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Scroll And Sword Circle: Act One

Today is the day of the Festival of Forms, the yearly demonstration of new combat techniques that the Crimson Panoply of Victory hosts every year. At the centre of this tent, an arena is marked off with a circle of light. Three battle-masters of the Crimson Panoply stand near the centre of the arena, brightly-coloured sutras orbiting their bodies. Master Tomorrow's Flower Haddad steps into the circle, holding a starmetal trident in each hand. Two silver banners hang from them - the Sutras of Dispute. Three hands move to attack! A ring of silver and a flash of light. A word of denial. Three masters stand thwarted. Their sutras flutter to the ground and the circle of the arena grows dim.

"This is the Argent Scorpion of Contradiction."

Kirigasa Aria parts the curtains and interrupts. Striding boldy forth onto the scene, an intent gaze upon her face, seeking Tomorrow's Flower Haddad, for whom she has an urgent messge. In the audience, Merciful Osprey's dark eyes narrow at this inauspicious interruption.

"What impertinence is this?"

Aria walks up to Tomorrow's Flower, "I have a message for you, do you have somewhere we could talk?" Malic looks up, moving his hat to let him see more clearly and idly wonders what Aria has to tell Haddad.

"Hm." Gia made the quiet noise almost instinctively, curiousity getting the better of her. She made a mental note to ask Aria about it later.

Haddad crosses his tridents and leans on them. Who wishes to send me a message?

"It comes from the mouth of Hu Dai Liang."

His eyebrows rise. "Well, I'm sure that division business can be spoken of freely here."

"As you wish." She reads from the scroll: "Phion Red Crow, a future Chosen of Battles, is proving fruitless. I have determined that it would be toward the bureacracy's benefit to free his essence."

"That's urgent news indeed. Please thank the Shogun of the Crimson Banner. I apologize, all; I must conclude my demonstration." All those present are visibly upset. It's been many years since this last has happened - and this one was so promising! They fall to discussing. Haddad disappears.

The corner of Gia's mouth twitches for a moment of concern at the overheard news; green eyes dart to her friends to gauge their reactions.

Osprey crosses his arms and leans back in his seat, glowering. "Most inauspicious," he murmurs darkly.

"Everything that isn't planned is inauspicious to you, Osprey. I think this might be interesting. Of course, this is a sad waste of 20-odd years. I've always thought that with so few Star-Choosen, the method of Exaltation might be a bit more steady than Fate at birth." Malic shrugs.

"And every new thing which crosses your path you find to be interesting, Malic. But I also question the wisdom of abandoning this foundling, after so much effort."

"It's more sad than interesting, I think." Gia's eyes trailed to the rest of the burdgeoning crowd. "It seems so.. drastic."

Seandoran approaches the trio quietly, adding his own words, "The path has been decided now; now it only needs to be tread upon. Of course, who will be chosen to walk it.. may prove interesting."

"Well, there isn't much of a choice, is there?" Malic mutters, "if he's close to Exalting, then it's better to start over than give someone who isn't right for it the powers. It's not like you can become unExalted."

Gia smirks slightly, her voice not unkind. "Seandoran, would you be so comfortable with the path if the fate our elders speak of was yours?"

Seandoran smiles slightly and asks, "Is this rhetorical situation taking place before or after my own exaltation?"

"Before, for the sake of debate."

"For the sake of debate then, I would have no pre-existing knowledge of the grand loom of fate or my own place in the greater role of Creation. Therefore, if someone outside the boundaries of my mortal life saw fit to reap me for the greater good, though I would wail against it long into the night, once all is said and done, it would be for a worthy cause. It wouldn't mean I would have to like it though." Seandoran smiles a bit sadly at that

Osprey stands, gathering up his sheathed and warded daiklave. "In these dark times, Heaven has need of all the hands it can muster, even imperfect ones. 'Trying over' is a luxury we can ill afford."

Aria also approaches, starting to hear the discussion. Gia nods her head to Osprey. "I suppose. Either way, it has been a shame and a waste." She flashes a brief smile to Aria as the young woman joins them.

