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<willows-ST> The superlative horses, despite their curious eating habits, ARE amazingly speedy, and shorten the journey to one of a week, by Malic's estimation. Even now, the Circle can see the dark, cloudy skies of the Bayou of Regret in the northeastern sky.

<willows-ST> The earth blurs beneath the horses' feet, only slowing when they smell blood.

<Arkadi> "...these are the freakiest horses I've ever seen."

<Malic> "You haven't seen many horses, Arkadi."

<Malic> "But we're almost there. Do you think Moth will return before we get there?"

<Arkadi> "I served in the 7th legion for a spell, I've seen plenty."

<Gia> "I don't mind them so much. They're certainly better than giant dragonflies."

<Arkadi> "Point."

<Malic> "I don't know. They sounded really fun.."

<Arkadi> "if you're a madman."

<Malic> "So?"

<Arkadi> "...that was really my point in its entirety."

<Malic> "Save your breath for holding onto the horse. Yours seems like it might want you off his back."

Gia glances behind her at Osprey. "How are you doing?"

Osprey grimaces.

Arkadi scowls and grips the reins a little tighter

<Malic> ::Time Passes::

<Malic> ::Time Passes::

<Osprey> As the sun descends below the horizon, the group stops for the evening.

<Osprey> No sooner have they dismounted, than a high-pitched buzzing becomes apparent. A small serpent, with ten mosquito wings, flies out of the dusky twilight and approaches Hollow Moth.

<Osprey> It hands her a scroll, then flies off, quickly dwindling to a speck and vanishing.

Malic watches as Moth makes her excuses and takes off once more, though leaving her much-hated horse behind. "Ya know, she gets a bunch of those."

<Arkadi> "Maybe it's her boyfriend."

<Gia> "It's good to keep busy, I guess."

Arkadi snickers

Malic shrugs. "Nosy boyfriend. We can't wait for her to get back."

<Arkadi> "Hey, I'm just giving my hypothesis"

Hollow Moth returns soon after with a foul look on her face, a crumpled wad of scrollpaper in her hand.

<Arkadi> "Lover's tiff?"

Osprey looks disapprovingly at Arkadi.

<Hollow Moth> "Not quite, no."

<Malic> "So, who DOES send those things?"

<Gia> "It's none of our business."

<Hollow Moth> "Sometimes one person, and sometimes another, apparently."

<Malic> "That doesn't make it any less interesting. It makes it more interesting."

Hollow Moth mutters something intelligible, her fist clenching harder around the wad.

Malic humphs in Moth's direction. "Well, if you're back, let's be going."

<Osprey> "It does not look like our sister is in any mood to discuss this," observes Osprey.

<Arkadi> "You okay?"

Osprey looks askance at Malic. "While you may find the prospect of riding through the night appealing, I do not."

Hollow Moth smiles at Arkadi, her anger suddenly absent. "I'm fine."

<Malic> "How do you four expect to become riders if you keep stoping?"

Arkadi arches an eyebrow "Alrighty..."

<Arkadi> "I don't expect to, Mal..."

<Malic> "I don't expect you to either."

<Osprey> "It will not serve any good purpose for us to arrive in Kirighast ragged and tired."

<Malic> "However, we are in the middle of nowhere and I doubt anyone but Osprey and I would enjoy that. We can find a village somewhere."

Osprey looks up at the clear sky; the first few stars are beginning to peek out.

Hollow Moth shrugs.

<Malic> "Or we could sleep under that nice tree over there. Where the barbarian markings are."

<Arkadi> "...WHAT?"

<Hollow Moth> "...markings?"

Osprey glances over at the tree.

Gia raises a brow.

Osprey moves closer, to examine the markings carved into the tree trunk.

<Osprey> "These symbols look similar to ones used by certain tribes in the River Province."

<Hollow Moth> "Do they mean anything?"

Gia peers intently at the markings.

Osprey points to the first symbol, a V-shape with a dot under it. "This means some kind of dog. Probably a jackal, in this part of the world."

<Malic> "Jackal Tribes. They're common around here. Anyway, village?"

<Osprey> "This one" -- he points at the second, a circle with a cross through it -- "means..." he pauses,

<Arkadi> "Jackal tribes...lovely...and yes village, quickly, please."

<Gia> "What does it mean, Brother Osprey?" Gia asks, ignoring Malic and Arkadi.

<Osprey> "Usually something having to do with home or territory. But I am not sure what it means in the context of this last symbol." Osprey indicates the third, spiral symbol.

Arkadi sighs and lights up a cigarette

Arkadi looks at Moth "I think we're gonna be here for a bit."

<Hollow Moth> "What is the last symbol, then?"

<Gia> "It could be a warning." Gia frowns. "I think many barbarian tribes are not fond of.. unexpected visitors."

Hollow Moth doesn't acknowledge Arkadi, leaning closer to see the markings.

<Osprey> "The spiral can mean many things." Osprey steps back to that the women can get a closer look.

<Arkadi> "Precisely why we should get somewhere where they WON'T jump us."

