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Falcon's Dragon-Blooded Occult Charms

These are Occult charms, and therefore as far as I'm concerned they're Air-Aspected, despite their elemental vagaries. Feel free to change that about for your own games.

Treasure-Seeking Silence</b>

 <b>Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: One minute per point of Essence
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Occult: 3
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique

With some study into the nature of the spirits of the earth, a Dragon-Blood can learn to tune his ears to listen to them speak to one another. One of the more common uses for this knowledge is to pick out the distinctive chiming sounds that the crystalline spirits of gemstones make, unerringly leading the Exalt to nearby wealth.

When this charm is activated, roll Perception + Occult. For every success, this charm has a range of two yards. So long as he has silence, or near silence (library-type noise levels), the Exalt is aware of the location of all gemstones within the range, and their general size. With an Intelligence + Occult roll, he can determine their general quality, and with three success or more he can tell their type without looking at them.

Calling To The Flames</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes
 Duration: Scene
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Occult: 2
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique

Terrestrial Exalts with an interest in fire can often, with a little application, learn to communicate with the burning spirits that dwell within every flame. With only a little exhortation and a few reminders of the Dragon-Blooded's rightful place in Creation, such sorcerers can influence the burning of fires large and small.

With each activation of this charm, the Exalt may issue one command to a fire. He cannot command fires with a resistance difficulty greater than his Essence (see Exalted, p244) and cannot affect an area of flames with a greater diameter in yards than his Essence. Commands often issued to fires include the following:

  • Burn hotter, raising either the resistance difficulty, the 'failed resist' damage or the 'passed resist' damage by 1 for as long as the essence is committed.
  • Burn lower, which is the same but lowers the stat by 1 instead.
  • Extinguish. This will put out a fire completely, but requires a Charisma + Occult roll with a difficulty equal to the resistance difficulty of the fire.
  • Control the spread of the flames, instructing a fire to direct its burning towards one area or away from another.
  • Shape the flames, allowing the fire to briefly display images - subtle or blatant, as the Exalt desires.

And so on.

Ritual Purification Entreaty</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Occult: 3
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique

It is the rightful place of the Dragon-Blooded to negotiate with the spirits of the world, and so they do. With a short ritual and prayer an essence-using occultist can easily convince the spirits to do helpful things.

This charm bargains with the spirit(s) of a volume of water (about 1 gallon per point of Essence + Occult) and persuades them to purify it. Immediately, all pollutants, chemicals, foreign bodies and other unpleasantness are drawn to the bottom of the container (or other location if the Dragon-Blood wills it), leaving perfectly pure water behind. This charm only works on mundane problems - magical hazards or other essence-based effects remain untouched.

This charm is a form of prayer, and it is fully sanctioned by Heaven. Mortals may try a similar ritual but the prayers of Dragon-Bloods, flavoured as they are with the Exalt's own essence, are naturally more efficacious.
