it was a Lunar and not a simply bird that he toyed with, and the two departed.

The two Celestials in human form agreed to join forces for the time being, each thinking the other a mortal thaumaturge, and they resumed tracking the demon, hoping that it would lead them to the source of this strange fog, which both agreed felt too odd to be normal. They discovered, however, that the demon seemed to have sprung from the very air, rather than being summoned. With that odd feeling, the two began to press south, hoping to find the heart of the fog.

And find it they did... perhaps. The sound of a drum echoed through the fog, and the group emerged from it to find a tower constructed of dark blue stone, with no doors or windows visible. When Sydney flew up to the top, he discovered that there was a door set up there, and that the tower was made of ice; and when Alberon touched his fire-enchanted dagger to the tower, it's flame was temporarily quenched by the tower's magical chill.
As it happened, that quenching alerted the lord of the tower to danger, and Sydney heard his approach - the small fair folk from earlier! The three raced back into the fog as the drums increased in tempo... and then stopped. Unsheathing his staff, Alberon announced that he would defend Taran, and he strode out of the fog.
In hindsight, there have been better plans.
Haguri was, in fact, standing in front of the tower, with his large companion. With the two was a third Fair Folk, as beautiful as pure snow. Also with them were fourty gecko-like hobgoblins.

((At this point, Alberon's player looks at me for a moment, starts gathering dice, and says, "Right. Charisma + Performance. I'm going to look at them, say something witty, turn around, and stride back into the fog. I want to buy time of them staring in confusion and run like hell.))
Alberon blinked at the gathered fae, smiled slightly, nodded, and spoke. "Sorry, wrong tower." Turning, he walked calmly into the fog, grabbed Taran, and started running. After almost ten seconds of stunned silence, the fae began to give pursuit, the drumbeat echoing through the fog.

The next two hours were exhausting; the two humans, and their birds and tiger companions, raced through the fog with the Fair Folk on their tails. The fair folk might have caught them, but were clearly intent on raising their fear to a peak first. Suddenly, four of the gecko-creatures, an advance guard, burst through the trees. They were meant to slow the group, injure one of the fool humans, and perhaps bring one down for food, leaving they other easy prey. Instead, after barely nine seconds of fighting, which included such sights as Taran casting Invunerable Skin of Bronze and then laughing as a gecko injured its claws on her metallic skin, Alberon dancing among them like a light breeze, and Sydney dropping from the sky, shifting to human in midair as he struck, all four were down and the heroes were barely injured. That said, they still resumed their flight, hoping that the battle had bought them time.

And it had. The three burst from the trees into a sunlit meadow, and as they collapsed panting to the ground, the fair folk appeared in the treeline. The woman bowed low to the three, seeming amused, and Haguri nodded, looking annoyed. Sydney very nearly followed the woman as she withdrew, but a stern reprimand from Taran prevented him.

But now the tree are in an unknown location, without the people they entered to find. What dangers await?
Well, it'll take more sessions to find that out...