<Malic> "Tribal markings..Jackal Barbarians...and linguistics lessons. One of these does not fit.."

<Hollow Moth> "They're just barbarians, Arkadi."

<Arkadi> "Are we forgettign who often tags along with barbarians?"

<Osprey> "It sometimes means worm, or centipede. Sometimes creatures of Malfeas. It can also indicate any number of weather phenomena, such as tornados or maelstroms."

<Hollow Moth> "What a flexible symbol."

<Hollow Moth> "Jackal territory centipede, is it?"

<Osprey> "Or it could be that some kind of monster related to the Jackal Tribes makes its home near here."

<Arkadi> "There's a cheerful thought."

<Hollow Moth> "Now that's more interesting."

Osprey glances at Arkadi. "Or, as he suggests, it could mean that we are in the territory of a Lunar Exalted whose totem is some kind of spiraling creature, and who watches over a Jackal Tribe."

<Malic> "We could simply move on and leave the area marked by the symbols."

<Hollow Moth> "Doesn't that suggest that there are no villages to be found here?"

<Malic> "There will be once we get far enough."

<Hollow Moth> "And yet, it is night already."

<Malic> "Are you afraid of the dark? I'm not sleeping under the marker-tree."

Arkadi keeps carefully silent

Gia frowns. "As much as I hate to say it, I think Jupiter would prefer we rest here. I think we have work to do."

<Gia> Her green eyes glitter with uncertainty.

Malic sighs. "Fine then."

Arkadi sighs

<Arkadi> "I'll take first watch."

<Osprey> "We should leave the road, and make our camp on higher ground." Osprey looks at the rolling hills surrounding them.

<Hollow Moth> "Well, let's do it quickly."

Osprey takes the reins of his and Gia's horse, and begins leading it up the tallest nearby hill.

<Gia> "That sounds like a good idea, Brother Osprey."

Malic glances at the sleeping Ember sitting behind him, nods.

<Osprey> "I think we should forego a fire tonight. It is warm enough, and the light might draw attention.

Hollow Moth sighs quietly.

<Hollow Moth> "If we must."

Arkadi scowls and pinches out his cigarette

<Osprey> As if in response to Osprey's words, echoing yelps and howls sound in the distance.

<Arkadi> "Smoking's out too, I guess?"

Gia frowns at the noises, her face otherwise refusing to display discomfort.

<Hollow Moth> "So, where around here can we camp?"

Osprey looks at her. "Wherever there are not stones on the ground."

<Malic> "Or markers on the trees. Especially the sort made by jackals."

<Osprey> Reaching the top of the hill, Osprey scans the night around them.

Gia sniffs the air distractedly. "Is it going to rain, do you think?"

<Hollow Moth> "Rain?"

Hollow Moth sounds dismayed.

Arkadi shrugs and pulls his cloak around him

<Osprey> "The sky is clear." Osprey shakes his head. "Rain is unlikely, unless a local god becomes very upset."

<Arkadi> "So...whom am I waking up?"

<Hollow Moth> "Wake me."

Arkadi nods

Arkadi sits himself down on a convenient stump

Hollow Moth settles down on a soft bit of ground and draws a shadow overherself as a blanket.

Malic pats Forge goodnight as he finishes securing the reins to the two Red Jade horns adorning the rhino's snout. Then he and the groggy Ember curl up next to the giant, warm rhino and shortly fall asleep.

<Gia> After another long look around, Gia reluctantly lays her cloak out on the ground and stretches out, hoping that staring at the sky will lull her to sleep.

Arkadi chuckles to himself, yawns and begins his 2-hour scna of the horizon

<willows-ST> Ember suddenly pokes Malic, jolting him into a muzzy sense of wakefulness. "Hey Malic, what do you think of Moth?"

<willows-ST> "She's very pretty, isn't she?"

Malic gives a half-waking snort. "Huh? She's nice...strange."

<willows-ST> Ember looks sort of apprehensive about this.

<willows-ST> "Hm. I had this weird dream the other night..."

Malic turns on his side and opens his eyes a bit to look at Ember, giving up sleep. "What was it about?"

<willows-ST> "I'm not sure I remember...there were flowers, and something with more eyes and teeth than I could count..."

<Malic> "Probably just a nightmare, Ember. You've been seeing a lot of strange things."

<willows-ST> "I guess so." She pauses. "Someone else was there too."

<Malic> "Who?"

<willows-ST> "I'm not sure. He was a small man with a yellow crown."

<Osprey> A short distance away, Osprey settles himself under his cloak, his daiklave lying to one side, his staff to the other.

Malic blinks. "Just someone you've seen around and don't remember. Get some sleep, Ember. We'll all need to be alert. Our watch is after Arkadi's."

<willows-ST> Ember nods and falls asleep.

Malic puts an arm around her and shortly begins to snore.

<willows-ST> About an hour into Arkadi's watch, he notices something moving in the trees.

Gia 's eyelida flutter for a moment, and she soon falls into fitful slumber.

