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<ST`> In the Meanwhile, Malic befriends Ember.

<ST`> .....

<ST`> In the Meanwhile, Malic befriends Ember.

<ST`> oops...that should have been another ellipse

<ST`> .....

<ST`> .....

<Malic> Just ::Fade::

<Arkadi> besides, ellipses use THREE dots

<Osprey> It's correct to use 4 if they end a sentence.

<HollowMoth> This is Exalted. Ellipses have five dots here.

<Arkadi> *picks up a shotgun and pumps it, Feng Shui styleKa-CHINK

<Malic> and now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

<Malic> ::Somewhere, in Yu-Shan, our heroes convene to discuss their plans.::

<Malic> ::Sending a note to the rest of his Circle, Malic requests the meeting be at the Bazaar instead of Gia's Manse, something about a guest he wanted to keep an eye on.::

ST` is now known as Bright`Ember

Osprey strides through the Bazaar, the crowd parting around him as he moves.

Malic is waiting in the center of the Bazaar, as he generally is. Forge and a flame-haired young woman are sitting with him, drinking. "Good evening, Osprey."

Gia catches up soon afterward. "Hello, Malic. I don't believe I've met your companion.

<Gia> "

Arkadi emerges from the crowd in the bazaar, looking slightly irritated and typically grouchy

Osprey nods curtly to the jovial Southron, and seats himself. "You've brought an extra friend today."

HollowMoth shows up just after Arkadi, now wearing a thin purple cloak over her leathers.

<Malic> "Oh, Forge found her dying of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and dehydration. So he brought her back with him. Bright Ember, this is Merciful Osprey, that's Hollow Moth, Esara Gia and Arkadi."

Arkadi eyes the woman up and down

Bright`Ember bows her head. "It's nice to meet all of you." She is clearly still a little intimidated by Forge, but is beginning to get used to it.

Osprey nods politely to Bright Ember.

<Gia> "Pleased to meet you."

HollowMoth makes a bit of bow to Ember.

Bright`Ember has the features of a Southerner, but her hair and shin colour are off - too ruddy and coppery.

Bright`Ember rises to return the gesture.

Arkadi arches an eyebrow "Been channelign much essence lately?

<Arkadi> "Don't often hear of a Blooded dying of thirst and all..."

<Malic> "She Exalted after that, I assume. Anyway, Arkadi, we have more important matters then you interrogating my house guests."

<Gia> "I think we should summon 'Doran's ghost.

<Arkadi> "...oh lord...not more damned ghosts."

<Gia> "What, are you scared? I'm sure Moth can protect you."

HollowMoth titters.

Gia grins at Moth.

<Arkadi> "see this? This is me not shaking."

Osprey frowns. "I would rather avoid angering the spirits of the dead. Summoning ghosts might also warn certain parties of our intentions."

Gia quits joking around. "Ah, I suppose you're right, Osprey. I know the information we got is good, but even so, I dislike acting on a Deathlord's suggestion."

<Arkadi> "THANK you, know there's ways to go about investigations other than summoning up dea dpeople on a weekly basis."

<Osprey> "I feel that we should first verify that the Silver Prince is dealing with us in good faith."

HollowMoth sighs.

<HollowMoth> "You're no fun at all."

Osprey half-shrugs.

Arkadi nods

<Arkadi> "I don't think he got to be a deahtlord by askign nicely..."

<Malic> "The question isn't is he trustworthy. Obvious he isn't. We should be asking which is more dangerous, his plans or the Eye's.

<Osprey> "We have someone here who may be able to help us determine that." Osprey turns to look at the pale woman sitting across from him.

<Gia> "What did you and the Prince discuss, Moth?"

<HollowMoth> "I'm afraid he wasn't very forthcoming."

HollowMoth stops to think about something.

<HollowMoth> "It seemed to me that he's worried about what the Eye is planning for him, but I couldn't get any details."

<Gia> "Well, a deathlord being worried. That's certainly.. interesting."

<Arkadi> "Fine choice of words...I'd say is sodding BAD."

HollowMoth smiles crookedly.

<Arkadi> *it'sd

<HollowMoth> "Isn't it, though?"

HollowMoth is now known as HollowMoth-afk

<Bright`Ember> ::A twirl of smoke forms itself into a tiny dragon in front of Hollow Moth and hands her a scroll. She withdraws to another part of the Bazaar, begging a moment's pardon.

<Gia> "That was illuminating." Gia sighs. "So what should we do?"