"You've got a point, Osprey. Maybe we should take a sort trip to double-check our sister's fatal judgement?"

Seandoran bows formally to the Chosen of Battles and greets her warmly, "Welcome, my dear.. Sad tidings you bring to us this day."

Aria nods and smiles back to Gia. "Unfortunately yes, although a difficult decision, one that must be enacted upon, for the best of us all."

Gia quirks a crimson eyebrow. "Perhaps there is more information that can be culled before we leap into action. I mean, what could possibly make a mortal thwart such a vital destiny?"

"Tangled shards aren't something we can afford, so we might want to do our asking after we do the freeing. Or right before. Whichever."

Seandoran nods in agreement with Malic, "what's done is done.. our task now is to untangle this skien of fate."

"Isn't it nice that once everyone forgets you exist, you forget they exist too? Best irony I've heard of all my life. Anyway, are we leaving?"

Osprey nods to Malic. "Let us speak with Master Haddad before we rush into action. He may have wisdom which can shed light on this troubling situation." He stalks off, his dark cloak sweeping behind him. He gives Aria a look as he passes... not overtly hostile, but definitely cool.

Gia smiles slightly in relief at Osprey's suggestion, having felt uncomfortable simply rushing into action without proper bureaucratic proceedings. Malic ignores the look, as Osprey is generally cool toward everyone. Humming a happy-sounding funeral dirge to himself, the amber-eyed Southron trots after Osprey and their Sifu

In Haddad's Tent

"Young Masters Osprey and Malic, what can I do for you?"

Osprey unslings his sword and kneels, one fist on the ground as is proper.

"We wanted to ask about the tangled Shard and the one that tangled it, Master Haddad. Happen to have a few moments?" Malic bows his head.

"I do. Please, sit. Your friends as well." He is still carrying his tridents.

Malic drops onto a cushion and promptly slouches into a shlump.

Osprey rises and sits, betraying no reaction to Malic's disrespectful address of their Master. It is Haddad's place to chastise the uncouth man, not his.

"Thank you for your time," Gia murmurs as she sits quietly behind those who know Haddad.

Haddad slips on a red coat embroidered with constellations. He suddenly looks much larger. "What did you wish to know?"

Seandoran comes into the tent a bit behind the rest of the group, he and Aria silently and respectfully taking up positions at the rear of the group

"Master Haddad, the news our colleague has delivered is most troubling."

Malic nods in agreement. "Would you happen to know anything about why the man failed to Exalt? We're just trying to figure it all out before we cut his head off, you know."

"I have spoken with the Shogun." He holds up a flower for a second, as though preparing to use it in some analogy, then discards it. "You all understand how the Chosen of the Maidens ome into their power. This man was the second son of a village chief, of a nameless tribe far to the east." A glimmer of interest shows through Osprey's usual disciplined mask. "The custom of his land is that the younger men send their elders into battle, because what does a youth know of true combat? They are trained in military strategy before they are permitted to touch a bow or blade."

Gia nods thoughtfully.

"Odd custom." Osprey gives Malic a look. Compared to some barbarian customs and taboos, this one is positively unremarkable.

"One day this village was at war with another, this man, Phion by name, knew that he must send his father into battle, and that his father's detachment would die in the struggle, and his brother would take the chiefdom. Phion chose to protect his father, and the battle was lost, the village was lost, the Exaltation was lost. Now he is a prisoner of war with the other men of his home, and in his heart flickers a spark of a Maiden's power - a spark that he has denied."

Osprey frowns. "Is there no hope that his power may yet be awakened?"

Noble but weak, Gia thinks. She sighs slightly, continuing to listen.

"His actions mark him as unwise, but what young man has ever had great wisdom?"

Haddad furrows his brow. His red eyes seem to shift colours; when he looks up they are maroon. "It is possible, but it is difficult."

Osprey inclines his head respectfully.

"Any advice on how we might prod the fool to using his brain and Exalting properly? Master." Malic speaks with utmost respect in his tone, if not the words.

"I mean no disrespect, Sifu, but... more difficult than waiting 20 years for his Exaltation to reappear?"