Arkadi scowls and stands up, resting his hand on the pommel of his sword

Arkadi squints a bit, trying to make it out

<willows-ST> The movement stops, but something, a silhouette of a person, is visible now against the slightly different darkness of the grass and trees.

<Arkadi> "Who are you?"

<Arkadi> "Identify yourself."

<willows-ST> "Anekt. Who are you?"

<Osprey> Arkadi's voice penetrates Osprey's slumber. The tribesman opens one eye.

<Arkadi> "Name's not important, what are you doing here?"

Malic sits up, rubbing his eyes. "Can't I get any sleep?"

Arkadi scans the silhouette, looking for weapons

<willows-ST> "Hunting the hêsat. It's not very safe to camp in the hunting ground, you know.

<Arkadi> "The what?"

<willows-ST> "Someone less attentive might have speared you."

Malic yawns "I told them that..who're you again...?"

Gia rubs her eyes and sits up.

<Arkadi> "That's the whole point of avoid unsightly impalings."

<Osprey> Seeing that everyone else is sitting up, Osprey decides that there is no purpose to pretending to sleep. He rises to his feet.

<willows-ST> "You don't know anything, do you? You must be foreigners." The hunter appears willing to talk, if a little snippy.

Hollow Moth opens her eyes and shifts a bit to watch, but remains on the ground under her dark blanket.

<Arkadi> "What gave it away? The total lack of any knowledge of the area? They're the brains in this type of environment, not me."

Arkadi jerks his thumb towards the others

Gia smiles a bit sheepishly at the hunter.

Malic stands up, stretching and giving a final yawn. "Well, why don't you stop standing back there in the forest and come out where we can see you?"

<willows-ST> He chuckles and comes closer. In the dim light of the moon and stars, it is difficult to make out his features - it seems that his face has been painted with charcoal and ash to break up its shapes.

<Malic> "Well, thanks for your concern. But random tribesmen possessed by insane spirits don't bother us much. There wouldn't be a lot more of your folk around, would there?"

<willows-ST> "I would suggest that you light a small fire, just enough to make some smoke. It will keep the hesat and the hunters away."

<willows-ST> "This one was a mighty god, and we have sent out many hunters."

Osprey cocks his head slightly, as though hearing a sound the others cannot. "What caused this god to become so angry?"

<willows-ST> "I am not privy to the secrets of the magicians, so I cannot tell for certain. But I will speculate if you wish." He moves a few steps closer into the circle so he may speak more softly and has a seat.

<Osprey> "Surely a man who hunts someone possessed by a wrathful spirit has some idea of the reasons behind the hunt."

<willows-ST> "The darkened lands close to the sea have been spreading and taking the lands of our living gods. They have been fleeing the blight for some time now...but I think that it has become too much."

Gia nods quietly.

<willows-ST> "They are driven too close together - like tigers, they grow restless."

<willows-ST> "And godly illnesses have been spreading among them like a slow-burning fire."

Hollow Moth pushes her blanket off herself and sits up, listening more intently.

<Hollow Moth> "Illnesses meaning the hesat, or others as well?"

<willows-ST> "The hesat illness hasn't been common here until recently. There are others, but it is the worst. For the most part, we cannot do anything about the lesser illnesses because the greater is so dangerous to mankind."

Osprey glowers. "The touch of the dead is bringing disharmony to many lands."

<Hollow Moth> "And now... you hunt the hesat, to end the disease at the cost of the subject's life."

<willows-ST> "It is the only thing that can be done."

Hollow Moth licks her lips delicately.

<willows-ST> Anekt looks resigned to this ending. It isn't one he relishes, clearly.

<Hollow Moth> "As it happens, that is not strictly true."

Osprey looks at Moth.

<Osprey> "You also know of this illness?"

<willows-ST> The hunter's eyebrows rise. "What god whispers that secret in your ear when the moon is dark?" He seems to think that Moth is making things up.

<Hollow Moth> "There are few illnesses for which you could not say that, 'brother'. I am a physician, you know."

Hollow Moth turns back to the hunter.

<Hollow Moth> "My secrets come from no god nor moon."

<Hollow Moth> "I am a healer, and the hesat I can heal."

<Malic> "Really? How?"

Gia blinks, though not totally in surprise.

<willows-ST> "Is this cure something that can be bottled, or taught? If you can truly do it, I am sure that your tribe would be very grateful."

Hollow Moth gives Malic a look usually reserved for annoying children.

<Hollow Moth> "I... doubt there are any among you who could master the technique."

Arkadi carefully hides his expression

Malic smiles at her. "I doubt it as well. Anyway, I think first you'd better find the one you seek to cure. Anekt, if you'll lead the way, we can help you track this sick person down."

<willows-ST> "I suppose it can't hurt. Can you hear the clicking?"

Malic listens...

Hollow Moth cocks an ear for a moment, then frowns.

<Hollow Moth> "Clicking?"

Malic shakes his head. "No, I can't hear it."

<willows-ST> "I can't hear it either. We will have to find the trail."

