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Blood Dragon Brawl

Bloodthirsty Finger Strike</b>

<b>Cost: 3 motes \\
Duration: Instant \\
Type: Supplemental\\
Min. Brawl: 2 \\
Min Essence: 1\\
Prereqs: None\\

The Exalt's fingertips rip open, revealing five tiny fanged maws which hiss and snap in the air. Striking with the hand these fingers dig into the flesh of the victim, leeching in and draining away precious blood with magical siphoning force.

When this Charm is used the character may do Lethal damage with a single unarmed attack. In addition, for every Health Level of damage inflicted the user regains one mote of Essence. This Charm may also be used in a Clinch.

Blood Seeks Blood</b>

<b>Cost: 1 mote per two dice\\
Duration: Instant\\
Type: Supplemental\\
Min. Brawl: 2 \\
Min Essence: 1\\
Prereqs: None\\

Sensing the flow of life in his victim, the Exalt allows his inner hunger to give him superhuman strength as he grabs and holds his opponent still for a quick feast.

When this Charm is used you may add 2 dice per mote to any attempt to initiate or maintain a Clinch. The character may not increase his Dicepool by more than his Brawl ability plus any relevant specialties.

Flowing Flesh Assualt</b>

<b>Cost: 2 motes \\
Duration: Instant\\
Type: Supplemental\\
Min. Brawl: 3 \\
Min Essence: 2\\
Prereqs: Bloodthirsty Finger Strike, Blood Seeks Blood\\

Pumping Essence through his body to partialy liquify it the Exalt stretches and distorts her limbs to make strikes on unsuspecting foes who thought they were out of range. The limbs (which can include the arms, legs or even neck for bite attacks) grotesquely distort as they undergo this brief transformation.

The character may make a single attack out to his Permanent Essence x 2 Yards away when employing this Charm. This Charm is explicitly permited to be comboed with Charms of other abilities. Counter-attacks may be applied to this Charm, as the body actually distorts across the intervening space to attack.

Blood Typhoon</b>

<b>Cost: 2 motes per attack, 1 Lethal Health Level\\
Duration: Instant \\
Type: Extra Action\\
Min. Brawl: 4 \\
Min Essence: 2\\
Prereqs: Bloodthirsty Finger Strike\\

With a roar of pain the Exalt pushes his blood from his body, forming it into a small cyclone of whirling carnage about his body. This tempest smashes into all nearby opponents then retreats back into the Exalt's body.

When used the Exalt makes a single Brawl attack and applies it evenly to all characters within reach (friends, foes or bystanders), typically this can not be more than five characters at a time. The Exalt must pay the cost for each possible target, if unable to pay for all targets he can not use this Charm. Opponents defend against this Charm independantly. Any opponent struck succesfully by this Charm is sent flying back 1 yard per level of damage inflicted.

Foe Catching Technique</b>

<b>Cost: 3 motes\\
Duration: Instant\\
Type: Reflexive\\
Min. Brawl: 4 \\
Min Essence: 1\\
Prereqs: Blood Seeks Blood\\

The Exalt allows his opponent's attacks to flow into him and catches it, immoblizing his prey even as they think they have the advantage.

When this Charm is used the character may make a single immediate grappling attempt against any opponent who attacks him in close combat. This is resolved after the opponent strikes but before damage is applied. The characters dicepool for this counterattck is equal to his Brawl ability plus any relevant specialties. This Charm can not be used in response to any other Counterattack Charm. Noteably this Charm is useful as it immeidatly clinches or holds the opponent, this means any multiple actions or extra action Charms that can't be used in the clinch or hold are wasted this turn.

Monstrous Homonculos Strategy</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes\\
Duration: One scene\\
Type: Simple\\
Min. Brawl: 5 \\
Min Essence: 3\\
Prereqs: Flowing Flesh Assualt, Blood Typhoon\\

With a scream of pain the Exalt allows one of his own bodyparts to sever from his body in a spray of gore and blood. Once this Charm is employed the body part will writhe and scuttle with an unnatural vitality of its own, seeking out the Exalt's enemies and striking them down.

When used the character selects a single body part (such as the hand, leg, arm, etc) and detaches it from the rest of the body. For the rest of the scene treat this as a seperate creature. The Homonculos has a Str and Sta score equal to the creator's, a Dex and Wits score of 1 and all other Attributes are effectively zero. It has a Brawl score (and all Specialties of Brawl) equal to the Exalt's. It can scuttle/crawl/slither up to ten yards per turn. It doesn't get the benefit of any armor the character is wearing, nor of any soak or defense Charms the character has activated.

The homonculos acts one per round on its own Initiative (unmodified = 2) and will move to attack one creature the Exalt designates as a reflexive action. It can be attacked, it doens't defend itself but due to its size its all attacks against it are at +1 difficulty. When created the Exalt "invests" a certain number of Health Levels in the beast, applying these as lethal levels to his wound track immediatly. These can not be healed until the Charm's duration elapses. When struck, the homonculos has that many health level to resist harm (all at -0). If reduced to zero health levels the homonculos is destroyed and any Bashign levels assigned to it are immediatly converted to Aggravated damage. Otherwise at the end of the scene or any time he wishes the body-parts may re- merge with the Exalt. The damage the homonculos may have taken is ignored and the character begins to heal as normal. The character can create as many homonculi with this Charm as he desires, to the limit of the amount of damage his body can sustain.
