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Almighty Voice Technique
5 motes, Performance 5/Essence 4
Scene, Reflexive (Step 1)
Combo-Ok, Obvious, War
Any Performance Excellency

The character’s voice or music can be heard for [Essence x 5] miles. Anyone within 2 yards of the character suffers a -2 internal penalty to all hearing-based Awareness rolls.
If she knows Phantom Conjuring Performance, she may project images visible up to [Essence x 5] miles.
In Mass Combat, this negates the need for relays entirely, so long as all the units are within hearing range, otherwise reduce the necessary number by 2.

Perfect Sacrifice Technique
2 motes. Performance 3, Essence 2.
Any Performance Excellency

Spend two motes, instantly know which sacrifices most please a god.

This is also a Lore Charm, requiring an Excellency, Lore 3 and Essence 2.

Miracles Written in Blood
4m, Performance 5, Essence 3?
Instant, Supplemental
Combo-Ok, Obvious?
Perfect Sacrifice Discernment

Sacrifices HLs to a god, 1HL = 1 Resources offering. Makes prayer roll w/o Wound penalities. If successful (ties or beats the necessary difficulty to gain the god’s attention), all health sacrificed is recovered. This does not heal other damage, nor allow limbs already lost to be recovered.

Perfected Copulation Technique
4m or 6m. Performance 4, Essence 3
Instant/Reflexive (Step 1)
Any Performance Excellency

While having sexual intimacy, the Lawgiver may spend 4m and roll Dex + Performance at Difficulty 3. Success indicates that both partners greatly enjoyed themselves and regain all spent wp. 5 successes refills both partner’s mote pools. 10 or more successes ay even refresh virtue channels at ST’s discretion. 6m must be spent for multiple partners.

Party-Calling Cry
6 motes. Performance 5, Essence 3
Instant/Reflexive (Step 2 or 6)
Respect Commanding Attitude

Spend 6m and all circlemates, Allies and Followers instantly know where the character is, their general condition and that she is looking for them. This message is instantly transmitted regardless of distance between them, but does nothing to aid the arrival of allies should they be a great distance away. In the case of a magical effect which shuts down all communication, default to Unstoppable Force, Immoveable Object.

Communication Without Words
6 motes? Performance 5, Essence 3?
One Scene, Simple (Speed 4 in Long Ticks, 0 DV)
Combo-Ok, Social
Phantom Conjuring Performance

For the rest of the scene, the character does not need to speak. She can convey even complex ideas just through gestures and body language or hidden in the notes of a concerto. It is a Performance; the message reaches all targets perceiving the performance. The Solar will need another charm or a Combo if she wishes to keep her message a secret.

Ten Thousand Blades of Light
--- 5/4
Demon Wracking Glory

The enemies of the Solar are the enemies of the Sun. This permanently enhances Demon Wracking Glory to affect ordinary targets in addition to Creatures of Darkness .

Spirit-Demanding Approach
4m? 5/4
Combo-Ok, Compulsion
Respect-Commanding Attitude

The Solar makes a demand of a local spirit in the name of the Unconqured Sun, the ruler of Heaven. This imposes a nigh-unignorable urge on the spirit, commanding them to materialize (or approach, in the case of Elementals) and attend immediately to the demands of the Solar. The Social attack is Unnatural Mental Influence and is considered to always be in line with the Spirit's Motivation.
The Solar does not have to be able to perceive Spirits in order to utilize Spirit-Demanding Approach, merely knowing the spirit might be present is enough.

Mountain-Shattering Roar
5m 5/5
Combo-Ok, Obvious
Ten Thousand Blades of Light

Taking a sharp breath, the Solar exhales with a mighty shout--a kiai, battle cry or senseless roar.The blast of sound rips through the air out to [Essence x 10] yards. All mundane objects with soak and hardness less than the Exalt's [Performance x2] shatter instantly and irreparably. Personal equipment should only shatter on Extras. This attack cannot be parried or dodged and deals [Essence + Peformance] B damage, P tagged. A target struck by Mountain-Shattering Roar is knocked back by such a strong sonic force, doubling the difficulty to avoid Knockback.