Malic nods. "Just let me wake my friends." so saying, he gently shakes Ember and Forge to wakefulness.

<Malic> "Come on you two, we have an insane god possessing a poor mortal to find and heal."

Osprey picks up his staff. "The clicking we are listening for is the chattering of the possessed person's teeth, yes?"

<willows-ST> Ember looks excited. Firge snorts.

Arkadi cracks his various joints

<willows-ST> "Well, you could call them teeth if you like. This particular person has experienced some...changes...since the disease set in."

<Osprey> "Such as?"

Hollow Moth frowns.

<Malic> "Forge, if you'll be nice enough to check on the less obvious side of things, in case the spirit chooses to be scarce? Ember, stay close." Keeping one eye on Ember and one ear on the hunter, Malic lets his attention wander just enough that the strings of Mercury can pull him along, giving him the first clue as to which direction to search.

Gia edges imperceptibly closer to Osprey. "You're good with spirits, right?"

<willows-ST> "Qebshenuf was a god of spiders. The victim has begun to resemble him in shape. He has a spider's mouth-claws now, and what else I do not know. He has not been seen in some time, and the changes had not stopped..."

<Osprey> "Of certain sorts. I have never dealt with a hesat before, although I know of it from the lore of my tribe's shaman."

<Arkadi> "...spiders."

<Arkadi> "It HAD to be spiders."

<Malic> "You WORK for spiders."

<Hollow Moth> "That is... not good. I may not be able to restore his body, even if I drive out the disease."

<Arkadi> "I hate my job, remember?"

<Malic> "Hey, those extra legs can be handy. And spiders have sex organs on their legs. It could be interesting for him."

Osprey closes his eyes, listening to the subtle notes of serenity vibrating through the web of fate.

<Malic> "He could have man-spider children, raise an back the dead..become spider-emperor. All sorts of things."

<willows-ST> "If I continue running into kindly travellers such as yourself, I am not concerned about such a small problem."

<Arkadi> "Malic, that's information I DIDN'T NEED!"

<Malic> "You never know when you might need it."

<Malic> "Lets go."

Osprey holds up a hand. "Wait."

Hollow Moth titters.

Gia 's face pales by several shades at the mention of siders.

Osprey furrows his brow.

<Malic> "...Osprey?"

<willows-ST> "Speaking of Qebshenuf, might I ask your names? I feel a little odd hunting with strangers."

<Hollow Moth> "I am called Hollow Moth."

<Arkadi> "Arkadi."

<willows-ST> By this time Anekt is loosening his spears in their harness, and tightening the laces on his sandals.

<Malic> "I'm Malic of the Del'Zahn Horde. This is Bright Ember, my friend from the Gemfire Nomads. And the large rhinocerous was Forge, God of Burning Metal Sands."

Arkadi adjusts his cloak, and makes sure he can access his sword in a pinch

Osprey opens his eyes. "My name is Merciful Osprey. And we should leave Ember and Forge behind; their fire will only anger the god more. As will the metal in our weapons. If we are to bring peace to this god, and the man whom it inhabits, we must go unarmed."

Malic opens his mouth and looks at Osprey. "You're not serious."

Hollow Moth raises an eyebrow.

<Malic> "For the first time in your bloody life, you're making a joke."

<Malic> "So, understandably, its a bad one."

<Gia> "I guess.." Gia trails off, uncertain.

<Arkadi> " have GOT to be FUCKING me."

Osprey looks steadily at Malic. "This is not a joking matter."

<Arkadi> "I've had this sword since I was 23..."

<Malic> "No. We'd never force that on poor Osprey.."

Arkadi whacks Mal on the back of the head

<Hollow Moth> "Will any metal be a problem, do you think, or just weapons?"

<Hollow Moth> "I'd hate to leave my needles behind when I'm supposed to be healing someone."

Malic grabs Arkadi and puts him in a headlock.

Gia reluctantly unstraps her chakram from her back and hides it in a shrub.

Arkadi wrenches himself free, twists Mal's arm behind him, and with a gentle push with his foot to the back of his leg, drives him to his knee

<Arkadi> "Do NOT do that again."

Osprey glances at the tribesman. "The... stars... have told me that if we take metal or fire near this spirit, we will be unable to help it."

Arkadi sighs

<Osprey> "Or its victim."

Arkadi releases Mal

Arkadi unstraps his sword

Hollow Moth sighs, and begins unbuckling her bracers.

<Arkadi> "Where should I store this?"

Malic glances at the various belt buckles adorning the party. "Ya know, there's gunna be a slight problem with the no-metal bit."

Osprey unslings his daiklave, and hands it to Ember. "Do not lose this. And do not touch any of the wards, or take it from its sheath."

Malic hangs the sheath of Burning Wind from Forge's right horn.

Gia watches the transfer of the Kenning Edge with unease before removing her hearthstone amulet and a decorative anklet.

<willows-ST> The tribesman gives Osprey an odd look, but he seems to have a look of authority about him that's difficult to argue with.

