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Name: Cale Trakart
Title: Grim Herald of Dissolution
Caste: Endings
Faction: Bronze
Nature: Paragon

Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2

Favored Abilities: Archery 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 4, Endurance 3, Martial Arts 5, Performance 3, Presence 3, Socialize 4.
Non-Favored Abilities: Dodge 3, Linguistics 1 (Flametongue; Old Realm), Lore 3, Occult 2.

Artifact 5
Cale is in possession of exactly one artifact, but it's a potent one: the Flying Crane, a blue-jade and moonsilver greatbow of incredible power. He acquired it from his sifu after showing great dedication and perserverence in every second of his two-decade training. The Flying Crane was originally the trademark weapon of Auros Silverhand, Lord of the Azure Sky and an extraordinary Dawn Caste, but was retrieved by Falling Leaf after its Solar owner perished in the Usurpation. It was designed to in homage to Auros' Lunar mate, known only as Lady Thunder, a No Moon of no small skill. Her reincarnated self is hunting for the bow, and might finally be closing in after a two-century search..

Backing (Bronze Faction) 2
Cale is given a good deal of support due to his Caste's rarity in the Bronze Faction and his dutiful nature. Cale supports the Bronze Faction for now, but is rapidly coming to believe that the proper end is nigh for the Realm. Until that end approaches, though, he'll keep the current system functioning.

Celestial Manse 3
The Grim Herald's Manse is nameless and nondescript among the wondrous First Age structures of Yu-Shan, still beautiful but ultimately plain. The reason for this is centered around its Hearthstone, the Gem of Unassuming Regalia. Inside, however, it is a wonder among wonders, plushly furnished and tastefully appointed. It includes a fairly extensive First Age martial training facility, which Cale puts to excellent use, and enough beds to comfortably fit twenty. All who stay there, sans the attuned, enjoy themselves immensely during the trip and remember it as fairly boring and uninteresting after leaving.

Connections (Immaculate Order) 1
As one of the few Chosen of Endings in the Bronze Faction, Cale is occasionally charged with overseeing funerals and transferring power from one generation to the next. This gives him some influence that mostly ends at the shores of the Blessed Isle, but can occasionally prove useful in a tight spot. His contact in the Immaculate Order is Igraine Two Waves, a Water-aspected monk of no small standing. She's tempestuous and an excellent martial artist, keeping her ears open for Cale at all times.

Connections (Threshold) 1
Cale's influence in the Threshold is primarily limited to Sijan, where he sometimes works as a priest. Marigath Kronos is his contact in Sijan, a high priestess and expert funeralist. She is his go-to woman when it comes to finding assassins and getting anything done in the Threshold.

Salary 2
Cale is a relatively new Sidereal, and has yet to get a full Bronze Faction pay packet. His current one, however, maintains his Manse and allows him to live comfortably.

Sifu 3
The sifu assigned to the Grim Herald is Falling Leaf, a respected Chosen of Secrets and accomplished martial artist. Master Falling Leaf was the one who gave his prize pupil the Flying Crane, as well. TMA/CMA: House of Secrets Style, Unity Through Conflict And Harmony Style, Wood Dragon Style. SMA: Prismatic Arrangement of Creation, Roiling Vernal Tempest Style.

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 2
Willpower: 5
Essence: 3 (Personal 11/11, Peripheral 26/32. 6 motes committed.)


Cost: 1 mote per TN reduction
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Can reduce the target number of a (Dexterity + Dodge) roll.

Duck Fate
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: Reflexive
Type: Instant
The player can roll (Dexterity + Dodge) with a difficulty equal to his opponent's Essence to avoid any undesirable effect. This must be done before the opponent's attack roll or as soon as the player knows about the effect, whichever comes first. Continuous effects only need to be ducked once.

Stern Essence Replenishment
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Immediately after a successful Conviction roll or a successful Socialize roll that substantially changes the social surroundings in a manner that benefits the character, he gains back twice his Conviction in motes of Essence.

Hot-Eyed Snake Whispering
Cost: 1 mote per TN reduction
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Can reduce the target number of Bureaucracy, Performance, Presence, and Socialize rolls.

Any Direction Arrow
Cost: 1 mote per die (+1)
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Can add up to his Essence in dice to any Archery roll. Furthermore, the shot takes no penalties from anything less or equal to 50 percent cover.

Opportune Shot
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
This Charm allows the character to automatically win initiative over an opponent for the purposes of attacking him. When opposing other initiative-winning Charms, the characters must roll initiative as normal.

Inexorable Advance
Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Five turns
Type: Simple
This Charm negates wound and running speed penalties for the duration.

Icy Hand
Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Five days
Type: Reflexive
This Charm can be used immediately after touching a single bureaucrat, which may require an unarmed attack. The character must then roll (Charisma + Bureaucracy) against the target's Essence. If successful, the target is compelled to do his duties honestly for the duration of the Charm.