"That battle was a test of destiny, carefully crafted to guage Phion's ability and spark his inspiration."

"You Chosen of Venus are sometimes gentler than I think you should be - but there is wisdom in your mouth." Understanding dawns in Osprey's indigo eyes. "Then Aria Kirigasa was not merely there to observe him. Her purpose was also to prod him toward an awakening. Do I speak truly?"

"She has played a role in the arrangement of events, yes." Haddad looks proud, though he is clearly disappointed at the effort's failure. "If you wish to walk this road, then we will need your plans to bring Phion's Exaltation about."

Malic glances at his companions for confirmation. "I think we do."

"I have been put in charge of the Shard recovery effort; I will give you a year, and no longer. If it comes to that, then it will be better to start afresh than to Exalt a man of broken body and spirit."

The Circle slowly acquiesce to this. Osprey, stone-faced, speaks for them: "We thank you for your time and wisdom, Sifu."

Malic nods. "Thank you, Master Haddad. We'll do our best."

Haddad bows to his students, his confederate in Mars, and the other two Chosen. "I will expect to see your drafted plans within the week."

At Esara Gia's Manse

Large couches surround a low well in the center of the sitting room of the Mansion of Lost Treasyres; other than the well, it could be any friendly, open living room in any mansion in Yu-Shan. It's very comfortable, and a cat rubbs up against the guests' legs, demanding attention. Overhead, the ceiling is made of Lapis Lazuli, flecks of pyrite spelling out the constellation of the Treasure Trove.

Seandoran gazes about himself in awe of such a fine abode.. knowing that his current standing in the bureacracy means he'll be six feet under before he is ever given the like to call his own

Malic pats the cat. "Nice place, Gia."

Osprey sets his daiklave down in a corner of the room; he's already doffed his cloak, leaving him clad in a plain shirt and trousers. He sits down, looking about as relaxed as he ever does.The cat, evidently familiar with the dark Eastern tribesman, jumps up onto the cushion next to him. Osprey pets it, eliciting a loud purr of happiness. Seandoran chooses a couch, arranging his ashen grey cloak about himself, and asks, "So it seems we have a week to make a mountain out of a mole hill.. does anyone have any ideas regarding how to go about doing that?" Half of Gia's mouth curls in a smile as she sees Osprey sit on the floor. Gia retrieves some paper and a pen, and prepares to take notes for a formalized plan.

"Aside from beating the man to within an inch of his life and hoping it makes him see sense? No. I'm terrible at drawing up Fate."

"Well," muses Seandoran, "astrology is certainly one way of going about things.. Perhaps taking a direct hand in this matter might be a secondary resort?"

Osprey looks up from the black cat on his lap. Aria shoots a look at him, thinking that he is more interested in the cat than anything of importance.

"Taking a direct hand may prove to be more efficent," observes the Chosen of Battles.

"Do you suppose the emotional aspect is neccessary for Exaltation? I mean, perhaps he would choose more wisely if his familial ties are not factors clouding his judgement."

"I was pretty pissed when I Exalted. He just made a bad, but understandable, choice."

"I am of the mind that whatever we do, our touch should be light."

"Light? Then perhaps I should not mention that removing that which clouds his judgement might be another recourse as well..."

"The favor of the Maidens is a subtle thing, and force is a poor way of drawing it out." Osprey looks steadily at Seandoran.

"His grief could well cloud his judgement all the more, Seandoran."

Seandoran shrugs and says, "It was only a suggestion, and obviously not the first course to take.. but a matter which may need to be considered, depending on circumstances. But I'm sure given our expertise we can come to a more satisfactory conclusion."

"His choice has already brought him woe. Piling more atop it will accomplish little." The Chosen of Serenity tickles the cat's belly, without looking at it.

Gia blinks in surprise at her own thoughts. "If he has been taken prisoner, extracting himself will be a 'battle' of its own. Perhaps we should make it a battle he wishes to win, and difficult enough to make it right."

"An excellent idea, and one which could sort this whole problem out by itself. Either way..."

"He isn't a Lunar, to survive a hardship. He has to prove he can do his job, not just get out of some barbarian hut surrounded by feather-wearing guards. No offense, Osprey."