Hollow Moth puts her bracers into a shadowy bag, along with one of the leather pouches from her belt, and hands it to Ember, while frowning at Osprey.

<Hollow Moth> "You'd better be right about this."

Arkadi begins unbuckling his armour

<Malic> "What about our belts? They have metal."

Osprey leaves his knives, and the metal-buckled belt they hang from; he wraps them up in his cloak, fastening the bundle with the metal brooch which normally holds it shut.

Arkadi sighs and pulls off his beloved armour

Osprey pulls the laces of his pants a bit tighter, to compensate for the lack of belt.

Gia is wearing a dress, and does not seem particularly concerned about the belt issue.

Hollow Moth sighs again, and wraps a thin shadow around her waist to hang her other bags from.

Arkadi also slips off the bronze ring around his finger, and removes his belt, a copper badge still glittering from its side

<Arkadi> "I swear, if any of my stuff is missing when we get back..."

Malic loops his belt into a tight roll, from which his customary amulet of heavy gold hands. Sighing, his Firewand joins the Burning Wind on Forge's horns. "You two keep a sharp eye out, alright?"

<Hollow Moth> *muttering"I can't believe this..."

<Osprey> Examining the others carefully, Osprey nods in approval.

<Osprey> "If things turn out poorly, you can take it up with the Maiden of Serenity," he murmurs to Moth, too low for Anekt to hear.

<Malic> "If my pants fall, I'll take it up with you.."

Gia hands all of her various trinkets and weaponry to Ember.

<willows-ST> "Forge and I will take good care of it."

<Osprey> "Keep a close watch. We shall be back before the night is over."

<willows-ST> Ember nods. She seems relieved that she is not among the hunting party. Though she can handle speaking to god-monsters, she is not certain whether she could subdue one.

Osprey turns to Anekt. "Where did you last see the hesat's trail?"

<willows-ST> "There are signs just beyond this hill." He leads the way.

<Malic> "If it comes by, Ember, just shoot it with fire or stab it with one of the various sharp objects we've left you. You know how it works. Just think of it as a really big spider like back home in the desert. Though this one probably isnt for soup.."

Malic winks to the young Terrestrial and strolls off after the others.

Osprey follows, alert for the chattering noise of the spider-monster.

Gia follows the hunter, shooting a slightly rueful look to Osprey before looking everywhere but at the party, not wanting to be surprised by a gigantic spider.

Arkadi nervously cracks his knuckles, and keeps his eyes ans ears peeled

<Osprey> As they move through the scrub vegetation towards the forest, Osprey stoops down. He comes back up with something in his hand -- thin filaments glistening in the moonlight.

<Arkadi> "ugh."

<willows-ST> The tracks are fresh enough to be easily followed. After some time, the clicking becomes clearly audible over the other soft noises of the area.

<Gia> "Oh, good. We're close," Gia deadpans.

<Malic> "Those'll be useful if anyone starts bleeding.."

Osprey nods to Anekt, and makes a shushing gesture to his comrades.

<willows-ST> "He could not do that the last time I saw him."

Arkadi focuses in himself, and cues up Water Dragon form

Malic keeps close to Osprey, distancing himself from the less adept of his commrades. With only Osprey's skillfully quiet steps to distract him, Malic is able to hear more clearly and the shadowy form of the Easterling makes it easy to see around him and notice any glitter of chitin or the sparkle of silk.

<willows-ST> There is an unusually loud click. All the insects of the night fall silent.

Gia looks slightly queasy.

Osprey attunes himself to a part of serenity's song he is more familiar with, letting it guide his steps away from the memory of future pain.

<willows-ST> Anekt whispers, "That is one of the god's favorite gestures."

Hollow Moth stiffens at the click, then glances at Osprey and nods to herself.

Hollow Moth seems to become stiffer, moving in the stilted cadence of a long-forgotten funereal rite.

Malic swears silently, though violently, as he realizes Osprey's restriction will prevent him from using the majority of his Phoenix Techniques. A small plant wilts from the force of Malic's silent blue streak.

<willows-ST> A dense copse is ahead. It seems as though the tracks lead in that direction.

Osprey gestures for his companions to spread out as they draw nearer to the dark trees.

Arkadi scowls, this reeks of a trap

Hollow Moth licks her lips and smiles softly.

Gia does not spread far, but skitters a small ways away.

<Osprey> The tress loom around them, branches rustling softly in a night breeze... or is it the sound of eight nimble legs, picking their way through the brush?

<Osprey> *trees

Hollow Moth moves off to one side, bending her fingers like talons and narrowing her eyes.

Malic takes a position moving in 90 degrees to the right of Osprey, with Arkadi across from him...he glances at the others to make sure they heard that

<willows-ST> The trees are all linked with cords of silk - they appear to be braided ropes, though, not the spinning of a spider, and they are arranged so as not to impede the progress of someone entering the copse.

Arkadi nods

Osprey keeps Gia in the corner of his eye, knowing her fear of spiders. He also spares Arkadi a glance from time to time.

