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Roll d10 twice and consult the table below.

1,1 The character changes into an exact replica of his or her childhood home, and never returns to normal form.

1,2 The character begins breathing bees instead of air. The victim's player must make a Stamina roll each round or die, and automatically dies within five minutes.

1,3 The character turns into a horse, which shrieks in pain explodes in a messy array of blood and gore and then reforms every few seconds.

1,4 The character ages in reverse, growing 100 years younger every round, and turning into a fetus and then disappearing when at age 0.

1,5 Beautiful sparks of dove-grey light emerge from the character's skin surface, floating away as if on a breeze. The character's flesh disappears as it turns into these sparks, causing a painless and euphoric 1 level of aggravated damage, which cannot be soaked or healed, every round.

1,6 Millions of purple locusts arrive from nowhere, devouring the screaming character within two rounds but leaving all else untouched.

1,7 A piece of the character's equipment (or the characters own body, if the character bears no equipment) grows to an enormous size, larger than any castle, and crushes the character instantly and inescapably, even if the character is normally immune to harm. The players of all others within fifty yards must make a reflexive Dexterity+Dodge check, difficulty 3, or suffer 10L as the growing object crushes them and pushes them away.

1,8 The character gains the ability to melt into a thick grey-green slime at will, and a tremendous desire to do so. The victim's player must make a Temperance roll each round to resist the compulsion. No matter what, the victim succumbs and changes within 5 minutes.

1,9 The character is changed into a human-sized stack of beautifully-calligraphed poetry praising the memories of the character.

1,10 The character is struck directly by a meteor made of almost-pure starmetal, superheated to an incredibly hot temperature.

2,1 The character goes into a berserk frenzy, attacking anything nearby. The characters muscles bloat absurdly, increasing Strength by 2 each round, but also causing 2 Aggravated damage which cannot be soaked or healed.

2,2 Hands come from tiny holes to Elsewhere to grab and tear at the character. Each round, the character takes 3 Aggravated damage that cannot be soaked or healed as chunks of flesh are torn off and pulled to Elsewhere.

2,3 The character speaks a deep and profound prophesy and foretelling. The next round, the character disappears, but his or her voice repeats the same prophesy again. The voice grows louder and louder and never stops or changes.

2,4 The subject seems incredibly distant from everything else, at least a mile away. the character becomes more and more distant every round until completely and permanently gone three rounds later.

2,5 The subject's skin peels away, revealing an exquisitely carved impressionistic statue make of marbled lead and salt.

2,6 The subject becomes an enormous verminous insect. Within three rounds, the insect becomes a statue of white jade.

2,7 Barbed iron hooks emerge from the character's body, ripping the character to shreds and leaving a grisley rent corpse.

2,8 The character begins to cry tremously amounts of water. The next turn, the characters whole body is turned into water and pours out the character's eyes. The next turn, a small clear-water spring and a small stream are all that remains.

2,9 The character becomes intangible. The next round, the character is gone forever.

2,10 The character becomes a Fair Folk diplomat, well-established with nearby Fair Folk. All past motivations and personality are permanently gone.

3,1 The character becomes a yeddim, all intelligence permanently lost.

3,2 The character rises into the sky and becomes a star.

3,3 A hand reaches out from the ground and drags the subject down.

3,4 The character slows down in time to one-billionth speed. Everything else seems to rush by the character, but to the outside world, the character stops, turns ice cold, and cannot be moved or affected in any way.

3,5 A warrior appears in front of the character, asking how the character wishes to die. Regardless of response, the warrior's mouth becomes enormous and devours the character the next round, causing instant death. Attempts to affect the warrior are resolved normally (use statistics for a common soldier) but cannot stop the victim from being devoured.

3,6 The victim's head becomes moonsilver. The body dies instantly.

3,7 The victim is wracked by electricity, killing the victim immediately, and arcing out cause 10L to all thoose nearby.

3,8 The victim's skeleton rips free of the body and runs away, making mocking gestures. The boneless body collapses and dies within a few rounds.

3,9 The character's tongue (or equivalent organ) turns into a fruit tree and takes root, and the rest of the body turns into ten angry boars.

3,10 The character melts into an incredibly potent acid.

4,1 Fine clothes and jewels whirl in from nowhere in a tornado. It sweeps past the character, obscuring the the character. When it passes, the victim is gone forever.

4,2 The character disperses into a cloud of mosquitos, each of which carries the Great Contagion.

4,3 The character gains a new blight every round, but takes 1 level of aggravated damage that cannot be soaked or healed every round as his or her ever-shifting form burns itself into a pile of ashes.

4,4 The character's internal organs turn into snails, but surface skin is left intact.

4,5 The character splits into millions of tiny copies of himself or herself, which immediately begin dying of various diseases.

4,6 Strings grow out of the characters joints and move up to the sky, and an unseen sadistic puppeeteer begins pulling the strings. The character is forced to perform a clumsy, mocking dance for two rounds, and is then pulled into sky forever. If the strings are cut, the character dies immediately.

4,7 Black worm-like tubes roll through the sky quickly, leaving trails of emptiness behind them. One swoops down and envelopes the character, leaving nothing behind. Others who are nearby are left unharmed.

