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All Good Things

Session 014

Background: The players have come to the Blessed Isle as part of a Diplomatic envoy on behalf of the Deliberative. They have made contact with Etong and have made enemies with the Elarad Pirates. This is part 1 and 2 of 3 of the mini campain The Fall

Setting: The player group is traveling on its way to Pangu with Etong. They will enter the wilderness city of Pangu and meet up with a Senator.

Session: Mularian lives in the city of Pangu. So, Etong arranges transport through the Isle. The Lunar seems to get feeling that they are being followed and watched. But as they travel north, there could be an encounter.

Possible Encounter: Bandits lead by outcast DB or some kind of beast

The city of Pangu is a prosperous one. It has deep agricultural roots. It can bee seen all around. Yet it is at the same time a prospering city with all the goods one would come to expect from such. They are met by the personal advisors to Senator Mularin. The one in particular is called, Leedal Weston. He seems like a friendly and helpful person. He is unaware of what is going on. But he takes them to Senator Ledaal Mularin. They are welcomed guest at a party that Mularin is holding in their honor. At some point, he takes them into the den so that they can talk privately. They will talk abit about the politics of what is going to happen.

After all is said and done, they are given a room to stay the night in Mularin’s house. It is huge and has many rooms and many servants. Each one is assigned a different room as well as a accompanying servant. In the course of a few days, they do not see Mularin at all and is told that he has some business he is attending to. When he comes back, he tells them that he has been able to make an arrangement with the Empress for you to have a council with her. However, it will be some time (2 months) as she is in a town near Chanos doing something. They will use that time to travel to the Imperial City.

Possible Encounter: Bandits lead by outcast DB or some kind of beast

They arrive in the Imperial City. It is a sprawling area. They are given rooms in a nice hotel. Not much is expected. The Empress will be back in the Imperial City within a few days.

When they meet with the Empress her Infernal Guardsman will summon them. They meet and discuss the treaty between nations. In the end, after all the talking, she says that she needs time consider what has been said. They are to wait for her answer at their hotel room.

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