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Moonlight Weaver Attittude
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Dexterity: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
Lunars who specialize in weaving webs like spiders, or pehaps silk and honey, can learn a myriad of techniques to make this ability stronger, to increase their proficiency with the webs, allowing them to catch their prey as deftly as possible! This charm enhances the Webbing Mutation. This Charm may be purchased multiple times, up to the Lunar's Dexterity. Each purchase enhances the Mutation with two of the many Edges described below...

  • Hunting Spider Mastery With this Edge, the Lunar becomes more proficient with springing his webs upon his enemies! The first time this Edge is purchased, the Lunar's webbing receives a Rate equal to the Lunar's Essence. The second time this Edge is purchased, the Lunar's webbing receives an Accuracy rating equal to the Lunar's Essence.
  • Spinner of the Unseen The Lunar creates threads so fine that no ordinary man can see through! When creating the thread, the Lunar may spend a simple action and roll Dexterity+Craft(Weaving); Any successes accumulated in this roll add to the difficulty of any and all Awareness rolls to perceive the thread spun by the Lunar.
  • Sky-Spanning Thread The Lunar's threads become able to stretch so high they are able to cover the whole world! Every time this Edge is purchased, the Lunar increases the maximum range his webs can be spun by (his Essence x10) yards.
  • Thrashing Dragon Cage The Weaver becomes so adept at weaving his threads that they alone can hold like a celestial snake, able to hold even thrashing dragons at bay! The webbing's clinch statistics become equal to the Lunar's own Strength+Craft(Weaving)+Essence, rolled once when the enemy is first imprisioned and keeping that number of successes until he can break free.
  • World-Holding Silk The Weaver who mastered the World-Holding Silk may create threads capable of resisting the trampling of rampaging behemoths and the force of terrible avalanches! The Lunar increases his webbing's Soak and Health Levels by the Lunar's Essence. The Lunar can freely use Clinch Charms through the World-Holding Silk. Bought a second time, the Lunar increases its Soak and Health Levels again, this time by wan ammount equal to his Willpower. Webs are part of the character, and take damage as creatures, not objects.
  • Spiderling's Dance The Weaver moves with the webs as if he was a young spider, scurrying to and fro on the web at chilling speeds! The Lunar's movement rate when moving up or down with his webs, or using them to travel horizontally is doubled. A second purchase triples this movement.
  • Silken Torrent Normally, the Lunar can only produce one strand at a time, and it would take him hours to produce enough strands to fully seal a passageway. But with Silken Torrent, all the Lunar has to do is spend 5 motes to create enough strands to cover an area equal to (the Lunar's Essence x5) yards in radius. However, this is draining of the Lunar's body - when doing such efforts, the Lunar must make a Fatigue test, with a difficulty equal to the number of times Silken Torrent was used in this scene, in addition to any other.

Sapphire Strands Mastery
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Dexterity: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Moonlight Weaver Attittude
Attaining the Sapphire Strands Mastery, the webs woven by the Lunar become like the strands of Luna's own hair, immaculate and supernatural, imbued with the divinity of an Incarna. As long as this Charm is mantained, the only way to break through his webbing or to escape being clinched in them is to use appropriate supernatural effects such as Charms - no mundane power will be of any avail. Any Essence-powered effect is supernatural, but some innate ones might count, at the Storyteller's discretion.

Weaving the Invisible Labyrinth
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Dexterity: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Moonlight Weaver Attittude
With Weaving the Invisible Labyrinth, the Lunar can spin webs so fine they disappear from the sight of men, invisible to the naked eye and revealed only by pale moonlight shining upon virgin waters. Only those who can perceive immaterial beings are able perceive the webs. Those who rely only on their mundane senses are unable to roll to perceive them, no matter how high their Awareness.

Soaring Lord Attittude
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Dexterity: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None
Lunars who specialize in spreading wings and taking flight, in using the shape of a thousand birds and all other beings that make the sky their home with great wings on their backs can learn to use those new limbs in many different ways. This Charm enhances the Wings Mutation, and may be purchased a number of times equal to half the Lunar's Essence, rounded up. Each time this Charm is purchased the Lunar gains an Edge, a different technique for his might wings!

  • Unfurling Feathered Aegis The Lunar's wings move as shields around the Lunar, jealously protecting their master! The Lunar's Wings, when unfurled, act as shields, giving a Cover Difficulty to all attacks against the Lunar equal to half his Essence score, rounded up.
  • Flight of Icarus The Lunar may raise as far and fast as the being who once dared to try and touch the Unconquered Sun! This Edge doubles the Lunar's ascending speed with his wings, but not his traveling speed or his diving speed.
  • Storm Serpent's Flight The Lunar's wings flow through the sky, and beat through any wings that try to bar its path! With this Edge, the Lunar cannot be swayed by normal weather conditions that try to push him out of the air, no matter how severe. Supernatural weather conditions instead receive a difficulty to their attempt(or a number of automatic successes if the Lunar is the one to roll) equal to the Lunar's Essence.
  • Geese Flies Home This Edge allows the Lunar to fly like a great migratory bird, forever towards the horizon and his destination! The Lunar doubles the ammount of time that passes between Fatigue rolls in extended flight situations and the penalties for their failture as long as he is flying, and may ignore up to half his Essence(rounded up) in assorted fatigue penalties in the air.
  • Dragonfly Cuts the Air The Lunar darts through the air with the speed of the fastest insect, of a diving hawk! This Edge doubles the Lunar's straight flight speed for a scene for the cost of 1 willpower; However, at the end of the Scene the Lunar must roll his fatigue at a difficulty equal to his Essence.
  • Emerald Falcon Dive The Lunar can dive faster and better than any hawk towards his prey! The Lunar with this edge will never need to roll to pull out of dives, and any character trying to defend against his dives or strike the Lunar as he dives is at +1 difficulty.

