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She grew up among these scavengers. While they had permanent residence, they scavenged all they had from other barbarians, other civilized villages, or from passing caravans. They had two “camps” the Summer Camp that was located at the base of the mountain range, and the Winter Camp located deep in the mountains sheltered from the chill winds and coincidently the sun most of the time. Winter was the last daughter of the two pack elders. She was the last in a long line of children. All her older siblings were older and starting their own line by the time she was born. She was named “The Last Hope of Winter” upon birth to symbolize that she was the last, and that she was born in the last stages of winter, also that she was born white as the snow around them. She was a cherished child, not only because of her good looks, or because she was the last. This all helped. But she was well taken care of because of her Sun allergy. It didn’t take long to realize she had such an allergy. Within the first few months after she was born, and her parents took her outside often to be flaunted among the pack, they realized she burned easily, did not tan, and instead the sun only cost their beautiful child more pain. They were careful to keep her indoors while the sun was out. And only brought her out at night. Others among the pack used to whisper horrible rumors that the child was such a wicked abomination that even the Sun himself couldn’t stand the sight of her. She grew up happy, and well protected. She would often spend much time in their winter camp and live there while others would still be in the summer camp. Growing older she charmed many men in the pack. They would lavish her with attention. She also grew quite good at distracting caravan drivers, barbarian leaders, and town guards, while her pack raided and stole anything of use from them. She wasn’t as proficient at sneaking by others, since being all white made her stick out, but when she was caught she was proficient enough to convey with body motions how ‘very sorry she was, and how willing she was to make it up to them’. When old enough she began to dread the thought of having to settle down. Among her people they mated for life, and staying away from your mate wasn’t looked well upon. She had been fond of several boys in the pack but was unwilling to mate.

It was at this time in her life that the Alchemicals came. The makhina men came in winter, when they had the least defenses up because, who attacks during winter? They began to shackle those they could catch, and injured the ones they couldn’t catch immediately. Most ran and hid, but were found soon after. Winter hid among the ruined rumble of her home and prayed to anyone that she wouldn’t be found. “Please, anyone, anything. Hear my prayers… Please don’t let them find me. I don’t want to be taken. Please protect me. Please keep me hidden.” She heard the screams of her mother as another makhina man took her away. Winter’s pleas were heard, she was not found as she heard her father protesting loudly as they took him away to be shackled, more and more were screaming and yelling. And finally there was silence. She emerged from her hiding space glowing silver, and everything around her looked warped as though it’d been sitting out far too long in the chill night air. A beautiful voice came to her then as she looked around at the devastation brought to her people.
“Makes you angry, doesn’t it?” said the voice.
“Yes.” Spoke Winter defiantly.
“Makes you wish you had the power to strike back at them, doesn’t it?” the voice whispered on.
“Yes.” Winter almost screamed.
“Then have it, my chosen. Then walk on, give it back to them. I have given you power to use your inner strength. With my love, my blessing, my power in my name, strike back at the enemies of the Lunars.”
“I will.” Winter spoke loudly. She kicked down what little remained of her parent’s homestead and was welcomed by a small flood of bats emerging from the dark area under the smallish building. Catching one, she viciously ripped off it’s head and splattered herself with the blood.
The next morning she woke alone, in the rubble of her village. She searched for survivors, but none were found. She traveled down to the Summer Camp, found only the very young and the very old there. She sat down with them and told them of what happened. Told them that the Winter Camp isn’t safe yet, for them to stay in the summer camp for a while. That she’d be back. She left that night to find someone else who knew what she was. To find someone to know who she was to be, and more about the Makhina men.