Water Orchid

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Name: Water Orchid
Aspect: Water
Nature: Critic
Concept: Self-trained sorceress
Anima: A whirpool in which water dragons play.
XP Left/Spent: 0/0

2, Charisma 3, Perception 3
Dexterity 4, Manipulation 2, Intelligence 4
Stamina 3, Appearance 2, Wits 3

2, Dodge 2, Endurance 2, Investigation 2, Linguistics 1(Firetongue, Old Realm), Lore 2, Medicine 3, Occult 4(Summoning +2), Ride 2, Sail 1, Socialize 1, Stealth 3, Survival 2

2(Dragon Tear Tiara)
Backing 2
Resources 3

3, Temperance 2, Conviction 2, Valor 2
Willpower 7
Essence 3
Personal 10
Peripheral 24

Health Levels 0*1, -1*2,-2*2, -4*1, Incapacitated

Merits and Flaws</b>
Internal Compass, Lucky 2

Drowning Embrace(1m)
Lore: Elemental Concentration Trance(5m, 1wp)
Medicine: Infection-Banishing Prana(1m), Disease-Banishing Technique(4m, 1wp)
Occult: Terrestial Circle Sorcery(1wp)

Becoming the Wood Friend(14 motes), Death of Obsidian Butterflies(15m), Disguise of the New Face(15 motes), Manifestations of Vigorous Design(5m+), Summon Elemental(10m+)

Power Combat</b>
<b>Base Initiative
7, Soak 3B/1L/0A, Mobility Penalty 0, Fatigue 0, Dodge 6
Fist: Speed 7, Accuracy 8, Damage 2B, Defense 9, Rate 5

She bares little mark of her aspect. She has dark hair, tanned skin as befits a native of the Lap, and has light blue eyes. She is not a marble statue of physical perfection, nor are her looks the kind that draw men and women's eyes. No, she is a plain looking woman in her early twenties. She always has a red scarf on, which though no one recalls it, is the same scarf that Crimson Glass gave her after she was abducted to help keep the sand from her face. She was young, and a sort of crush developed on him though nothing has come from her feelings yet for she hides them well.

She was born in the city of Lap and grew up there. She played with friends, learned how to write and read from her mother who was a scribe for a local merchant, and occasionally got into fights. A normal childhood. When she was 15 though things took a surprising twist. She exalted, blessed by the touch of the Water Dragon. She had been in the process of copying a partially intact copy of the White Treatise before she exalted, and ran away with it to try to learn to become a sorceress. It was hard for her, trying to learn sorcery on her own. She wandered the south, trying to get a spell for whatever payment was needed, working as a medic as well at times to keep herself from starving.

Her life changed when she was 17. The group she was with was attacked by the Crimson Brotherhood, and she was abducted by Crimson Glass. She was drawn to his charisma though and decided to join him. Since she had no one to ransom her off to, and she was a sorceress he readily agreed and she has been part of the group ever since. She is his second in command due to his trust in her and her long time with the group.

2 years ago when she saw the young lunar Excellent Rain being chased by a small Wyld Hunt, she felt for the young girl who was new to her power without any society or place to guide her and was able to convince Crimson Rain to save the girl who she has taken under her wing.

<b>Familial Descent</b>
She can not trace her lineage to any Dragonblood, her familial descent completely unknown.

<b>Plot Hooks</b>

BogMod BogMod/TheCrimsonBrotherhood