"I have some knowledge of the tribes of the East. Given some time, I may be able to find information about this Phion's people, and those who hold him prisoner, which will be of use."

"Perhaps, Malic. But escaping any confinement needs planning and an innate sense of tactics, both of which-- correct me if I'm wrong, Aria-- are vital to those Chosen by Mars."

"Tactics and Strength."

Osprey listens to his colleagues' words. The cat, satisfied that he has been worshiped enough for the evening, jumps off his lap and pads off.

"He also has to prove he can make tough choices. He can't let something like the safety of his father sway him when an entire people depend on his choices." Maric's tone holds some contempt for such a viewpoint, despite its necessity. Osprey nods. Seandoran reclines, relaxing.. pondering, but feeling he and his fellows will be taking a more direct hand in this in the end.

Gia burns inwardly at the obvious affection everyone else seems to hold for their mortal parents, but forces that aside. "He cannot undo what has already been done; he may choose better next time. It is not unheard of for our kind to.. help.. those carrying shards in making their decisions."

"It's a bit improper at this point, but it's a matter of expediency by a score of years."

Seandoran sits there with his eyes closed, "Perhaps we should start the ball rolling in heaven, with a little astrological help, and then guide events with a helping hand once we see which way things progress. Since it sounds like we'll be getting our hands a bit dirty in this in any event."

"It is likely that we will have plenty of time in which to plan. Few tribes make a practice of killing their prisoners, unless they are of a particularly hated people." The flecks of pyrite in the ceiling shift, signalling important destinies on the move in the Treasure Trove. "More often, captives are simply adopted into their captors' tribes."

"Good." Gia smiles wryly. "The hands-on approach may be right, but shuffling paperwork is -correct--" She glances up uneasily, reading the stars on the ceiling.

"Just because we have time to plan doesn't mean we can't get started."

Osprey follows her eyes, but his untrained gaze cannot unlock the secrets of the Forbidding Manse of Ivy. "What do the stars tell you, sister Gia?"

"The stars are becoming inflexible, and important things are coming to a head. Whether this has bearing on our mission, I do not know."

Osprey shakes his head, unbound black hair cascading over his shoulders. "This has truly been a day filled with disquieting portents."

"Well, once again the Stars are unhelpful in the short term. Not anything new, really. But, before we go about drafting plans for this young man's life, we may wish to drop in and see him? I always like knowing who I work with."

Osprey nods seriously. "I am certain that I can find him and observe his situation. As I said, the lands of the East are not unknown to me, nor are its people. I've a destiny which I feel will allow me to approach them easily. It has served me well in my other dealings with the tribes of the Threshold."

"Perhaps then we can begin forming a petition for the bureau then while Osprey gathers more direct information."

Gia squeezes Osprey's shoulder. "Good idea. Some of us need to stay here and work out the plan-- proper wording and whatnot is important, even if it's not an astrological chart."

Osprey does not seem to begrudge her touch, not something he would do for just anyone. "Each of us has particular skills to offer in this venture."

"I'd rather go with Osprey, but I dont think I'd fit in too well. I don't speak Forest-Tongue." The Harbinger ponders.

"I suppose I could do some research," Gia offers. "You know, look up other failed Exaltations, see if there's a running theme or similar situation that we can avoid this time around."

"Guess so." Shrugging, Malic looks unenthusiastic.

"We should be able to find some use for your skills, brother Malic." Osprey straightens in his seat. "It would be a disservice to young Phion, and our duty to Heaven, if we placed you in a role to which you were not suited."

"Malic, don't seem so put out..." Seandoran suggests, "Once we determine a direction to travel in, I'm sure you'll see things in a better light."

"I'm not put out. I'm anticipating. I'll find something to do."

"Hmm.. well, it seems until we find out more specific information we're left working with a somewhat vague picture. Not the best prospect, but certainly something that can't be overcome."

Gia's bookish nature seemed to be coming out in full-force tonight. She poised her pen above her paper. "Perhaps we should make a specific list of things we would like to know?"