Harmony of Fog
Cost: 2 motes per reduction
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
For every two motes spent on this Charm, reduce the initiative of one opponent by 1. The initiative of an opponent can not be reduced by more then the user’s Martial Arts.

Harmony of Dust
Cost: 4 motes per 25%
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
This Charm creates a protective cloud of dust around the user, which provides cover. Essence 2 users can create up to 25% cover, Essence 4 users can create 50% cover, and Essence 6 users can create 75% cover. The character need not create as much cover as he can.

Harmony of Lightning
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
If the character goes first in a combat round, he may take two normal attack actions. If he does not go first, simply add 3 to the rate of his attack. This Charm is incompatible with perfect initiative effects.

Harmony of Blood
Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
When making a martial arts attack, every level of damage inflicted on the target allows the character to heal one bashing health level of damage on his own body. Every two levels of damage allows a lethal health level to be healed.

The Peacock 2
The Corpse 3
The Rising Smoke 2

The Flying Crane (Long Powerbow): +6 Accuracy (16-die attack pool), +4 Damage, Range 400, Rate 5. Commitment 6.

Universal Applicability: The Flying Crane counts as a Martial Arts weapon and can be used freely with any Style. It does not, however, count as a signature weapon and can not be used with Charms that demand to be used unarmed.
Grace of the Crane: The Crane's arrows cannot be dodged, only parried.
Unmoving Hunt: When stationary, the archer adds 5 dice to his roll if his target is in motion.
Crane Arrows: The arrows of the Flying Crane are not always simple shafts of wood and metal. When powered by the Essence of the archer, the Flying Crane lends a bit of its magic to the arrows, allowing them to fold into tiny origami cranes, each of a different color and having a different effect. When in flight, Crane Arrows have 5L/8B soak and take 6 health levels to destroy.
Red Crane Arrows: Should an arrow fired from the Crane kill its target without expending all of its damage, the arrow will transform into a blood-red origami crane and seek another foe. Using the original attack roll, the Crane will fly up to 200 yards to find another target. If successful in attacking, the Crane has a raw damage of the left over successes from the original strike to which attack successes are not added. The Cranes will continue to hatch until the left over damage falls below 5. Creating a Red Crane Arrow costs 1 mote.
White Crane Arrows: Arrows fired straight into the air fold themselves magically into the form of white origami cranes and pause to recieve a single order from the archer before departing. They can perform any action a normal crane can, as well as speak up to 100 words. These origami cranes never tire, but are easily destroyed. If they successfully complete their mission, they fly off once more and transform forever into normal, mortal cranes of immense stature and grace. Creating White Crane Arrows carries no charge.
Blue Crane Arrows: If water is in sight of the archer then the shafts of the Flying Crane may fold into delicate blue origami cranes. Unlike the other Crane Arrows, Blue Cranes last forever in their paper forms. They can not be destroyed by anything short of the Void itself. They have marginal intelligence, slightly less then that of a real Crane. They are also utterly worthless by themselves. However, when 10 of the Blue Crane Arrows gather together, they can swarm a single person (determined by the archer) and grant a single, automatic success to whatever roll he is currently making. Once the Cranes have participated in such a swarm, they lose the ability to participate in them forever. Creating Blue Crane Arrows has no cost, however the invocation of the swarm does carry a 1 mote charge.
Black Crane Arrows: When fired in darkness, the arrows of the Flying Crane transform into black paper birds, invisible and undetectable without magical awareness. These arrows are immaterial and harm only immaterial beings. While they can not harm material beings, they can them and distract the target with ethereal song. Any material being who has a Black Crane Arrow fired at them will suffer a +2 difficulty on all concentration-related tasks and has their Temperance and Conviction reduced by 1. Immaterial beings are attacked normally. Black Cranes will survive until struck by natural sunlight. Creating Black Crane Arrows is a 1 mote expenditure.
Gift of the Crane: While normal Crane Arrows work only with the Flying Crane, the bow does have the power to imbue arrows so that they retain their magic when fired from another bow. By expending 10 motes and 1 experience point, the archer may create 5 Crane Arrows of any assortment of colors which will function normally for any bow. Every batch of 5 arrows counts as a level 1 Artifact.


Broadhead Arrows: 9L damage.
Fowling Arrows: 9B damage.
F.C. Arrows: 11L damage, target's lethal soak x2.
Target Arrows: 7L damage, piercing.
S. Fire Arrows: 9L damage, 5L fire damage, 200 yard range.

Gem of Unassuming Regalia: This level 2 Sidereal Hearthstone makes whatever artifact it is set in appear mundane and totally normal. People can view the artifact as normal, but they do not find it odd or out of place. Mounted on the Flying Crane.

Soak: 3B/1L
Health Levels: -0 [ ] / -1 [ ][ ] / -2 [ ][ ] / -4 [ ] / Incap [ ]

Experience: 0 XP unspent, 0 XP spent.