User:StarHawk/Healing Times
||Health Level||Mortal Time||Normal Time||With Charm*||Lunar Time***||Lunar Time 2****|| ||Any Bashing||12 hrs rest per level||3 hrs rest per level||13 mins rest per level||3 sec per level||3 sec for all level|| ||-0 L||1 day rest||6 hrs rest||36 mins rest||1 hr||3 sec|| ||-1 L||7 days rest||2 days rest||4 hrs 28 mins rest||1 hr||3 sec|| ||-2 L||14 days rest**||4 days rest||9 hrs 36 mins rest||1 hr||3 sec|| ||-4 L(incap)||28 days rest**||7 days rest||16 hrs 40 mins rest||1 hr||3 sec|| ||||||||||||Aggravated heales just like lethal but can't be healed magically.||
(*)Charm being the solar charm "Body Mending Meditation" or the Abyssal charm that's exactly the same.
(**)cannot be healed without rest.
(***) Lunar DBT gift Resiliancy of Nature
(****) Lunar DBT gift Knitting Wounds or whatever it is.
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