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Beast-Quelling Choker</b> [Artifact <b>••• to •••••]
Gossamer-and-essence collar, permanent Glamour
No commitment cost

Born out of the obvious need to trim down the cost of maintaining control over behemoths, these curious collars have come into fashion amongst the raksha who make the most use of these Wyld-monsters. There is said to be an extremely rare variant of this wyld artifact (Artifact N/A) that not only greatly lessens the Essence strain on the beasthandler, but also empowers the behemoth itself.

These collars vary in appearance depending on the whims and tastes of the maker, but are always a foot in diameter in their base form. When applied to a behemoth that a being is attuned to or is the master of, the collar resizes to fit snugly around some visible point on the creature's body. Once placed, the collar cannot be recovered until the behemoth is released from their owner's care permanently or destroyed utterly.

The three-dot variant lessens the commitment cost needed to attune to the behemoth by three, the four-dot by six and the five-dot by nine. This can specifically reduce a behemoth's commitment cost to zero; the owner merely has to attain a faint link using a negligible amount of Essence.