Unfurling Moonsilver Hawk
Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: One Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Dexterity: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Soaring Lord Attittude
The Lunar unfurls two great wings of Moonsilver from his back, distilling his Essence upon them. So full they are of the Essence of Change that they shift the currents of the air about them, creating whirlpools, burning and chilling the air all at once. So powerful they are, that they throw the Lunar high as a mountain with a single flap. So mighty, that they may allow the Lunar to traverse Creation in the blink of an eye. The wings are so powerful that they allow the Lunar to move at a speed of 700 miles per hour. The Lunar may carry as much as he usually can, but such objects are not protected from the rigors of traveling at such speed. The Wings are so great, and the disturbances around them so profound that they add half his Essence(rounded down) in difficulty to hit the Lunar, and may be used as Natural Weapons with speed +10, Accuracy +2, Damage +12L, Defense +3 and Rate 2.

Celestial Exhalation Prana
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None
Lunars may shift the alchemy of their bodies, through stages of red and green, raining fire or poison upon their foes! Those who use the flames within their bodies as their weapon can learn a myriad of techniques that turn their exhalation in something that rival the breath of the mighty dragons themselves! This charm enhances the Dragon's Breath Mutation. This Charm may be purchased multiple times, up to the Lunar's Essence. Every time it is purchased, the Lunar chooses one Edge of the list below.

  • Maw of Shooting Stars The Lunar's deadly breath comes like shooting stars, crossing the heavens to strike at the earth! Every time this Edge is purchased, the Lunar increases the maximum reach of his Dragon's Breath by (his Essence x10) yards.
  • Hunting Dragon Attitude With this Edge, the Lunar learns to hunt like a dragon, his breath coming as perfect in purpose as his own claws! The Dragon Breath receives an Accuracy rating equal to the Lunar's Essence.
  • Hatchling Grows Forever By doubling its cost, the Lunar makes his Dragon's Breath spreads like a cone, widening up to (the Lunar's Stamina x5) yards. The Dragon's Breath attack strikes against any targets within this area, a single attack roll which is applied to all targets.
  • Terrifying Saliva By filling his mouth with the Dragon's Breath for the cost of 1 mote, puffing clouds of brimstone or drip burning venom, making his speech more intense and radiating menace. This gives a 3-dice bonus to the character's intimidation attempts.
  • Heart of the Burning Dragon The Dragon's Breath burn with the power of the Celestial Exaltation, the heart of a Celestial Dragon fueling its burning wrath upon his enemies! This Edge doubles the Lunar's Essence when calculating the damage of the Dragon's Breath.

It is worth noting that, despite the fact the Dragon Breath may only be used once every other turn, Extra Action Charms may be used to use it multiple times on a turn where it could be used once, and that a Lunar, or any other type of Essence-channeler, can pay 2 motes instead of 1 willpower when using this Mutation.

Draconic Kaleidoscope Prana
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Stamina: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Exhalation Prana
Dragon's Breath is a weapon of Essence, burning and bright. Of all weapons in the Lunar's arsenal, it is the most elemental in nature, pure Essence flavored with the Lunar's element of choice. This nature is weak, however, as it remains a weapon of raw Essence that merely takes an elemental shape. However, powerful Lunars can understand the kaleidoscope of powers on Creation and make their Dragon's Breath into a deeply elemental weapon! This Charm may be purchased only once for each iteration of Dragon's Breath the character possesses. As the Lunar purchases this Charm, he chooses one Element to attach to the Dragon's Breath. Each Element gives the Breath different abilities, described below.

  • Air: Pushes enemies afar with frozen wings or lighting! Triple the knockback upon enemies!
  • Earth: Cuts like diamond shards or flesh-ripping quicksand! The breath becomes Piercing.
  • Fire: Burns to the bone! Deals Heroic Damage, doubling all 10s rolled on Damage Rolls.
  • Water: Sends a torrent of destruction! Deals Bashing damage, but subtract the Lunar's Essence from enemy Dodges and Parries.
  • Wood: Drips acid! Every 3 points of raw damage subtract 1 from the Soak of mundane armor. It can be fixed normally with a repair roll, but if its soak ever reaches 0, the armor is utterly corroded into liquid, and has to be made anew. Those struck must also soak dice of damage equal to half the Lunar's Essence(rounded up) for a number of turns equal to the Lunar's Stamina.