"Specific's are always good. The names of all of Phion's immediate family, their relationship with him currently, their current whereabouts, the relation between their tribe and the one they warred with, among other things." Seandoran laughs quietly, "Knowing that a couple of men are locked up in a hut somewhere doesn't exactly give us a lot to go on."

"I think Master Haddad said they were all dead, didn't he?"

"I believe some of his family, at least, still lives.. which may put him into the same fateful quandary he already found himself in once. The details Osprey brings back regarding the family in its entirety, I'm sure, will prove useful." Seandoran is rather in favor of an astrological casting at this point, to better benefit direct involement when the time comes

A spider appears on Gia's shoulder; she cringes almost imperceptibly-- even after learning so much about these creatures, she never did get completely over her distaste for spiders. "Please, could you tell me the whereabouts and health of Phion's male family members?"

The spider crawls into Gia's mass of red hair, eliciting a delicious shudder, and reappears on her other shoulder an eyeblink later. "To how many generations? All the males in his immediate family are being held..." The spider rattles off a location.

Seandoran begins silently running through his mind a list of those in the bureacracy the group could petition for support in this matter...

Malic plays a complicated game with a bit of string

"That's quite enough, thank you, good spirit." Gia smiles. The spider dissolves in a puff of greenish facts. "That certainly should help you in your reconaissance, Osprey."

Osprey nods. "Indeed it shall."

"Well then. Aside from poking around in books and scrolls, what shall we be doing while Osprey investigates the people involved?"

"We could talk to some of the gods in the bureacracy, mayhaps.." Seandoran wonders who in the bureacracy would cover the jurisdiction of putting the grand scheme of things before one's self and the interests of others...

Gia looks to Aria. "I'm sure there are plenty of people you work with who might have a helpful viewpoint on the tack we should take."

"Yes, I think I could arrange that."

"Perhaps Aria Kirigasa can help us understand what went wrong with the last attempt." Osprey speaks without looking at the Chosen of Battles. "As she was apparently involved in the failed effort."

Aria looks up and responds, "When in the middle of battle, a time when he could have been victorious, he instead made a choice to save his father, therefore he lost the battle.

"Apparently grooming him for his future roll didn't quite steel his resolve to the extent needed.. understandably, but regrettably."

"We are aware of what Phion did and did not do. But what did those watching him do, to bring him to the juncture where his nerve failed?" Osprey, seeing that his question will remain unanswered, rises smoothly from the couch. "It seems we have reached the point where further discussion of our plans will serve little purpose."


Malic nods. "It seems so. I'll follow along just enough to get a good sense of where you'll be, alright?

Seandoran wonders if he can find a god of a callous heart somewhere in the bureacracy who'd be willing to mark his name on a petition in the near future..

Gia muses. "With so much force pushing this mere mortal towards his destiny, it's hard to think he could have pushed it aside without help from an outside source, or hinderance, depending on your outlook."

"Though I know Aria is eager to be out and about," Seandoran announces, "perhaps she wouldn't mind making a few visits with me to discuss heavenly support with a few members of the bureau?"

"I will come along, some matters do need to be addressed."

"Osprey, since I'm speaking sense for the moment, we should start getting ready for the trip before I slip back into my normal demented persona, don't you think?"

Osprey nods. "I will need to make some preparations, but I should be ready to depart tomorrow."

Gia smiles. "I hope the trip is a safe one for you.." she pauses. "Both."

Osprey nods at Gia. "Thank you for your hospitality, this evening." His eyes soften almost imperceptibly. "As always."

Aria gets up, looks over at Seandoran, heads for the exit. "Seandoran and I will go for now and complete our end. Thank you, Esara Gia."

A smile touches Gia's face. "I'd say the pleasure is mine, but I think it mostly belonged to Whisper. Thank you for coming over, Aria. I'll be in contact tomorrow so we can share information.

Seandoran rises, bows respectfully, smoothing his robes about him, and departs as well

Osprey picks up his sword, carefully checking the paper ward bound to its scabbard before slinging it over his back. Nodding to Gia and stooping to give Whisper one last pat, he strides out of the room, with Malic close behind.
