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Developed by an erstwhile Solar upon witnessing a Thousand Forged Dragon's swath of destruction this Martial Art arms and armors the martial artist as the weapon he emulates.

Does not work with weapons or armor. Image by RazorWolf

Burnished Orichalcum Scales

 Cost: 10m
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Ability: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: None	

By surrounding his body with essence the Exalt gains for a moment the toughness of a Thousand Forged Dragon. This charm increases the characters soak by 30B/30L and also gives him a hardness equal to half his total soak.

Crushing Jade Talons

 Cost: 10m
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Ability: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: None

Wrapping his hands in coruscating multi-hued essence the exalt may greatly increase his attack. The next attack the Exalt makes is considered both lethal and piercing and gains a number of extra damage dice equal to his martial arts. Furthermore for the effects of determing knockback and stun this attack is twice as potent.

Falling Heavens Strike

 Cost: 10m
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Ability: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: None

Launching himself high into the air an Exalt strikes with the speed of the stars and the savage nature of the moon. Upon activating this charm the Exalt may cover his Str x 10 yards and strike. The strike made is of such a nature as to be unblockable and is so potent that it deals double the rolled damage.

Thousand Forged Dragon Form

 Cost: 15m
 Duration: Scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Ability: 5
 Minimum Essence: 5
 Prerequisite Charms:Falling Heavens Strike, Crushing Jade talons, Burnished Orichalcum Scales.

Sinking down into a folded postion with his head bowed the Exalt channels fiery Essence from his surroundings before unfolding from his resting posture blazing with power. Upon adopting this Form an Exalt becomes armed as the weapon he emulates. His hands strike as daiklaves and his skin is as hard as the heaviest of armors. Further he continues to draw essence from the world at a rapid rate, hungrily devouring the geomantic flows of the area. This Charm adds 15B/15L to the Martial Artists soaks, doubles his rolled damage and all attacks he makes are considered Lethal and Piercing. In addition Exalt may regain a number of motes of Essence equal to his Martial Arts + Essence Reflexively once per round, as he draws upon the local essence flows.

Hulking Dragon Fist

 Cost: 15m 1w
 Duration: One Turn
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Ability: 6
 Minimum Essence: 6
 Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Forged Dragon Form

By gathering Essence into a roaring dragon shaped vortex around his striking limbs an Exalt may further increase his devastating power. For the remainder of the turn his bare hadned attacks deal Aggravated damage and have the following stats Spd +5 Acc +5 Dmg +5 Def +5 Rate 6.

Roaring Dragon Maw

 Cost: 20m 1w
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Ability: 6
 Minimum Essence: 7
 Prerequisite Charms: Hulking Dragon Fist

Gathering a great amount of Essence into his hands the Exalt releases it with a single strike harming those near his chosen foe. This attack does not affect the initial target any more or less than a normal strike. However, all withing a number of yards equal to the Martial Artists Essence score must soak half the raw damage of the original attack. This is only avoidable by Perfect Defenses.

Endless Dragon Storm

 Cost: 25m / turn, 1w
 Duration: Special
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Ability: 7
 Minimum Essence: 7
 Prerequisite Charms: Roaring Dragon Maw

With rapid and elaborate movements reminiscent of Sorcerous Shapings the Martial Artist gathers around himself an ever increasing amount of Essence. When the chosen moment arrives he strikes suddenly and fearlessly releasing the Essence upon his foes. For every round spent using a Simple Action to pour motes into this Charm the Exalt builds a Raw Damage Pool equal to his Martial Arts + Essence Score. Upon gathering a sufficiently large sum of damage the Exalt spends one final Simple Action to release the stored Essence. The act of gathering and releasing the Essence is treated much like Sorcery, it is his full action for the round, and also counts as his charm use. Upon releasing the Essence the Raw Damage Pool is dealt to those within one yard of the Exalt, for every yard beyond the first the damage is reduced by one. All damage done is Lethal, can be neither blocked nor parried except by charms allowing such insane abilities. In the result of the interruption of the Martial Artist all the Raw Damage is released on the Initiative of the interruption and the Martial Artist must attempt to soak the full amount in addition to the normal effects.

Thousand Forged Armor

 Cost: 15m, 1w
 Duration: One Turn
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Ability: 6
 Minimum Essence: 6
 Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Forged Dragon Form

By focusing more Essence into his body the Martial Artist may gain the toughness of the weapon he seeks to emulate. For one turn the Exalt gains Hardness equal to his full soak, may soak aggravated damage as lethal, and ignores all effects which reduce his soak's protection.

Sheltering Serpent Coils

 Cost: 20m, 1w
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Ability: 6
 Minimum Essence: 7
 Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Forged Armor

With powerful sweeping gestures an Exalt may shield any one chosen person or item that is no larger than his Essence in yards in any one direction, and also within reach. This charm grants the target the same Soak, Hardness and resilience of the Martial Artist while leaving the Martial Artist himself unharmed.

Eternal Dragon Body

 Cost: 25m / turn, 1w
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Ability: 7
 Minimum Essence: 7
 Prerequisite Charms: Sheltering Serpent Coils

Gathering massive amounts of Essence into his defiant form the Exalt may resist any attack completely. He will not be harmed, moved, or subject to any penalties nor deleterious effects. Shrouded in a corona of draconic power even the ground he stands upon is as immune as he is. With this charm the Martial Artist perfectly soaks/resists/endures any attack/charm/sorcery/wyld effect, and likewise provides this same protection to anything he stands upon or shelters in his embrace. This is a Perfect Soak with Applicability, it explicitly resists "soul's falling off" and "you die" type attacks, extending this to anything bathed in his anima display.


My attempt at building a Solar appropriate Sidereal Martial Art. Any tips and suggestions would be highly welcome.