Arkadi seems to be taking this rather well...he's in a tight, ready stance, arms at either side of his head to ward off blows

<willows-ST> "You've found my nest," says a moist-sounding voice from somewhere in the trees.

Gia swallows thickly.

<Arkadi> "Could use a decorator."

<willows-ST> "It's not as nice as it is in the day."

<Arkadi> "I'm sure it isn't."

<Arkadi> "Mind coming down to introduce yourself?"

Osprey continues moving slowly forward, searching for the voice's source.

Gia is certainly NOT searching for the voice's source.

Hollow Moth seems distracted by something, twitching her fingers oddly and lightly chewing her lip.

Malic puts a comforting hand on Gia's shoulder, offering her a bright smile.

<willows-ST> "I'm behind this tree."

Osprey lets his senses guide him, not the meaning of the spider's words.

<Arkadi> "It's rude of a host to not show himself."

<willows-ST> The voice seems to be referring to the tree that is trembling now - the silk ropes wrapped around it are tugging it in every direction.

Gia shoots Malic a wavery smile.

<willows-ST> "Indeed it is. I apologize." The tree stops quivering.

<Osprey> The canopy above rustles, with the passage of the wind, or a large body. A few leaves flutter down.

Arkadi inhales deeply and steels himself...

Hollow Moth turns her attention to the tree.

<willows-ST> The god-monster leaps to the earth, halting his landing with four attenuated legs. His face looks like it was human once...

Malic gives Gia's shoulder one last squeeze, then turns his attention to the treetops..and the monstrosity that falls from them. "You seem to have seen better days."

Osprey meets the two largest of the monster's eight glittering eyes.

Gia crinkles her nose in disgust as she looks at the.. thing.. they are confronting.

<willows-ST> ...but now, new eyes have burst from beneath his skin, and he seems to be growing a fourth pair of limbs. They are still vestigial and useless, but they have the glow of new and continuing growth.

Hollow Moth raises an eyebrow at the spider-freak.

<Hollow Moth> "It's worse than I imagined."

<Malic> "Looks sort of like the tarantulas before you drop them in the stew pot." Rubbing one hand across his stomach as if hungry, Malic smiles, showing white teeth in the moonlight

<Arkadi> "My dear, you seem to have your work cut out for you."

<willows-ST> "What do you want with me?"

<Arkadi> "Oh, sing a little song. Do a little dance, cure you...the whole 9 yards."

<Malic> "We want to cure your madness, free your host, restore his body and return you to your proper place in the Celestial Hierarchy."

<willows-ST> He snarls, revealing odd, twitching mouthparts. "Madness?"

<willows-ST> "I have never been so sane."

Osprey grimaces at his companions' lack of tact.

<Malic> "Well, we can fix that too. Regardless. Either requires you to be staying still..."

<Osprey> "Please forgive brother Malic," Osprey addresses the monster politely.

<Osprey> "He is letting his bravado get the better of him."

<Arkadi> "sir, I regret to inform you that you're in violation of section 57c, subparagraph 91 of the Treaty of Human/Deity relations."

<Malic> "Arkadi, read him his rights later."

<Osprey> "Shut up, both of you." Osprey does not turn to look at the other men.

Arkadi scowls at Osprey...he did NOT just tell him to NOT do his job...

<Osprey> "What brings you to this place?" Osprey asks the spider-man. "You are far from your home."

<willows-ST> The weaver turns to a web close to his side, where the silk fades into a gleaming mist and light seems to take an odd turn.

<willows-ST> "I have found a new home."

<Osprey> "What has made you abandon your godly mansion, to live in this man's mortal flesh?"

Osprey takes slow, measured steps toward the monster, his movements smooth and unthreatening. He continues to hold its gaze.

<willows-ST> The god does not seem to have an answer for this question.

Hollow Moth moves up behind Osprey, studying the twisted body intently.

<willows-ST> "Flesh suits me, don't you agree? I have never crafted a form as lovely as this one I have grown."

Osprey lays a gentle hand on the monster's shoulder. Bristly, still-hardening chitin shifts slightly under his touch.

Gia fearfully watches her friend move up to the monster, and forces herself forward just a few steps.

<Osprey> "This body is full of pain... as is your heart, and that of the man who you have pushed aside to make room for yourself."

Osprey continues to look into the creature's beady black eyes. "We are here to help you. We come peacefully, unarmed."

<willows-ST> Expressions fight on the creature's face. This is a complicated and slightly moist sight.

<Osprey> "We can help you cast off this false body you have trapped yourself inside."

Malic sighs, looking disappointed. Stepping forward, Malic's eyes glitter yellow as he studies the poor creature. "You are not yourself, Weaver. This is not the work of an artist, a creator. You should be weaving, not twisting the work of others. If you let us help, it'll be better. You can go back to weaving, all peaceful and content. Your sanity might even recover a bit."

Arkadi fades back a bit...this violates too damn many laws he agrees with to take part in this

Malic smiles at the grotesque abomination standing before him, an aberration of all the laws he protects and all the rules of Heaven. Putting one hand on a hair-covered chitinous limb, Malic gives it a reassuring pressure. "The spider should not be wrapped in this web of flesh."

