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Aegis Overwhelming Strike</b>
<b>Cost:  1 mote
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Brawl: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms:: Fist of Iron Technique

By employing essence ignited brute strength, an Exalt may mitigate some of the effect of his foe's armor. Brawl attacks supplemented by Aegis Overwhelming Strike are piercing.

Force Meets Force Attitude</b>
<b>Cost: special
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Brawl: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms:: Aegis Overwhelming Strike

Flexibility and durability are the hallmarks of a good brawler. Sometimes taking a hit is inevitable, and a trained fighter knows how take control of such a situation and use it to his advantage. This charm may be activated after an opponent hits, but before damage is rolled. The brawler immediately makes a counter attack. Before rolling damage, compare his damage pool to his opponent's. If the opponent's is higher, the brawler may either buy up his pool to match his opponent's or buy his opponent's down to match his, at a rate of 1 mote per die. If the brawler's pool is higher, he has the option of buying it down to match his opponent's at the rate of 1 mote per 2 dice. If both pools are equal, the brawler may buy them both up or down at the cost of one die per 2 motes. Regardless of the circumstance the brawler can only adjust the pools by a maximum amount of dice equal to his permenant essence + his Brawl score. Once the pools have been adjusted, both sides resolve damage simultaneously.

Offensive Defense Practice</b>
<b>Cost: 5 motes
Duration: instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Brawl: 5
Minimum Essence: 3 or 4
Prerequisite Charms:: Force Meets Force Attitude

A brawler who is confident in his strength and resilience can turn overcome incoming attacks using his superior might. A brawler may activate this charm in response to being attacked but before the attacker rolls his dice. The attacker resolves his attack as normal ignoring any penalties incurred by shields or cover. The brawler then rolls his str+brawl in a contested roll against the attacker's damage roll. If the brawler wins or ties, he takes no damage. If the brawler wins by at least two successes, he will destroy the attacker's weapon if it is mundane. It will take three successes to destroy an exceptional weapon (two will damage it, effectively making it mundane until repaired). It will take four successes to destroy a perfect weapon (Three successes will downgrade it to exceptional, two down to mundane). In the event that the Brawler has any successes left over after destroying his foe's weapon, he may either let them dissipate harmlessly or convert them directly into damage against his opponent. Artifact weapons cannot be destroyed with this charm, although five successes will cause the weapon to be flung five yards from the wielder's grasp. In such a case the brawler may choose to spend any extra successes as damage against the wielder or into throwing the weapon further, at a rate of one additional yard per success. Against ranged attacks, the best the character can hope for is destroying the weapon. Temporary essence based attacks (such as Crypt Bolts) are considered perfect weapons. If the attacker is unarmed, extra success are rolled as damage against him. Should the attacker win, he inflicts his damage as normal, minus the brawler's successes on the roll.

Perfected Solar Sucker Punch</b> (Couldn't help myself, this is a working title)
<b>Cost: 2 motes
Duration: instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Brawl: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms:: none (not sure about this yet)

Regardless of the highest of intentions, sometimes the best way to defeat a foe is to hit him when he least expects it. Seeking perfection in all things, some Solar brawlers have elevated the art of the low blow to celestial heights. Foe's are always considered unaware of attacks supplemented by this charm. If they have some means of defending themselves against such attacks they are free to do so, but have the difficulty of such attempts raised by the brawler's permenant essence. This charm may only be employed if the character is not currently in combat with his opponent.

Effortless Application of Force</b>
<b>Cost: none
Duration: permenant
Type: permenant
Minimum Brawl: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms:: Perfected Solar Sucker Punch, Fists of Iron Technique

By expanding on the principles employed in Fists of Iron Technique and Perfected Solar Sucker Punch, an exalt learns to channel his essence in focused bursts, allowing him to strike with full force through seeminly harmless motions. For example, he may unleash the crushing might of the Dragon's Coils through a simple handshake or send an opponent flying through the use of Heaven Thunder Hammer with the merest flick of a finger. So long as the character can reach his opponent, he may strike him, even if restrained or lacking the ability to fully extend himself. In addition, the first time the Solar uses this ability in a combat, defensive rolls made against his attacks suffer a die penalty equal to his permenant essence.


Old Comments on AOS through ODP