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Illursinex, The Unnatural Horror

Illursinex was a dream of Hegra long ago, when she slept in the company of mighty beasts. When she woke, there was one beast, and he was all of them. He is the nightmare that is the binding together of horrors, the thing that is spawned from connections that should not be. The most mundane of things can become terrors when twisted together unnaturally; and Illursinex is that mixture.
Normally, he appears as a great brown bear, whose footfalls shake the ground where he passes. His back opens like the carapace of a beetle, and the tentacles of a kraken issue forth, writhing outwards, each tentacle ending in barbed talons. The tentacles reach as far as his will, and drag anything they grasp back into him; the things that he absorbs writhe together until they become one, and then are birthed from his womb. Illursinex may also appear as the bleeding lightning that strikes from Hegra, the pain with a long reach that melts and shatters.
Illursine, when summoned, has the ability to yoke together unlike things into monstrous, fearful creations; though he cannot make anything that is not a fearful monster. His reach is nearly unlimited, bound only by his impressive perception, and his reach is strong; his tentacles coil around their prey, and their hunger will not be denied. Those trapped in his dreams flail in madness, desperate to fight off the horrors that will assail them.