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The Needles of Restoration and Ruination</b>
Speed +5 Accuracy +3 Damage +1L Defense NA Rate 3 Range 15
Artifact <b>•</b>; Requires: Dexterity <b>•••</b>
, Medicine <B>•

The needles are a set of fine threads of magical material, drawn out with incomparable finesse by the craftsman who put them together. They are a set of ten acupuncture needles varying between two and six inches long and so sharp as to be entirely painless, so brilliant at their purpose that some of the damage they do is directly towards the essence flows of their target.
It is impossible to parry with these needles. They do not inflict wound penalties due to pain, but rather due to a slight realignment of the essence flows of their targets; any defense against wound penalties that comes from the ability to ignore pain, including spending a willpower point to do so, does not apply. Otherwise, their wound penalties behave normally. Wounds from this weapon run no risk of infection unless it there is a charm or substance that would cause disease applied. These weapons do require attunement, but have no commitment cost. The weapon may be used with thrown or in melee range with the same stat line.

Second Edition

The Needles of Restoration and Ruination</b>
Speed 5 Accuracy +3 Damage +1L Defense NA Rate 3 Range 15
Artifact <b>•</b>; Requires: Dexterity <b>•••</b>
, Medicine <B>•