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Solar Medicine

Touch of Blissful Release
Cost: 1m
Mins: Medicine 2, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, touch
Duration: Solar's Essence in hours
Prerequisites: any Medicine Excellency

Those who serve the Solars faithfully need know no pain. This charm gives the target a mild
euphoria that cancels out up to three points of penalties from wounds, disease, sickness,
fatigue or crippling effects. Effect lingers for 5 minutes after duration expires. This
effect is not physically addictive to the target.

Contagion Curing Touch
Cost: 1m
Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, touch
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: any Medicine Excellency

Tie a Solar Medic and a dying man together and cast them into the sea-still the Solar will
save their patient. This charm supplements attempts to treat patients with less than the best
best tools. The Lawgiver uses a variety of medical shortcuts to treat a patient without medicine,
tools, or facilities. All such penalties are ignored and instead the solar gains an equipment
bonus equal to their essence. If bonuses exist that beat this than those can be used instead.

Wound Mending Care Technique
Cost: 2m
Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, touch
Duration: one day
Prerequisites: any Medicine Excellency

Solar physicians can speed a patient's recovery from even the most terrible wounds. This charm
supplements a Lawgivers attempt to provide intensive medical care and surgical correction.
The Solar takes the same hour per roll and rolls Intelligence + Medicine like any normal doctor.
This charm however replaces the normal benefits of medical care. The patient may downgrade one
lethal wound per success, If the patient can spend a day resting under at least some supervision
of the solar (even at a remove) than they may downgrade more wound levels equal to Solar's
Essence,this can include lethal wounds that used to be aggravated. Only one Intensive care
roll may be attempted per day, whether magical or mundane.

Anointment of Miraculous Health
Cost: 2m
Mins: Medicine 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, obvious, touch
Duration: indefinate
Prerequisites: Wound Mending Care Technique

The Essence of the Solar Exalted fills others with new life. The Solar adds a number of extra
health levels onto the target equal to the healers essence score. These levels are the first
to be damaged next. The levels remain as long as the solar commits motes to the charm. When
the Solar cancels the charm the health levels, and any damage that might be on them, fade with
no ill effect. (ie the wounds are passed back onto the patient. Note this will stabilize a
patient immediately , even if bleeding to death, and takes only one turn to use.

Wound Cleansing Method
Cost: -
Mins: Medicine 3, Essence 2
Type: permanent
Keywords: Combo-OK, obvious, touch
Duration: permanent
Prerequisites: Contagion Curing Touch, Wound Mending Care Technique

Great Solar healers can draw the poison from even unnatural wounds. This charm enhances the charm
Wound Mending Care Technique so that it can be used to downgrade aggravated wounds to lethal.

Flawless Diagnosis Technique
Cost: 1m
Mins: Medicine 1, Essence 1
Type: reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: instant
Prerequisites: none

The eyes of the Solar Exalted see the hidden truths of others' pains. This charm lets the Solar
automatically determine which of the target's observable traits and symptoms are medically related
This charm protects the Solar from any errors in diagnosis, even if she hasn't seen it before she
can understand the ailment enough to devise a treatment.