4,8 The character is splashed with a silvery aura which is incredibly slippery. The next round, gravity is reversed for several minutes. All others are able to grab something with a simple Dexterity + Athletics check, but the character is too slippery, falls into the sky and is lost forever.

4,9 The character gains access to all Solar Charms for which he meets Ability requirements, including Sorcery but not including Charms which cost no Essence, and access to any spell listed (if he can perform Sorcery), and all Charms. These do not cost any Essence - instead, the character takes 1 unsoakable aggravated damage for each mote that would have been spent. If the character does not use this ability on a given turn, they take 1 level of unsoakable aggravated damage instead.

4,10 Air surrounding the character grows tiny specks of glass which swarm into the character like tiny insects, flying into the character's nose, mouth and eyes. The character must make a Stamina+Resistance check each round or take four health levels of lethal damage. The difficult for this starts at 1 and increases by 1 each round.

5,1 The character begins sinking into the ground (losing any ability to fly or float). Each round, the character sinks a foot deeper into the ground. Digging will not help - everything that is subsumed into the ground is gone forever.

5,2 The character catches fire in a beautiful display so entrancing that those who watch must make Temperance rolls to do anything but watch in awe. The fire cannot be put out, and does 1 aggravated health level each round, even to creatures immune to fire.

5,3 Millions of sea urchins erupt in a projectile volcano from the character's insides, instantly killing the character and causing 6L (soakable) to anyone in front of her.

5,4 The character turns inside-out, spine and organs pouring from his mouth. What's left is a hideous and grisley corpse.

5,5 The character's Nature changes to "Martyr" and his new goal is to die. Each round, the goal of the nearest sentient being also becomes the death of the character - this ends when the character dies. Willpower may not be spent to resist this - this is a perfect effect.

5,6 Wherever the character steps, the ground (or air) becomes molten lava. This causes 1 unsoakable aggravated damage each round.

5,7 The character swells up, becoming absurdly obese. This continues for three turns, after which the character explodes, dying instantly.

5,8 A scroll appears in the character's hands. It reads, in Old Realm, "You may change into an object of your choice." The character permanently changes on the next round into any nonmagical object, of any size, which he chooses, or, if he did not choose, becomes a scroll which reads, in Old Realm, "I did not choose."

5,9 A small but elegant temple appears around the character, which the character cannot leave by any means. It sinks quickly into the ground, disappearing, an hour later.

5,10 Winged archers, made of silver, appear in the air, firing arrows of darkness at the character. All shots automatically hit, and cannot be parried or dodged. The damage is instantly fatal. If, somehow, the character survives this, she becomes a silver archer herself, disappearing with the rest of them at the end of the next turn.

6,1 The character's own ghost visits, explaining that death is now inevitable, encouraging the character to die. The character must make a Valor check each round, starting at standard difficulty but increasing in difficulty by 1 each round. If the character fails, he dies instantly, and his ghost arrives, explains to anyone present that it must now cause this death. If the ghost is ever dispelled or stopped, the whole area within a mile disappears into the Void. The first such attempt will always fail, but the world will shake and crumble.

6,2 Shimmering green lightning strikes the character, causing instant death.

6,3 Those around see an illusion of the character's death by sudden disease. The character becomes invisible and intangible, watching helplessly as those nearby react to the false death. Five minutes later, the character reappears, the illusion is gone, and the character begins to die of the same incurable disease over the course of five rounds.

6,4 The character freezes into a block of ice.

6,5 Gravity turns sideways for the character, who rapidly "falls" to the horizon and disappears. The direction of gravity continues to shift randomly and the character is soon alone, falling forever.

6,6 The character disappears, and those nearby remember that she actually died at sea years before. Old memories will also remain, leading to contradictions in memories.

6,7 The character mind and soul disappear, leaving only a living brain-dead victim, permanently devoid of all volition.

6,8 The character grows fully functional wings, which continue to grow. After three turns, the wings become large enough that the rest of the character's body loses blood, becoming pale, and causing 1 unsoakable unhealable lethal damage each round. After death, the wings keep growing, leaving witnesses on a plain made of feathers.

6,9 Fire erupts from the character's eyes, doing 8 Aggravated damage to anyone the character attacks with her gaze but causing 1 aggravated health level every round as the character's brain (or equivalent) is scorched by the heat.

6,10 Water rises where there was once earth. A whirlpool drags the character down into this new ocean, and the character disappears within a few rounds. Others may survive the drowning, but an irresistable force pulls the character down to Elsewhere.

7,1 The character melts into a blob-shape, losing 1 point off each Physical attribute as her body becomes amorphous and inert. When Stamina reaches 0, all coherence is lost and the Exalt is nothing but a blob.


A weird little list of ways for a character to die in the Deep Wyld. A tool for journeys through the Wyld. Hopefully, I'll finish this chart and do another chart for transformations that are nuisance/beneficial, and for transformations that are hazards to overcome. Mostly I see this chart as something to use when you push an NPC into the Wyld, or someone strays away from safe areas. -TedPro