<willows-ST> The spider forcefully turns Osprey's head at its aerial tapestry. "Tell me what you see there."

<willows-ST> It looks much like a patch of the sky.

<willows-ST> A very small patch that contains many very large things.

Osprey suffers the touch of the monster's prickly hand without apparent revulsion. He examines the patch of web.

Arkadi looks to where the spider tilter Ossie's head

<Arkadi> *tilted

Hollow Moth edges closer to the spider while it's pushing Osprey about.

<Osprey> "You are not the kind of spider whose web can catch the stars," Osprey speaks soothingly. "You cannot undo the fate which has befallen you in this way."

Arkadi clears his throat "You know it's forbidden for man and god to intermingle like this..."

<willows-ST> Anekt has been quiet all this time. It turns out that he is standing behind Arkadi, looking -extremely- frightened.

<Malic> "Come on, Weaver. Let's get you back to rights."

<willows-ST> The god seems to sense the spinning of Essence, but he does not resist. "I suppose that this is something...less...than what I have been before."

<Malic> "Moth?"

Hollow Moth rubs her hands together, stepping closer to the freakish spider-god.

<Osprey> "Do not be afraid. Our sister means you no harm."

<Hollow Moth> "Hold still. This might sting a bit."

Hollow Moth draws back one hand and pauses for a moment, scrutinizing the spider-body.

Hollow Moth closes her eyes and nods her head softly to an unheard rhythm for several moments.

Hollow Moth shouts suddenly and drives one finger into a spot just below one of the new eyes.

Hollow Moth shudders slightly, a faint purplish glow tracing along her arm and flowing into the spider's body, spreading and fading from where she struck.

<Osprey> A soft nimbus of violet light laps about Moth's body; the symbol of Saturn shines strongly on her forehead.

Arkadi arches an eyebrow

<Arkadi> "This is...neat."

Osprey steps back from the creature as its limbs begin to twitch.

<willows-ST> The godbody trembles for a few moments. There is a thump as Anekt falls to the ground.

Osprey spares a glance for the hunter.

<willows-ST> The man's extra, monstrous limbs begin to soften and take on a look of rapid decay.

Gia whirls around to look at the hunter.

<willows-ST> Anekt is unconscious, but seems to be uninjured. He has landed in soft grass.

Malic chuckles at the hunter

<willows-ST> The possessed human, too, collapses, falling into a pool of his own rotted fluids. A glowing silhouette stands where he was only a moment before; a man-shape with a crown of eyes.

Osprey bows politely to the god.

<willows-ST> The god bends in response. It is not exactly clear which side is his front. He seems to be radially symmetrical.

Gia jumps slightly.

<willows-ST> "I am impressed. I did not know that such a thing could be done."

Hollow Moth preens.

<Arkadi> "She's got the skills, yo."

<willows-ST> "In my deepest heart where I could understand what happened to me, I had all but resigned myself to a painful death."

<Osprey> "It is good that the strings of fate pulled us toward you." Osprey glances at Gia.

<willows-ST> "It seems that I've made something interesting, though."

Gia manages to muster a smile now that the god looks less arachnoid.

<willows-ST> He plucks at the skyweb.

<willows-ST> "I wonder what it is?"

Osprey takes a quick look at the formerly-possessed man, before turning to once again examine the web.

<willows-ST> The man probably should be bandaged. The stumps of the limbs he shed have not closed over, and he is beginning to lose blood.

Hollow Moth frowns, looking at the man again.

<Hollow Moth> "Excuse me for a moment."

Osprey stoops to tend to the man.

<willows-ST> While Osprey examines the web, Qebsenuf turns to Arkadi. "I understand that I have been in violation of certain Heavenly strictures?"

Hollow Moth moves to aid the bleeding man, but hesitates as Osprey gets there first.

Malic hands Moth some spiderwebs.

<willows-ST> Upon closer examination, it seems as though the web is a window which reveals a world on the other side...with the narrow slice of sky that can be seen through it, it is difficult to determine whether it is Creation.

<Hollow Moth> "...Osprey?"

Osprey removes his shirt, and quickly tears it into bandages. "Yes?"

Gia timidly goes to examine the spiderweb, and soon forgets it's a web. "Fascinating."

Osprey uses a couple of the sturdy cloth strips to tourniquet the bleeding stumps.

Hollow Moth reaches into one of her pouches and pulls out a strip of white cloth, and into another to get a dried leaf of some sort.

Malic goes to wake up the hunter.

Arkadi tears his head away from the skyu

Hollow Moth crushes the leaf in her hand and sprinkles it onto the bandage before wrapping it around the man's torso, covering his bleeding arm-holes.

<Arkadi> "Er, yes...section 57c of the treaty on Human-Deity relations."

Osprey moves aside to let Moth work her trade.

<Arkadi> "Namely, the posessing of a human host."