<Malic> "Well. We need to decide what to do. We can attempt to end the Eye's interferance without giving benefit to the Prince. Which may be difficult. Or we can simply take the Prince's advice and end the Eye's interferance, regardless on consequence."

<Malic> "I doubt we should consult superiors, however. They have problems when we talk to Deathlords."

<Gia> "I definitely agree on that part, Brother Malic."

<Arkadi> "No...not finding your favorite book is a problem....they have conniptions."

Osprey grimaces. "They are bound to find out sooner or later. It might be wiser to inform our superiors now, rather than risk aggravating their wrath later."

Bright`Ember quietly pours tea, her eyes as wide as saucers.

<Arkadi> "We're catchign holy hell oen way or the other...I'd rather gey chewed out for something I DID do rather than somethign I WILL do."

<Arkadi> *rather get

<Gia> "In which case, we should probably couch our information in a nice bag of ambrosia when we tell them. It's the only way to ensure it will not effect our standing in the bureaucracy."

<Arkadi> "Oh joy...more bribes..."

Arkadi blanches

Gia smiles sweetly. "If you would like to be treated like an untrustworthy outcaste by the bureau, that's entirely your choice."

Osprey catches the Dragon-Blood's dumbfounded expression from the corner of his eye. He favors her with a quick glance, his eyes softening just enough to let her know that he empathizes with her situation.

<Arkadi> "...Gia, I'm ALREADY treated like that."

Osprey folds his arms.

<Arkadi> "How else do you explain the fact I've had more bosses than Venus has had boy-toys?"

<Gia> For once, Gia does not make the obvious joke.

Bright`Ember attempts to return the smile.

Arkadi lights up

<Osprey> "I have relatively good standing in the Faction. I expect my superiors will be willing to grant us leeway; our actions will most likely be against the Abyssal Anathema, after all."

Gia smiles. "Good idea, Osprey. I think that will be the best of both worlds."

Arkadi shrugs "Works for me."

Malic shrugs idly. "I dont know about my boss. She gets irritated with me when I try to convince her the servants of doom are on my side."

<Arkadi> "Don't look at me, I'm technically reporting to abotu 5 people right now..."

Osprey looks at Malic in a way which strongly suggests that such Gold Faction propaganda irritates him, too.

<Malic> "Well, do we tell them now, or later?"

<Arkadi> "Can we keep out of the factional bullshit here? I don't really want to break up another bloody fight."

<Gia> "My boss doesn't look too hard into what I do, just as long as I operate through proper, /modern/ bureaucratic channels. You know, money and paperwork."

<Malic> "Those are the only bureaucratic channels."

<Arkadi> "There's nothign modern about those."

<Arkadi> "And nothing proper, come to think of it."

Osprey sips his tea, ignoring Arkadi.

<Malic> "I'd rather fix the problem first, then tell them "oh, sorry, we had to get some help while saving the world."

Gia smirks at Arkadi. "It used to just be paperwork."

<Arkadi> "I'm with Malic on this one."

<Osprey> "I am certain that monetary demonstrations of good faith will smooth our path considerably."

Osprey does not look at Malic.

<Osprey> "You may be willing to gamble on the fact that we DO save the world without help, brother Malic, but I am not."

<Osprey> "Only a fool would."

<Gia> "So let's fill out the paperwork, pay to get the paperwork lost, and then finish saving Creation."

Osprey nods.

Malic shrugs. "Then we'll do things your way."

Arkadi says nothing

<Bright`Ember> ::Fade Out::

Bright`Ember is now known as Triumphal-Ivory

<Triumphal-Ivory> ::The Circle go to consult with Triumphal Ivory, a fairly vocal Bronze Factioner who is ...among... those that the Circle reports to. It's Gia's suspicion that Ivory will be the least resistant of their superiors to what they are about to attempt.::

Arkadi is now expecting to get the usual factional recruitment speech

Triumphal-Ivory is of the Caste of Journeys by the color of his eyes. His office is a mess of travelling gear and small magical treasures.

Gia smiles warmly at Triumphal Ivory. "It's good to see you, sir."

Osprey bows respectfully.

Triumphal-Ivory welcomes the Circle.

Arkadi nods respectfully

Malic waves. "You got another climbing-pick."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Yeah. The old one..."

<Malic> "Well you poked a Gemlord with it.."

Triumphal-Ivory chuckles.

<Triumphal-Ivory> "What can I do for you all?"

<Malic> "Well, there's a long and a short version"

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Short."

