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The Gem of Storage

Level 2, Air by BrilliantRain

This gem is almost totaly transparent except that there is a tiny black speck at the center of the gem. If the stone is stared into or it's powers activated, the speck in the center seems to get bigger and closer, as if the water were being drawn into it, until the watcher appears to be looking into infinity.

This gem allows the attuned user of this stone to place elsewhere or recall whatever artifact the gem is set into, as a normal dice action. Should the user decide to uncommit essence to the artifact while it is elsewhere, the artifact will appear just as if it had been recalled. While the artifact and anny set hearthstones are elsewhere, they provide no benifits (persistant powers, essence regen, etc.) , although, due to the connection that the Storage Gem has to creation, it does provide it's normal essence regeneration.

It is unwise to use Storage Gems from damaged manses as they can cause the artifact to vanish or appear at inopportune times, accidentally take other things with it, possibly even fail to reappear when summoned. Should any of these problems happen, repairing the manse and summoning the stone should bring back anything that was stuck elsewhere.


Ok, I feel like this must have been done already, but I did some looking and I haven't found a Hearthstone that allows you to put things elsewhere. If someone else has already created anything similar to this, I will be glad to take my stone down.

well on the realay someone has done a stone that lets you put things inside of Mirrors: HearthstoneRelay/Glass, but thats slightly difrent-HeWhoSpeaksOfDarkness