<willows-ST> "If you could remind me of the content of that section? In human language, if you don't mind. The cant of the paper-gods has never been penetrable to we country dieties."

<willows-ST> "Ah, that one."

<Arkadi> "And relax, you think I liek the legal mumbo-jumbo, I'm the guy who puts that crap into practice."

Arkadi pinches the bridge of his nose

<Arkadi> "You and I BOTH know that charging you won't do a lick of good...the auditors are crooked, and the judicial networks are so clogged and backlogged that somethign like this will never get resolved."

Osprey works together with Moth to bandage the man's wounds. The bleeding does not seem to respond to her herbs, but with enough bandages, they manage to stanch the worst.

<Arkadi> "So here's how it's going to work. If this guy makes it, you're off the hook..if he doens't...well, I'll figure something out. Either wya, pull somethign like this again, I *willnail your ass to the wall."

<willows-ST> He nods. "Fair enough."

<willows-ST> "So, have you figured out what this thing is?"

<Osprey> Having finished tending to the wounded tribesman, Osprey stands and joins Gia by the web.

<Gia> "It's curious," she says, not really looking at Osprey. "This is probably Creation, and yet, I can't recognize anything at all."

Malic peers through the web.

<Arkadi> "..Gia, that looks liek your roof."

Malic shrugs at it. "It's the sky"

Gia turns long enough to shoot a derisive look at Arkadi. "I think I'd recognize my own roof."

<willows-ST> "Hm." The spider pulls at a strand, and the stars rearrange themselves; the pattern seems to turn inside out. "That's interesting, isn't it?"

Osprey carefully scrutinizes the web.

Gia is mesmerized.

<Arkadi> "Hey, so sue me...I've only been to your place once."

Gia points to a constellation with a pale finger. "That looks like.. Well, sort of like.. The Mask, I think. But those stars aren't in the right place." She squints. "I don't know."

<Gia> (The Ewer, even.)

Osprey frowns. "This is not the first time we have come across strangely twisted constellations."

<willows-ST> "You're right...but what are those two points in its forehead? The one looks as though it's devouring the other."

Gia looks up at Osprey. "You think this is no sky we have ever seen."

<Malic> "So, where's it the sky of?"

Osprey folds his arms across his bare chest. "But perhaps it is one that the Deathlords and their servants have."

Gia blinks, startled, just realizing something. "Brother Osprey, where's your shirt?"

Malic offers Osprey his vest, having a shirt on under it. "Cold?"

<Hollow Moth> "Diseased gods and now dead stars. Never a dull moment with this circle!"

<Malic> "Soaking up blood."

Osprey nods.

Gia shakes her head. "Spiders, shirtless people, strange stars. This has been a weird evening."

<Osprey> "He," he nods to the wounded tribesman, "needed it more than I."

<Malic> "Shirtless people make your evenings weird, Gia?"

<Malic> "I'm sorry."

<Gia> "Unlike you, Brother Malic, I don't see shirtless men every day." She grins wickedly.

Arkadi mutter "That's not what I've heard."

<Malic> "Thats because you're not a man."

Gia shoots flaming chakrams of vengeful death from her eyes in the general direction of Arkadi.

Arkadi chuckles to himself and scratches his chin

<Malic> "It's Arkadi that Osprey should be worried about. Sure you don't want the vest, Osprey?"

<Arkadi> " you really want me to break your arm?"

<Osprey> "It is warm enough, and I have my cloak back at the campsite."

Hollow Moth titters.

<Arkadi> "Laugh it up..."

Arkadi sighs and lights up

<Malic> "I have my sword back at the camp too, Arkadi.."

<Hollow Moth> "Well then, what are we waiting for?"

Osprey turns to the eye-crowned god.

<Malic> "Good-bye Weaver! Someone want to carry the be-stumped one?"

<Osprey> "Will you see to it that these two men are returned safely to their tribe?"

<Malic> "Or let the spider-god do it."

<willows-ST> "Of course. I owe them, and you, a great debt."

<Malic> "We'll keep that in mind."

Osprey bows to the god, and takes his leave.

<willows-ST> He takes several branches and bends them into an openwork sphere around the skyweb. "I think I will keep this."

<willows-ST> "Go in safety and peace."

<Malic> "It may be useful. If you figure out what it is. Enjoy your existance, Weaver!"

Malic trots off toward camp, waving!

Gia turns to follow Osprey back to the campsite. After a few paces, she walks through a small spiderweb that leaves its gossamer threads on her face.

Gia lets out a bloodcurdling scream.

Hollow Moth starts, then muffles a giggle with her hand.

Osprey turns, startled.

<Gia> "Ah, er, sorry." With a disgusted look on her face and tears standing in her eyes, she brushes the web away.

<Arkadi> " ears."

Osprey sees the tiny spider crawling on Gia's collar; he carefully plucks it off and deposits it on a nearby tree branch.

<Gia> Embarassed, Gia turns more red than Arkadi's anima, and scuttles up to the front of the pack. "Let's go," she mutters quietly.

<Osprey> The Circle follows Gia back up to the campsite.