<Malic> "We'd like your OK to take the advice of one Deathlord that may be planning evil, dastardly things to smash the diabolic tampering plans of another Deathlord that we know is planning evil, dastardly things."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Is there an inbetween?"

<Malic> "Not that we've discovered in a few hours of brainstorming."

Gia elbows Malic in the ribs. "The long story is, we brought you a present!"

Triumphal-Ivory raises an eyebrow, but a flacker of color seems to pass through his eyes, giving him enough pause that he doesn't dismiss the request outright.

<Triumphal-Ivory> (flicker)

<Malic> "That was subtle and ingenous, Gia."

Gia smiles winningly.

<Arkadi> "..."

Arkadi mutters "Goddamn Serenities...."

<Osprey> "What else would you expect from one of Jupiter's Chosen?" Osprey inquires Mildly.

Arkadi stops...

<Arkadi> (whoops, she's secretS?)

<Arkadi> (retcon!)

Arkadi mutters 'goddamn Secrets...'

<Osprey> (you could have just foreseen my smartass remark, leading to a causal loop!)

Osprey produces a finely-crafted teak box from under his cloak, and places it on Triumphal-Ivory's desk. "Please accept this token of our esteem."

Osprey deftly flips back the box cover, revealing a fine writing kit.

Triumphal-Ivory grins broadly. "Thank you, Merciful Osprey."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "This is beautiful." He places it on another desk, which has a cleared spot on it precisely the right size.

Arkadi misses the days when bribery was a fried pastry or a quick belt of rum to get out of a minor fine

Osprey bows politely. "We hope it will facilitate your creation of many other beautiful things."

haren`work is now known as haren

<Malic> "So, its alright to take the Deathlord's advice about frustrating the plans of the other Deathlord, who is frustrating the plans of Heaven even though the frustration of the frustration will doubtless lead to a frustration-less frustration of Heaven's plans, until they too are frustrated?"

<Triumphal-Ivory> "So tell me about your Deathlords. The long version, if you like." He settles into his chair.

<Arkadi> "Sodding arseholes, the lot of them, sir."

<Triumphal-Ivory> (/me tries to interpret malic's remark:P)

<Malic> "Well, first we tracked down the Deathknight who paid the Sugar Goddess to get Immaculate Fang and Mouth to accidentally eat our Red and Purple. And that took us to Skullstone, where we met the Silver Prince."

Triumphal-Ivory nods.

<Malic> "And he told us that Eye and Seven Despairs was screwing up fate in the East, which resulted in the failed Exaltation of that new Red and started this whole thing."

<Malic> "So, the Prince gave us some advice and files on how to stop the Eye, which helps his plans. And we're just a bit concerned helping his plans hurts ours."

<Malic> "But, then again, not helping his plans hurts ours too."

Triumphal-Ivory makes a plotty face. "But, taking the Silver Prince's information means that you know what he knows...or at least what he wants you to think he knows."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "And that's useful for the rest of us, to keep tabs on his movements."

<Malic> "Right. But his plans can be foiled after we help him by foling the Eye's plans."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Exactly. One thing we have is time, and this Realm debacle will certainly put a crimp in his plans as well."

<Gia> "Realm debacle?"

<Malic> "That's a new one."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "You know, the Empress and all that."

<Malic> "Oh, right."

<Malic> "Idly, who do I see about registering a Terrestrial Exalt as a semi-permanent resident? My Rhino found one."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "The Bureau of Righteous Census and Portion should come to you, they usually do eventually when they notice a new resident."

<Malic> "Oh. Well that saves me effort."

<Malic> "I should probably talk to the Bureau of Enforcement, so the Lions don't eat her. At least, not intentionally."

Triumphal-Ivory does not find that particularly amusing.

<Malic> "Sorry."

Malic looks at Osprey, since he gave him the nice bribe.

Triumphal-Ivory taps his fingers.

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Well..."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Go ahead dealing with the Silver Prince..."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "...but feed me copies of whatever information he gives you."

Gia smiles brightly.

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Black Ice Shadow might be interested as well, but he is not to be trusted."

<Triumphal-Ivory> "Make of that what you will."

<Malic> "Thank you for your time, Triumphal Ivory. We'll just be going to deal with the enemies of Fate now."

Malic smiles brightly.

Triumphal-Ivory nods. "It was good seeing you again. Come visit anytime."

<Triumphal-Ivory> He rises and sees the Circle out the door.

<Triumphal-Ivory> :::Fade::
